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Bob R

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About Bob R

  • Birthday March 3

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    Sacramento, Commyfornia
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  1. Forgot to tell you, look in the download section as there are schematics.
  2. I've been all through mine and they are pretty simple, differential vacuum system. More than likely, one of the boots (actuators) is torn in the wing or needs to be resealed with electrical tape of all things. Could be a couple of other things as well like the TC, vacuum hoses, poly lines, pilot valve.I have a freshly rebuilt pilot valve it it turns out to be that and also have the poly line and connectors which are readily available through a Parker dealer. Just don't tell them it's for an airplane. Where is the gyro located for the TC? On the TC or remote?
  3. After you get the pin in, safety wire it. It will stay in and do the safety wire properly and you’ll never see it.
  4. Replacing the old yokes with the newer version will permanently comply with the AD. I did mine about a year ago. Lasar had one and ordered the other which took about 4 months as it had to be manufactured by Mooney. I hear they are currently not available to be ordered. BTW, Top Gun did not have them as well.
  5. They are not required. I have the pilot side yoke, disengagement button, pilot control valve(very recently overhauled), tubing and hardware. It’s a pretty simple system and works well keeping the wings level.
  6. I just went to a local bone yard, Faeth Air to be exact in Sacramento. Almost all flap actuators have the same 20:1 gear set in them as the Mooney actuator Jack screw. The issue will be setting them up. While I did do this one year, I’m so happy I decided to do the gear change with the exception of robbing a bank to pay for it. The gear is so smooth and none of that abruptness.
  7. You can get them through Lasar and other Mooney dealers. Send them the whole Jack screw assembly and they will set the gears up. There is some shimming involved much line a ring and pinion in a car rear end. Bob
  8. Hey all, Does anyone know if the GFC500 can use my existing electric Aerotrim trim as opposed to having to purchase the trim option for an additional $2500?
  9. Yes he is. He rebuilt my TC 100 and my pilot control valve.
  10. $1000 each or so for the shafts. Found a nice pair of J control wheels for $450.
  11. Interested to hear about this as well. Garmin Pilot has this feature but never even thought of using it.
  12. Do any of you who what replaced your AeroTrim STC'ed trim with autopilot servo have this electric trim motor mount laying around? I do not need one but @JoeM is looking for one. He just order some new sprockets for the motor if anyone needs one.
  13. Lasar had one but the pilot side lead time was 8-12 weeks. It took about 15 weeks to receive it. Have to say that after actually seeing the difference in shaft thickness, I was happy I retired this AD.
  14. If you are interested, I have 2 pilot side yokes I am interested in parting with. Both are freshly powder coated in the off-white. If interested, make me an offer and I can send you pics.
  15. If you happen to possess the Aerotriminc STC unit that was maybe installed before the KAP system, I know someone looking for the motor, sprocket and motor bracket.
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