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Planegary last won the day on February 17 2019

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    Bald Knob,Ar
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  1. Was at dexter Mo about 5 weeks ago. Restaurant on the field for bkfst and lunch and 100LL was $4.55 gal. Nearby in Kennet fuel was about the same price. Both are in the boot heel of Mo
  2. Check out defuniak springs 54J. Northeast of destin. Have not been to defuniak myself but I have been to Destin numerous times for work and the stories about fees are correct. All I Am saying is to go in informed so you don’t get blindsided by fees
  3. I wonder what it would take for the company to produce stiff leg mooneys again
  4. That is kind of what I figured I just didn’t know if a normal life span of the steering truss was short due to the design or not since it looks like a concentration of weight and loading on a small component
  5. That central shaft that I was talking about is on the steering linkage not the aileron shaft. I wish that the steering linkage was field repairable with a bushing rather than have to send it in to be rebuilt
  6. I know that this is a rather open ended question but what kind of time between overhauls do you get out of the nose wheel steering linkage last? 1000 hrs? 1500 hrs? 2000 hrs? 2500 hrs? I woas looking at how small the structure and began thinking about the loads on the steering and began wondering
  7. I wish that central shaft was repairable with a bushing replacement rather than send the unit in for overhaul. It would make the component much more field serviceable
  8. Thanks. I was just assuming absolute worst case scenario to mentally prepare myself for whenever this does happen. Did they tell you the turn around time for overhaul of the steering horn?
  9. I was talking about the steering horn assembly. Sorry for not identifying it properly. I guess my best bet is to start looking at salvage yards and hope I come across one of the lazar improved assemblies before I have to have one
  10. To think further along in this vein whatever happened to the lazar improved steering knuckle setups. I don’t see them for sale on the website anymore. Do you send in your old one to have it rebuilt or is it just a pause in manufacturing for the improved one or does anybody know anything for sure? I’m sure in another couple of years I will need one of them and I am just trying to think ahead
  11. I was thinking about how to repair something rather than throw something away since it looks like the part should have been an easy to replace component and not discard and replace the entire component much like the tie rods on a car. Just kinda thinking on print here
  12. Doing my annual my mechanic told me that it looks like next year I will need a aileron link on the left side due to the heim joint starting to show a little slack. In looking at them I see that they are not replaceable on the tube and that you have to replace the entire tube. Is there any repair to put a new joint into the tube? Is there any type of long term repair other than install a used unit? It seems that a nut could be welded onto the tube to provide threads for the female heim joint to screw into to be a more permanent fix. I’m sure I’m not thinking this out well enough but it seems there must be a long term repair
  13. Thanks John, right now i have to determine is it the senders the gauges or the wiring or maybe the ground or contact point for the sending unit these questions should be answered this week during the annual. The gauges are working and indicating just not as well as i would like and i would prefer them to be more accurate.The one I cleaned the other day has been a LOT better so right now only one to focus on
  14. Did the cleaning. One of the gauges work much more accurately. The other was no change so I got A 50% success rate out of it
  15. Thanks I will do that today hope it helps
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