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About ToddCC22

  • Birthday October 20

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    Mooresville, NC
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  • Model
    M20K 252/encore

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  1. Actually happened after my Team Penske days. Was an MRN radio trip I schedule myself. Told them it just came out of annual and I inspect that tube every time I’m at an FBO. They agreed to take care of it at that point.
  2. New truss from the factory for my K model last summer was just under 3AMU. Had an FBO damage mine and found it before takeoff. Had them get with Paul Maxwell to get the new part. FBO covered the repairs.
  3. I printed it in PLA and attached it with 3M double sided adhesive tape. Sits above the heat duct and the heat flows under it.
  4. From what I was told the 252/Encore cowl mold was lost in one of the Mooney shutdowns. It was at an outside vendors location since the Encore cowl was Carbon fiber and that business closed and liquidated during the shutdown.
  5. Might be worth a check for water in the oil while the cowl is off. I would think it would be the first thing out of the quick drain if there is any. If oil temp isn’t getting high enough in flight, condensation doesn’t get removed and the oil/water mix can reduce pressure. Just an uneducated thought…….
  6. I had my last annual done at AGL and couldn’t be more impressed with their work and knowledge. They stay busy so look up the website and give Tamara a call to schedule. https://www.aglaviation.com/agl-home
  7. 156.7 so far…..still got 6 days of flying to go! my photography skills don’t compare to those above!
  8. I think this is what you were referring to. Jewell Aviation in MO. They did mine just before I took delivery from Maxwell.
  9. I would think @Cody Stallingswould be a good person to reach out to. He owns a propeller service business and is the resident prop expert here.
  10. As an Encore owner myself, Gmax has one for sale that looks to fit your mission. If your willing to wear O2, it should be capable of 180 kts TAS on 10 gal/hr in the low flight levels that is really useful on ~3 hr trips. At that burn rate, fuel load takes up less of your 1070# useful load. https://www.gmaxamericanaircraft.com/inventory/?/listing/for-sale/208455961/1988-mooney-m20k-encore-piston-single-aircraft?dlr=1&dscompanyid=6946&settingscrmid=614667
  11. May I suggest a M20K 252 for your mission. It’s very capable and as @gsxrpilotis doing, when the motor comes up for rebuild, and the kids are getting larger, you can get the motor and landing gear upgraded to an Encore conversion and get another ~200# useful load. I bought mine as a fresh conversion from Maxwell Aviation with a useful load of just over 1100# and just flew a 600nm trip with my wife and teenage kids in 3:45 on 44 gal of 100ll.
  12. I 3D printed mine. Came in just under 8 oz and holds my IPad when it doesn’t have drinks in it. Heat vent exits below it. Mooney Cup Holder with ipad 3.25 scalloped front angled v3.stl
  13. Likewise I had a great experience with Schemedesigners. Worth every bit of their fee. They worked great with Aerosmith in Longview TX to get my K done just the way I wanted.
  14. What are the thoughts if putting a Continental CD-265 on the current airframe became a factory option?
  15. As someone that was recently in your position, my path was to buy a Cherokee 180 to get me thru my IFR rating and log my first 275 hours. Then I bought my M20K and love it. Learning and building confidence in a slower, less complex airplane to me was a good transition to the Mooney. My insurance quote for the Mooney was noticeably cheaper after 300 hours. Like mentioned above be aware of always having another option in Go/ No Go situations, so you can make good choices. Good luck on your venture!
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