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    2000 M20R

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  1. I have used both custom ducts and geebee. Nothing wrong with custom ducts - the product is exactly as they say. But I think Geebee's are a bit better quality and I prefer them (also I like the black look). Also ship fast.
  2. I'm struggling to visualize what we are looking at but that doesn't look normal to me. Why is colors and textured like that? Are those repairs or paint or something? My oviation is a 2000. Last year we noted exhaust leaking from the slip joints No cracks. No pitting. Certainly no worn through holes like that. Just generally worn and not sealing tightly anymore. Replaced the whole thing with an overhaul from AWI.
  3. I'll have to check my paperwork but I'm 95% sure that's what CAV told me to do. Leave it alone and replace it on condition when you get a high pressure alarm. Otherwise, the filter is working fine and its better not to touch it.
  4. Microsoft Word - 2A3.doc Page 45 302. Batteries (a) Gill, (Teledyne) G-243 (2 required) 29.5 lb. (ea.) +146.0 (b) Concorde, RG24-11M or -15 (2 required) 26.5 lb. (Ea.) +146.0
  5. You could call the manufacturer of the charger you want to use, but anything labeled 24V should be fine. A "12V" system charges at 14ish volts and a 24V system charges at 28ish volts. Things labeled for use on 12/24V systems would typically be able accept more than the expected charging values. A 12/24V rating in marketing materials is not necessarily a tech spec for maximum input voltage.
  6. I was also missing some. Bought a couple NOS switches from eBay and took them from there. Easy peasy.
  7. I don't have a YD but I had all mine replaced. Did not see a bill for any of it. Garmin dealer (not the original installer but now my local guy) handled it all.
  8. I'd get it done as soon as your preferred shop has a slot and access to the parts. Mine was backed up so I was on the waiting list. Then the roll servo failed on take off as I was departing on a 1000 nm trip that ended up in lots of IFR and a hand flown missed. It couldn't have been a CAVU day on a lunch trip - things seem to fail at the most inopportune time.
  9. I'll be there. I still have a Gill 7243-16 looking for a new home if any attendee needs one. It was a warranty replacement and I had already put something else in when the replacement got here. NIB.
  10. https://redlineaviation.com/ul-hand-tow-bar/
  11. https://redlineaviation.com/ul-hand-tow-bar/
  12. https://redlineaviation.com/ul-hand-tow-bar/
  13. https://redlineaviation.com/ul-hand-tow-bar/
  14. Before you jump to a starter adapter - how old is your battery? Mine did this and I started worrying about a starter adapter problem. I changed the battery instead. Problem disappeared. My assumption is that if the battery can't put out enough cranking power, it might do this.
  15. Did you get the garmin style switch to fit the yoke? I bought one but the shop had trouble getting it to fit so stuck with the old BK switch. In my case it was a KFC-225 but I'm pretty sure its the same switch.
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