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DualRatedFlyer last won the day on October 24 2020

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  1. new purchase of an old aircraft from the NY area. Probably exposed to the most significant of situations you described.
  2. Probably a last resort. It may have failed on its own, or something may have made it fail.
  3. I had a cap blow in a Aeroflash power supply for the tail strobe and need a replacement. Anyone happen to have a Whelen 490TCCF or Aeroflash 152-0007 they would like to get rid of? Pictures for reference.
  4. .
  5. Did your instructor follow up this failure with a practice no-gyro approach with ATC? Thats a great get out of jail free-ish card that it seems like many IFR students arent taught (although sometimes location dictates ability). Get him to show you next time. I carry a few hundred dollar Dynon D3 digital attitude indicator https://www.dynonavionics.com/pocket-panel.php Now I have my default vacuum system, backup manifold vacuum, gtx345 to ipad AHRS, and d3 pocket panel. One thing I like about the ipad connected AHRS is that I can split the screen and have AHRS on one side and my approach plate on the other. When I take my eyes off of the panel to look down at the plates I have a tendency to induce a roll. This lets me see it immediately as I switch my vision back and forth between the panel and the ipad. Also PSA - change your dang vacuum pumps at the recommended TBO (time or hours). I teach some for APOA and it seems like every accident video they produce is about some guy with a 15 year old vacuum pump and 10000 hours on it who loses suction in IMC. Pretty sure Mike Busch says the only two things he changes on TBO are magnetos and vacuum pumps.
  6. What was the name of the shop?
  7. Correct - that was the purpose of the post.
  8. @Scott Dennstaedt do you have any insight on why the product was discontinued? What else would be a good alternative? I always found the Graphical MOS to be fairly accurate.
  9. No, that’s the graphical aviation forecast that only goes to 18hrs. The MOS graphical forecast was several days worth. Here’s what it looked like https://blog.foreflight.com/2015/08/28/gfs-mos-extended-ceiling-and-vis/ I really cant find a tool as helpful that gives such a large forecast over so many days. I am planning a flight from TX to the East Coast and cant find another product that gives that same level of easily digestible information at a glance.
  10. Foreflight customer support told me the individual airport textual MOS is still there, just not the graphical products. Can you confirm ur still getting the graphics?
  11. One of my favorite WX products is the NOAA MOS Graphics for forecasted cloud coverage and visibility here — https://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/graphics/MAV/ https://blog.foreflight.com/2015/08/28/gfs-mos-extended-ceiling-and-vis/ These products are also on the ForeFlight imagery tab and provide a greater forecast time than the default aviation forecast — which by the way has now been added to the imagery tab in foreflight and no longer requires you to generate a flight plan and pull a briefing to view. Anyway - before my trip this Thursday I was going through my standard WX products as usual. I noticed that the MOS graphics weren’t in foreflight anymore. So I went to my news.noaa website and noticed that the forecast went from Tuesday to Friday and then stopped. I emailed Foreflight support to see what’s up and they informed me that with very little notice, NOAA let them know they were canceling the MOS product starting on December 17th. Very disappointed in hearing this because it was one of my favorite “big picture” weather products. I wanted to reach out and see who else has been using this MOS Graphic product, and what do you plan on using as a go-to product now? Thanks!
  12. Strangely enough, my dad cant get factory parts for his 2005 Toyota Camry. But I be danged if those things dont still command a premium price on craigslist.
  13. Nice job! im a fan. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Sorry - was going to take it but found one from a friend.
  15. you in chrome?
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