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Alain B

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Everything posted by Alain B

  1. You better send this guy a Xmas card !
  2. My very first job after schooling was in the quality assurance dept . of a very well know military avionics manufacturer . I have seen so many discrepancies and mistakes made by the production dept . over the years that i have difficulties trusting a shop that would make even a single tiny mistake. You " @#$#@ " is on the line . Would you trust a surgeon doing mistakes ? I cannot supervise a surgeon , however i can supervise a mechanic , most likely he will not like for me to look over his shoulders , so i would find one who will accept that , and answer my questions along the way .
  3. This guy should not be even allowed to drive a groceries cart .
  4. http://www.eaavideo.org/video.aspx?v=2274677932001 http://www.eaavideo.org/video.aspx?v=2534345030001 If you watch those , you get to know most of it !
  5. I have the same issue with my GF instructor . One an occasion i flew back seat on one of my GF training flight after she got her PPL , i was asking myself what this guy was doing there . He is over 1500 hres , he is trying to make it to a regional job , they keep telling him to build more time . After i had made this flight , i knew why ! LOL
  6. Why not ?
  7. Hey why dont we fly together , i will show you how to do this on floats !
  8. I am not really crazy about the calibration process , look more like a toy IMHO .
  9. That show how Cirrus owners are savvy about aviation . LOL
  10. Try this , it might work .
  11. That's your opinion , i will still get an Acclaim . By the way you are at 17000 and ISA probably +20 .
  12. Is those the same Cirrus who fly 200 knots on 16 gph ?
  13. I guess it depend who is using it !
  14. How many knots does it cost ?
  15. Don , have you had a look at the G1000Nxi ?
  16. Salut Yves , pour le moment je vais le garder a CYHU mais je vais garder l enregistrement au USA , car il va appartenir a un trust americain . On verra pour la suite . Tu y vois un probleme ? Part 2 of french course . Alain
  17. At least if i crash a Mooney , i will try not to fall in the school yard because i have control , under the chute there is ZERO control , you fall where the wind push you . IN Quebec we dont see tarmac at 180 very often , more likely it is minus 40 . Maybe , but not on 16 GPH . I have seen both and have flow both , Except the fact that Cirrus have a little bigger screen , and Cirrus has TKS level and oxygen in the display , for the rest it is pretty much the same . If they spend 3 millions on software development , i wonder where , maybe it's another marketing scam .
  18. I have flown all kind of bush plane , from Cub on floats to Twin Otter on floats , with skis in between , Beaver , Otter , Norsemen , 185 and all the rest . Including a few hundreds hours In Cirrus , not that much in Mooney M20 TN but enough to find out that Cirrus are the worst airplane as far as flying in heavy turbulence , high wind , snow storms and in convective weather . Cirrus are sold to new or little experiences pilots most of the time , or those who believe it is the IN things to possess . I want an airplane that can make things for real , not just brag about !
  19. Agreed 100% , the purpose of an airplane is to fly , all the rest is accessories .
  20. I have flown both , Cirrus and Mooney M20TN . Go fly a Cirrus , then a Mooney , you will know right away why Mooney is better > if you dont know right away , go fly a few more thousands hours and make the test again .
  21. I dont see the usefullness of A/C when you are at FL 180 and it's 20 below zero.
  22. True , but Nascar engine have micro-polished and extremely well balanced 180 degrees crankshaft , Carillo titanium connecting rods , up to .1 gram balanced piston , extra light and expensive valve train , and all kind of exotic stuffs build-in . Sure they will most likely run 500 hres at 4000 or 4500 rpm . In this rpm range they will not make more power then a regular out of the box aircraft engine and they cost as much if not more then a brand new Continental or Lycoming, who will probably run somewhere near 2000 hours . .Plus they need a radiator , have a complex and very expensive dry sump oiling system , they are not lighter. I dont see any advantage about them .
  23. A car engine running at high rpm constantly will not make 500 hours without a breakage of some sort . Look at a Nascar engine , they are extensively modified , in many cases cost more then an aircraft engine ( due to the expensive parts and modifications inside ) , have special oiling system , are maintained by top mechanics , and in some case cannot even go 500 miles without blowing up , much less 500 hours .
  24. I will stick to a Continental , or a Lycoming , or Jacobs , or P&W .......... . Leave the car engine where they belong : on the ground .
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