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AGL Aviation

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  1. Lynn will be working at Maxwell/GMax. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I wanted to share something exciting with you guys! AGL is being acquired by Aero Professionals - these are very knowledgeable mechanics and can offer you guys more services than we were able to. We know them personally and know their work. Give these guys a call and schedule your maintenance. The press release is attached! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk APS_PressRelease_01.pdf
  4. We do everything we can to contribute as much as we can. As it stands, we’re cranking out right at 100 annuals a year (mostly Mooneys) with our 2-3 man team… no count on the general maintenance, repair work, engine removals/reinstallations, JPI installations, etc… that doesn’t leave very much time to consistently be on social media platforms. Again, we give to that as much as we can. I would think that our hundreds of customers are more pleased that we are efficiently ‘turning wrenches’ on their birds (giving them the most thorough work we can) rather than being online. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Just wanted to share this press release with you guys! Foothills will not be left empty handed in terms of maintenance AND you guys can still have your Mooneys worked on here. Very knowledgeable mechanics and can offer you guys a wider array of services than we could. They’re definitely worth it, call them up and schedule your maintenance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk APS_PressRelease_01.pdf
  6. The house we’re buying is just out the road from that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Yes there is. We went down to MooneyMax and spent some time exploring the area. I don’t think there wasn’t anything we didn’t like except for the fact that there are no towering and rolling mountains, but rolling hills will suffice [emoji4] The average people were very different than where we are now. We were pretty impressed and really looking forward to this move. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Sounds like a plan!!! Will look forward to seeing you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. You’re right, A&P’s are not growing. There’s an even larger shortage of IA’s. We’ve had many customers fly from several states away for their annual - it makes it simpler to combine it with another event if possible. As for minor adjustments, it does make it a lot more difficult. If items are corrected correctly during annual by someone knowledgeable, the need for those minor adjustments decreases quite a bit. I would suggest keeping thorough notes to address during annual. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Man, news travels FAST!!!! We just made a public announcement yesterday. Yes, Lynn is joining Maxwell/Gmaxx. Perhaps I (Tamara) will as well, I’m not completely sure yet. We tried to find someone to take over AGL so the transition would be as smooth as possible with no luck. Bottom line, it will be better for our family in the long run. We’re in the process of purchasing a home in Kilgore not far from KGGG. Lynn will be in Texas to start Aug 3. The kids, animals, and myself will be moving the weekend of the 12th (at least that’s the plan if the home closings stay as they are). It was quite a difficult decision and now that the difficult part has been done, we’re starting to really look forward to this opportunity. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. You are right about the difficulty. What I quoted for cost was: for the inspection only in increased time and the cost range for whoever the turbo is sent to based off ones we have sent off thus far. R&R is an additional cost and varies from aircraft to aircraft. Certainly a beast.
  12. Yes, r&r times can vary greatly as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Good Morning! From a maintenance perspective, our turbo annuals are more expensive than a standard Mooney (by $255 I believe - but not all shops are equal in terms of pricing). Recommended annual times is higher for the turbo (the turbo requires its own inspection). The manufacturer has guidance on the condition of the turbo and any time sensitive maintenance if applicable. Depending on how the turbo’s life has been, they sometimes do have to be removed and sent off for repair or exchange. It’s difficult to put a price range on that operation since it’s dependent on the issue. We’ve had the costs ranging from $1500 to $3500 for exchange. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. We’ve flown to visit my Grandmother on the Coast. From Warren field KOCW to KMRN (where we are) it’s 1.5hr flight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I would have to agree with you there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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