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  1. Funny thing... I had just put lubricant on and was going to cycle the door a few times to spread it.
  2. Hi gang, I'm requesting your expertise here in sourcing a part. I bent my door hold and I might need a replacement. If my research is correct, it is part 310118-503 HOLD OPEN ARM. A quick search at LASAR didn't show anything in stock, so I thought I'd try here and give them a call later. Any insight is much appreciated.
  3. I commented on the NPRM to change the metric to Ls0 vs Ls1, as they stated they are using the " V s1 limitation that will indirectly limit the weight to around 3,000 pounds." I also provided a printout of my POH stall speeds showing that at 2740lbs, 53KCAS is achievable at Ls0. I mentioned that LSAs are also leveraging flaps to achieve lower landing speeds, so Ls0 makes more sense to use as the metric than Ls1. I stated the obvious that aircraft that have no flaps, Ls1 and Ls0 are equal. Fingers crossed.
  4. PSA for those with GFC500: https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/faa-alerts-operators-to-pitch-trim-issue-with-garmin-autopilot/
  5. I'm in annual that week, so I can't make it on the 22nd. If it shifts to the 27th, I can make it weather permitting.
  6. I have an iPad Pro 11" sitting on a magnetic yoke mount in picture format. It fits just right and I can pull it off and stick it back on with ease. I can substitute it with my phone, android tablet--backup--or anything that has a metal backplate. Here is a link to the magnet mount:: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07K1QPQSZ/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A3PEORXDHEWCJ1&psc=1 Chris @Fly_M20R looks like he has an iPad 12.9 mounted to his yoke with RAM mounts, which is something I may consider in the future.
  7. Nice flite Mike @201er... Looks like it's bug report time... Light theme Dark theme
  8. Looks like the hyperlink broke...
  9. The listing also shows this: • GTX 330 Integrated Mode S Transponder / TIS Traffic Garmin 345 ADS-B In & Out I don't think it needs two transponders... but traffic awareness capability is great imho. good luck in your search!
  10. +1 because I'm cheap and while I hate spreadsheets, an aircraft time and maintenance tracker is fairly easy to set up. I'd like to get a copy of @Skates97 version, as I'd bet it is far more detailed with formulas than mine is...
  11. Congrats! A proud moment for sure...
  12. Or use the gopro mount in @gsxrpilotPaul's post on this clamp https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XWTL7LC/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A31OEVIVG7GW82&psc=1 . Might be more secure than a sticky mount due to the curvature of the airframe that far back.
  13. Thanks Oscar.... The first song is Sweet Disposition (The Temper Trap Cover) by SEAWAVES The rest of the mix is from a producer called Ideal Noise on Sound Cloud. This mix title is "From Russia with Love - Vol. 4."
  14. Thanks @Oscar Avalle, Not all the way at the top but similar to Paul's @gsxrpilot location, just higher and closer to the leading edge. At 6'5" I can reach all the way to the top. At the 10 minute mark, here is a video that includes osmo/cellphone capture: I'll have to take a picture of the osmo's clamp location the next time I go for a flight. The clamp itself is attached to the bottom of the osmo via a standard camera mounting screw.
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