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Shiny moose

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    Joplin MO
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  1. Sorry I been out of town, yes I still have that
  2. Its all about the density altitude! Cold and short always easier than hot high and short
  3. I have a nose gear tool, I dont mind someone borrowing it but it needs to come back to me in the same condition, within a resonable timeframe and no excuses
  4. I installed rebuilt orginals, work good just not as good as CIES i suppose
  5. I have all 4, they worked fair when removed.
  6. On my 67F that requires a alemite 3018. 6-40 threaded
  7. My sensorcon is velcro mounted to my panel, I take it with me when I fly in other peoples small airplanes.
  8. My POH 67f states gear up for climb, doesnt say anywhere to leave gear down until no usable runway if your on a 10K foot runway do you wait until your at 4K AGL before the gear goes up? How would you know where that point is. Is it 1000 feet remaining or how about 700 if your light, what about a 2500 foot strip with real trees not 50 ft make believe, when is that point of no usable runway? on a high pitch attitude can you see that runway could you identify your usable runway spot if you loose the engine during a VX climb on a 4K runway Tailwind after take off at 50 ft
  9. even though the nice little picture in the manual shows the gear down over those trees, you really need the gear up to get your climb performance.
  10. Hard to tell but, Looks like you might have a filter thats coming apart, damaged .
  11. Ha i guess your correct
  12. I would really like to own one of these, but all that wood being 65 years old and nobody making aluminuim ones
  13. When My IA started crapping out , I replaced it with a G5 and never looked back. After a year or so that single G5 turned into a G5 HSI, Garmin 530W, Stratus transponer,ADSB,SL30, PMA 8000b, GFC500 AP, and a new panel to fit it all in, electric step from takair(memeber here), and removal of the vac system . Did i think that single G5 would lead into all that? No. Would I do it again? Yes.
  14. Check you PM
  15. These are perfomance pages form the 67F and an older J , maybe they needed to get rid of the twisted wing F do to its stated highest TAS book performance. Yes the power on the F is up, but still same TAS, cant sell a airplane as the fastest when you already had one that would do it.
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