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    Orange County NY
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    M20R Ovation
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  1. This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  2. Flying a Mooney Ovation is a great experience. I am blessed to be part of the Mooney Community! This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  3. @hubcap Honestly its really about the same. The graphics are better with the Garmin but I think that the HDX is more user friendly and has hard keys. But all the Garmin that I have is enable to fly with now that I am use to it.
  4. I just Love this Bird! This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  5. If anyone has any question you can E-Mail me at PilotFun101@gmail.com. Some people are complaining about the links I usually post for easy information. If you would like Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Took Joe to Blairstown for some breakfast. Sorry for any language I might have missed editing this video Mooney is flying great! I just love this bird. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101
  6. I only put the links in the bottom of the video because a lot of fellow Mooney Pilots always ask what I have in the panel and what I use. So instead of always emailing or messaging the same thing with the links I decided a while back to just add what I use and the links so other pilots can hit the link and look around on what best suits them and their mission. I don't mind taking on emails which I still get a lot of but adding the links saves a lot of time. If you guys don't want me do add the links that is not a problem at all. I am in a position to put stuff out there that can benefit this group and other pilots. That is my goal. I put way more into social media then I get out of it. Lots of work and editing goes into each video in hopes it will inspire others and help current pilots with idea's for them and their mission. I been part of Mooney Space for a while and always donated to the sites cause. It is a very helpful platform for all Mooney pilots with all of us chipping in with little information at a time to help a lot of pilots.
  7. Flying Eyes Aviation Sunglasses - https://flyingeyesoptics.com/eyewear/... USE PROMO Code pilotfun101 and receive 10% off all orders! If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtTJJvJXlnQ Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #PilotFun101 #Dynon #Mooney
  8. If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH E-Mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight to Columbia County from Orange County. Flight following out of NY. If you can get a WAAS unit it will be worth the extra money! Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #PilotFun101 #Mooney #Dynon
  9. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Great Training and Dedication will make you pass!! Trust Me! Thank you for all your support and E-mails. Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  10. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Took over 25 minuets to get my clearance at Orange County (MGJ) Frequency and phone number was down. This is my 1st Hard IFR flight to Columbia County (1B1) with no autopilot. Lots going on at once. Be ahead of your plane. I had a great learning experience on this flight. Thanks for Flying Along! If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH E-Mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... T ransponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #IFR #PilotFun101 #Mooney
  11. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight back to Orange County Airport from Columbia County Airport. Always be ahead of your plane. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #6887N #Mooney #Dynon
  12. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! My 1st flight as a instrument Rated Pilot!! I filed from Orange County to Columbia County. I want to thank all of my aviation families for your support and help. A special Thank You to Mike Ryan my instructor! He trained me to be a better and safer pilot! Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 roudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  13. If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH E-Mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun flight back to Orange County from Columbia County. Touch & Go at Orange County! Flight following out of Albany. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... AeroCreeper - https://aerocreeper.com/ Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
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