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jaylw314 last won the day on December 30 2021

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    KCVO, Oregon
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  1. My annual post to update insurance cost. I got a quote from Old Republic through AOPA's Assured Partners service for $2200. $1M liability with $125k hull coverage. This was after having a claim with them last year for some damage--my IA noticed on annual there was a big scratch under the right wingtip and aileron, which amounted to a $10k claim to repair (which OR was very quick to cover without hassles). For reference, I have an IR and about 500 hours, and the plane is hangared.
  2. Have you ever used it to overcome insufficient rudder authority? I've never had the opportunity or bravery to attempt that As I said, it's worth a read if you can find it
  3. Aside from the fact that this competes for one of the longer necro posts I've seen in a while, I don't understand what you mean by "most effective is the rudder." If anything, it is the least effective attitude control. In one of Barry Schiff's "The Proficient Pilot" articles (I don't know the issue, but it's in the 1980 compilation book of the same name), he suggests a modified version of the "kickout" for crosswind landings. Rather than the wings-level kickout that airliners use, he proposed a crabbed approch with a dynamic sideslip entry just before touchdown, low enough so the upwind wheel touching down interrupts the slip, and claims he landed a Cherokee 140 in 35 knot crosswinds at KSMO. While I've never attempted this IRL, I have tried it in flight sims. One point he does not mention is that the dynamic entry seems to allow for more crosswind compensation than you would normally have the rudder authority for. So while the M20J seems to run out of rudder authority for a sustained sideslip around 15-20 knots of crosswind at typical approach speeds, a dynamic entry will swing your nose around even further than that, at least for a couple seconds, during which you hopefully touch down. It's worth a read if you can find it.
  4. Do you have a link to the NTSB report for us less adept at Google-fu? TIA!
  5. If they are new sensors, that increases the probability that they are incorrectly installed or in the wrong order. Double check your FF calibration constant as well. Otherwise, the temps don't look bad.
  6. If it's not a career path, just do things at your own pace and enjoy the ride. A day in a 1970 Cherokee puttering along at 100 kts is still far better than being stuck on the ground in the office
  7. I financed with Lake Michigan Credit Union (formerly Pilot Bank of Florida) about 8 years ago at 4.0% with 15% down payment
  8. It was stated as a general caveat, not an instruction. I thought that was communicated clearly but apparently it didn't come across
  9. The HP % on the EDM 830 is just calculated from other parameters (MAP, RPM, FF, OAT). There's a HP constant in the programming menu that requires calibration for your motor, otherwise it could be completely useless. There's a section on it in the manual, but basically set 70% power in flight according to your POH, then change the HP constant until the HP % actually shows 70%. That obviously presumes those other parameters and their sensors are also themselves calibrated correctly (thinkin' of you, FF). Also note that this number is completely useless anyways if you're in a different leaning phase, e.g. if you calibrate it while 125F ROP, it is useless to use at full rich or any other setting. So if you want to use HP %, calibrate it in the mixture state (like full rich) you want, then remember it is only useful at that mixture.
  10. It does sound like there's something wonky. The low EGT's suggests those cylinders aren't firing all the time or firing poorly. I recall getting up to 16.5k', and didn't have any trouble setting mixture or low EGT's. That being said, I was running at 2700 RPM and shooting for best power (mostly just by listening to the motor). I was putzing around at 15.5k' once testing my O2 and checking speeds, when I heard approach call me out to an airliner climbing out of PDX. The pilot sounded surprised and a little flummoxed when he called visual on me, so I wonder if there's a tendency to relax above 10k' MSL thinking 'phew, at least I don't have to worry about those single-engine maniacs anymore!'
  11. My quote from Old Republic was just over $2000 this year, compared to $2400 in 2023, and $2100 in 2022 (although that was a different company), FWIW. I was a little suprised by that
  12. I'd suspect the movement of air when the pistons start sucking also helps vaporize a fair amount of the liquid gasoline in the intake (and is probably a larger effect the faster the starter turns).
  13. I recall having interest in the Deltahawk diesel when I first started my RV project in 2010. Since then, I bought the Mooney and Van's has gone into bankruptcy, but I keep checking every now and then to see if the RV-10 FF kit is available yet...
  14. I guess I was kind of the opposite, during my IFR training, the first time in actual IMC with the hood off I couldn't get enough of it. I tried to schedule as many dual instruction days in bad weather as I could. The visual sensation of speed and the textures of clouds sliding past is something I could watch all day
  15. Congratulations and good luck! If you're lucky, the prop won't need an overhaul, 2019 is a pretty recent IRAN. Heck, I'd probably avoid an IRAN unless there was something outwardly amiss given my experiences
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