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Rick Junkin

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About Rick Junkin

  • Birthday 01/30/1961

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    Kodak TN
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    M20M TLS/Bravo
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  1. Does anyone have insight on what Garmin is up to this year? I ask because there hasn't been a new software release for the G3X Touch in 5-6 months for either the STC or experimental s/w. I've had mine since September 2023 and had done 3-4 updates, one about every other month or so, through September 2024. And now nothing. This was during the period of addressing the GFC500 servo issues but they were also migrating other capabilities from the experimental s/w. I'm hoping to see more of that, most notably the EIS normalize mode and programmable dynamic engine instrument indications (that one's a stretch, I know). I'm wondering if there is any activity on the G3X software development team. Or is there something else in the mill that is getting the development effort focus? I'm not looking for speculation. I'd like to hear from someone who can share any available non-IP first hand info on what Garmin has in store for us.
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  2. Sorry for the thread creep. Where’s the ATL VFR corridor? I’m only familiar with the flyways.
  3. It may be easier to get a Tango route established as a preferred IFR routing for transit, and then request to follow that same track VFR. The Atlanta Bravo has a Tango route (T319) that also essentially provides a pathway for VFR traffic to transit the Bravo at midfield perpendicular to the runways. I haven't done it a lot, maybe 6 times, but I've never been denied VFR transit of the Bravo tracking along T319. I've always been above 6,000' so that may be a factor.
  4. Ironically, I have those unsealed gaps around my starter and left alternator and yet my CHTs are even and well controlled. The right alternator has seals around it. In my case I'm not going to fix what isn't broken, but I can see how adding some seals in those areas could make a difference for an engine with cooling problems.
  5. My airplane had all new baffles and baffles seals in 2014, and I keep a close eye out for keeping the seals in good shape and all of them folding the right direction when the cowling goes on. I had a small tear in the back seal at one point that caused about a 15 degree increase on #6 as I recall. Once it was repaired the temp came back down. One thing I’ve noticed is my CHTs are tighter LOP than ROP. The ROP spread can be 30+ degrees while LOP is always less than about 15 degrees and usually around 10.
  6. I participated in the insurance data submission program with Foreflight when they were building this capability. They asked for a copy of my policy, so they have all of the qualifiers along with my premium. Since they have my policy information I didn't have to input any additional data to see that my premium is in the "good deal" range (Thanks @Parker_Woodruff!) @redbaron1982 did you need to fill out a survey of some kind to get the assessment of your premium? If so, can you share what details they asked for? I think that would give us some insight on the level of detail the Foreflight algorithm uses for the premium comparisons and perhaps answer some of Parker' questions. EDIT: I did a little investigating on the Foreflight tool and found this when I started through the process of uploading policy information. As expected, it appears they are only comparing the very basic data at this point.
  7. @CCAS I configured my stack just like your first example, GMC 507 on the top and GMA 345 on the bottom, and I really like it. I have my G5 between my PFD and the radio stack and use it for altimeter adjustments, and use the heading and altitude knobs on the GMC 507 right beside it for those adjustments rather than the knobs or the touch screen on the PFD. The audio panel on the bottom has worked out great as well, especially with the frequency color coding on the PFD to show me which radio/freq is active. I'm starting to transition to the PFD touch screen (I have a G3X) for the autopilot controls, and already use it for all of my radio freq changes. Eventually I'll get to where the G3X and the G5 are my primary interfaces and the radio stack is secondary, excepting the audio panel and flight plan manipulation on the 650Xi. But right now I'm still using familiar button operation on the GMC 507 most of the time until I get more comfortable doing everything on the G3X.
  8. The OP is looking for input from someone who has installed a new muffler on a J recently. A post from that person would actually be helpful.
  9. @skyfarer There are two MSCs near us (I'm in Gatlinburg TN). Cole Aviation (706) 271-0222 at KDNN in Dalton Georgia and AGL Aviation (828) 391-8645 at KMRN in Morganton NC. You might give them both a call and see what they have to say about fitting your need. AGL has changed ownership since my last annual there but I've heard good things about the new owner. Lynn Mace, the previous owner, is a solid guy and now works at Maxwell's. Cole Aviation has a good rep but I don't know how versed they are with our Bravo turbo system. Both are within an hour and a half of Louisville by Mooney.
  10. @IvanP I have a MP gauge that was working when removed for my panel redux. Let me know if you decide to go the replacement route and I'll make you a deal.
  11. Guardian CO detector https://www.guardianavionics.com/guardian-aero-451-101-panel-co-detector-certified-norsee
  12. I'm a fan of LOP ops and consistently run my 1989 TLS/Bravo at the same power settings every flight, unless I want to pull it back for sight seeing. I posted this in another thread, repeating it here to offer a different perspective. On the LOP side at 11-12,000’ I see 165-170KTAS at 13.2gph (70%) and 30”/2200RPM. I also have TKS. For reference, here’s a screen shot of my G3X at 6,000’. Adding 2 KTAS per thousand feet up to 12,000’ the math shows 170KTAS, which of course will vary with OAT/ISA offset.
  13. On the LOP side at 11-12,000’ I see 165-170KTAS at 13.2gph (70%) and 30”/2200RPM. I also have TKS. For reference, here’s a screen shot of my G3X at 6,000’. Adding 2 KTAS per thousand feet up to 12,000’ the math shows 170KTAS, which of course will vary with OAT/ISA offset.
  14. Merry Christmas @Hank! I transit the ATL Class B north to south and south to north, 90 degrees out with the runways, a few times a year and have never been denied. Your flight path alignment with the runways is a different story. Congrats on hitting it “just right”.
  15. @George Braly, any chance you have a copy of what you posted? If so, could you post it again here so we can refer to it in the future? There was a lot of good information there that I'd like to be able to find again.
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