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Jeff Shapiro

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  1. I'm so busy with both my aviation businesses I will not be able to make any conventions in 2021.
  2. Once again MooneySpace members were a good percentage of M20K 231 intercooler sales in 2020 and continue to keep our team busy building a great, reliable product. If you need an updated cowling sticker please request a free one through our website contact page. Thanks in advance. Jeff Shapiro Www.Turboplus.com
  3. Thank you, Steven for your order. Give us a call when you're ready to have your intercooler shipped next year.
  4. We've had a fantastic year selling Turboplus M20K 231 intercoolers. Many sold through this sight with our MooneySpace discount. At this time we are offering a $300.00 discount for kits to be delivered in 2020. Your kit must be paid in full after you sign and return our invoice and Information document. Let us know 2 weeks in advance when you would like your kit shipped. We highly recommend the Merlyn wastegate with the intercooler installation. You may ask for an invoice through our website contact page. Please mention the $300 Mooneyspace discount approved by Jeff. www.turboplus.com
  5. The speeds quoted are either from the FAA certification flight test or customer letters as seen on our Turboplus website Mooney page. I'm very happy to hear you agree the Turboplus intercooler is a must have for the M20K 231.
  6. Article from Aviation Consumer Magazine August 2019 Perhaps the most desirable mod for a 231 that makes it more like a 252 is an intercooler. One system— the Turboplus—has been highly recommended by M20K owners and it comes from Turboplus Aircraft Systems in Gig Harbor, Washington. Turboplus says it was the first company to bring intercooling for GA singles and twins in the early 1980s and there are thousands of Turboplus intercoolers and induction systems in use today. The company says its M20K intercooler kit can yield a max speed of 241 MPH at 24,000 feet, and 170 knots true airspeed at 10,000 feet and 65 percent power, with the added benefit of lower cylinder head temperatures. The STC’d kit for the Mooney M20K is $5995 and the estimated installation labor is around 18 hours. “My conclusion is that the Turboplus intercooler provides much improved intake manifold cooling and an increase of 3 inches in available manifold pressure at altitudes above the 13,500-foot critical altitude, while providing significant performance benefits across the board to the hot-running, non-intercooled engine in the 231 M20K,” reader Geoff Lee said of the system. He’s documented the installation in a well-written tech guide that’s available at themooneyflyer.com/issues/2019-MayTMF.pdf . That’s a link to The Mooney Flyer www.themooneyflyer.com , the official magazine of the Mooney community.
  7. Thanks, John. All of our Mooney customers seem to be very pleased with the intercooler system. Maybe that's why it's our number one seller. Thank you for the response and testimonial.
  8. Please visit the Mooney page on our website, www.Turboplus.com. ALL testimonials are from the aircraft owner or pilot testing our system after the intercooler system installation. We have testimonials from around the world for many of our intercooler kit STC'd models; Piper, Cessna, Beechcraft and of course Mooney M20K 231 owners.
  9. ...In every phase of flight it is a really great improvement in performance and in cylinder temperatures! Last Year I bought a Turbo Plus intercooler kit from Jeff Shapiro for my Mooney M20K 231. First, the delivery was very fast and second he gave me a special price for me as member of MAPA. When I unpacked the kit, I was very happy about the really great quality of all the parts. Welding, tolerances and so on. I installed the kit in two days and it was a great pleasure to do. The fiberglass work at the cowling is also very easy, but needs a little bit of trim. When I had finished all that work and the final adjustment of the TCM injection system, I went flying to see what it will improve. First was, that the intake air immediately cooled down about 30 deg. Celsius in the takeoff run. I operate my Mooney from a 750 meter asphalt strip. After takeoff, in the climb it was cooling by 45 deg. Celsius and raised to 55 deg. in higher altitudes. I think the NACA duct is at the optimum position. Much better and more efficient than by the 252 model, because it gets directly cool air from the outside and not via the cylinders inside the cowling on the right side in the engine compartment. In cruise I have now much cooler cylinder head temperatures , mostly about 320 deg. Fahrenheit with 75-85 percent of power. I was flying now for approx. 9 month with the intercooler and in every phase of flight it is a really great improvement in performance and in cylinder temperatures!! So finally I think that is one of the best mods for a 231 model. Regards, Alex Haselmann D-EMLL Mooney M20K
  10. Thank you M20K Turboplus customers from Germany. Your Turboplus 231 intercooler installations show great pride in your craftsmanship. This one is a beauty.
  11. We've sold three Turboplus M20K intercooler kits to FBO's in FL over the past 8 months. Our customers were extremely pleased with the intercooler kit quality as well as the professionalism and workmanship of each installation. If you're looking for a shop to install your Turboplus intercooler kit please send me a PM or contact me through our website: www.Turboplus.com
  12. https://mooneyspace.com/uploads/monthly_2017_12/20171218_155542.jpg.1b03bc72f9925b4a23873d57fb92d46d.jpgWe are shipping intercooler kits for your M20K. Visit: Turboplus.com for a $500 December discount. If you already enjoy the added benefits of our intercooler system please visit our Pilot Testimonial and Feedback page where you can submit your experiences, which we would like to publish on our Mooney page. The quality craftsmanship shows in our employees dedication and pride.
  13. Many thanks to all new Turboplus M20K intercooler customers. Since receiving our new PMA we have shipped 18 intercooler systems worldwide. We are building another10 intercoolers right now; three take delivery in July. A big shoutout to all the FBO's who continue to recommend the Turboplus intercooler system. Thank you Merlyn Products for your support and recommending our intercooler kit to your M20K customers. We continue to offer MooneySpace discounts for our intercooler kit and three owners have taken advantage of this offer. Visit: Turboplus.com for detailed benefits of flying with Turboplus. http:// www.Turboplus.com
  14. We are shipping intercooler kits for your M20K. Visit: Turboplus.com for a $500 December discount. If you already enjoy the added benefits of our intercooler system please visit our Pilot Testimonial and Feedback page where you can submit your experiences, which we would like to publish on our Mooney page. The quality craftsmanship shows in our employees dedication and pride.
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