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Everything posted by will1874

  1. 179 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. What's a ballpark estimate for a job like this? 10 AMU? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. The procedure we practiced the most during initial type-rating school and recurrent was an uncommanded thrust reverser deployment. There's a "STOW" switch on the glare shield for each engine should a reverser come unlocked or deploy in flight. If the "unlock" light comes on in flight it was a race to see which pilot could get to the switch fastest...and we usually ended up holding hands at the switch. There's a video somewhere of the test crew demonstrating an in-flight deployment. They go from straight and level to inverted in about 3 seconds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. [emoji23] Just think of the savings in weight and drag! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. As I continue towards my first airplane purchase, I have decided that the single item I will not do without is a digital engine monitor. Let's say the airplane I buy is within 200 hours of TBO. Should I install the engine monitor, watch how it performs, and wait to overhaul on condition / performance? Or, just overhaul and install the engine monitor at the same time?
  6. Thanks for the clarification. When I saw the miscellaneous maintenance number I kinda blacked-out and didn't think about how much flying that would be. [emoji23] But...it's a much larger number than I was expecting. Regarding your maintenance expenditures, it looks like 2007 was a particularly rough year. Sorry to pry, but what's that $11,238 for? It's isn't labeled. And it seems there have been years where your annual inspection has cost much more than you've planned for. Would you say that is common through the fleet? Or particular to the K? Or does it just depend on the airplane? I'm not an owner yet (never have been). But I'd been planning on $3k - $4k for an annual. I understand the first one would likely go well above that. Thanks, Will Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. William, Thanks for posting your numbers. I've been looking for something like that. I have a question regarding the line item in the "Ops Cost Summary" tab that's labeled "Other Misc. Maint". The value you have there is $66.90. That number multiplied by your total operating hours of 1595.6 (Hobbs end - Hobbs start) yields a whopping $106,745 spent on miscellaneous maintenance over the last 3 years. I must be missing something there. Where are you getting the $66.90/hour operating cost for miscellaneous maintenance?
  8. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/maps-me-offline-maps-gps-nav/id510623322 I've used this for international travel when I want maps but don't have data. It's easy to pick and choose which maps (states) you want to download. Only downside is it takes up a lot of space. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Another thing to consider: insurance is going to be expensive. Your low flight time and the fact that you plan to use the Mooney to get your instrument rating are things that will give the actuaries pause. I don't see how you get that airplane flying for less than $40k...and that's rolling the dice on not overhauling the engine. Do you really want to pour in money for paint, avionics, and interior all to be carried behind a suspect engine? It's just been sitting too long. And you stated the last annual was 2005, but last flew in 2011? That leads me to believe the previous owner wasn't terribly meticulous about maintenance for quite some time. Lots of red flags. You're trying to do 2 things at once: restore an airplane and complete flight training. As a CFI I can tell you the most efficient way to complete a rating is to fly as often as your schedule and wallet allow. Every day if possible. This Mooney isn't going to be flying a lot as you complete all your desired/needed upgrades. Like a previous poster said..you might need 2 airplanes. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I'm sorry, and don't mean to poke holes in your plan, but $117,000 seems low for what you want to buy. I'm at the beginning of my search and I'm not seeing many well-equipped Js at that price point. Full disclosure: I'll be a first time buyer and simply don't know what I don't know. Best of luck! -Will Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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