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  1. Will do soon
  2. Thanks for the kind words, Chris! Almost 3-years later than your visit to my hangar and flight around the area. I've been hoping to make the flight east to visit your part of the country and see the airplane you ended up buying.....sounds like you've added a real nice panel! (have you added the scimitar prop on yours yet? it took a few landings to get accustomed to it....it doesn't want to slow down with this prop). I'm glad I was able to enjoy my airplane these past several years!
  3. Well the time has come to sell my Mooney M20C. This is a VERY clean airplane….truly one of the nicest C models you’ll find! Low airframe time, NDH, mid-time engine, very nice panel. 1966 Mooney M20C For Sale 3293 TTAF 1160 SMOH New Scimitar prop/gov (no AD) 75 SNEW 2/2025 Annual inspection Recent New avionics include: GNX375 (Nav-WAAS/adsb-in-out) LPV appch Weather Transponder Traffic Bluetooth to your iPad Garmin 225 com Garmin audio panel 345 4 pl Intercom KX170B nav 2 ILS capable / glide slope KN 64 dme Co-Pilot PTT Mooney PC system / wing leveler New metal instrument panel V nice paint Many mods— -Cowl closure -brake disc reverse -New Scimitar prop/gov (no AD) ----- 75 SNEW -Flap gap seals -alternator conversion -newer battery -LED wingtip lights, tail light, ldg light and strobe/beacon -power flow exhaust (creates up to + 10% more power) -Electronics International fuel flow/totalizer Total fuel / gph / fuel remaining -EI egt/cylinder head temp/OAT -EI Volts / AMPs -One piece windshield -Minnesota-Wisconsin-Az airplane -Mooney Specialist maintained -Bruce’s engine cover -Tanis engine heater -NO known damage -More! My Mooney (66 C model) got its real makeover about 12 Years ago. Very nice paint; v nice interior; engine oh’d in ‘08 / ‘09; recent new scimitar prop. Several mods including: Power Flo exhaust (+ 10 horsepower) so it’s a bit faster than a lot of C’s1 Asking $ 93k -- Let's discuss! If you have a C140 or a Champ/Luscombe, etc. we can work something out
  4. What prop options are there for vintage Mooney’s?
  5. My dad and a few guys owned a wood wing Mooney back in about 1964/65 along with a ‘59 C150. I remember flying with his instructor to STP and having lunch in the restaurant located in the tower. (I was 9 or 10 years old) That building still exists, with a GREAT restaurant; tho the tower has been relocated a few hundred yards away. I’ll find my dads logbook and try to ID the Mooney #
  6. It may be as simple as leaning it out (significantly) immediately after start-up and while operating on the ground….
  7. Congrats Troy! Keep working and on to the next….complex?
  8. Wow, indeed! I paused the video just prior to the first failure then slowly (almost frame-by-frame) moved the video forward as each gyration and failure occurred. Even though I knew the pilot ejected I felt myself tense until the frame(s) when the ejection occurred. @Hank your description tells us a lot….revisits the discussions of this accident weeks ago.
  9. Just happened to me! At 4500’ and it was quite the loud “crack” sound; and noticed sudden change in pressure in cabin. in fact I thought the crack sound came from below / right (I was thinking exhaust or a gear door or something like that). I proceeded, monitoring temps and pressure(s)….engine continued smooth operation. When I landed I noticed the vent door bent all the way back. Got back to my home base and my A&P is a Mooney guy and just happened to have the correct cable on hand. (Thanks Nick!)
  10. Please let those of us who lust after her know if she makes it to Europe or US…or wherever!
  11. http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2021/08/mooney-m20m-257-tls-bravo-n9156z-fatal.html
  12. Precisely! I have not had a chance to review 1980Mooney ADSB info yet but I’ll bet much is revealed! There was an early comment within this string that stated pilot was not Instr rated but not hearing nor seeing that any longer. Do we have any confirmation?
  13. “I completely agree Anthony. However, I remember reading somewhere that the up and down drafts in a tstorm can cause virtually instantaneous changes in the airspeed that the wing experiences. In other words, the aircraft may be traveling horizontally at Vne, but is struck by up or down drafts many times that speed, which means the wing is well over Vne. Especially so in the “sheer wall” between where the storm is sucking up warm moist air, and where it is dumping down cold air and rain.” pilots unfamiliar with flying in unpredictable, turbulent air mass instinctively engage autopilot when they sense trouble. The is precisely the opposite action one should take. We flew thunderstorm research in the late 80’s / early 90’s. We ALWAYS hand flew the aircraft and allowed the up and downdraft to take us. I suspect we all know it doesn’t take a significant storm + autopilot engaged at the wrong time, to break things. Very curious to learn how the horizontal stab and elevator failure occurred. ”there but for the grace of God”
  14. Parts of horizontal stabilizer and elevators were found 2 blocks to the south of resting place
  15. Or, a pilot who engages autopilot “after” he has lost control; and the autopilot over stresses tail section….?
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