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  1. I would love to have the 3d files as well. Neal
  2. That may be a possibility.
  3. Thanks for the reply. Thats my concern with the pistons is the wear in such a short time. The cylinders have about 1035 SMOH. These are the Superior Steal cylinders. As far as cold starts, in the winter months I preheat using the Tanis system (oil pan and cylinder heaters).
  4. Mooney M20G 180hp. Oil Temp 215 - 230 degrees CHTs 303, 330, 380, 360 EGTs 1250, 1330, 1410, 1370 Powerflow exhaust Guppy mouth closure So last August 2023, I started to burn more oil in cylinders 2 & 4 so I decided to hone the cylinders and put new rings and pistons in (the A&P did it). I went through the break-in process and everything seemed normal. I ran the engine rich and kept the CHTs and EGTs as low as I could get them. I have about 40 hours on the new rings and pistons and oil consumption stabilized. However, now at around 60 hours I have started to burn a lot of oil (about 1.5 Qt in about 3 hours) and getting worse. Ugg! So I thought maybe I glazed the cylinders. So I had the A&P check it out. Before they did anything they took a compression test on 2 & 4, both were 72/80. When they pulled the bottom plugs #2 looked okay, but #4 plug was oil soaked and there was oil pooled in the cylinder. Another complaint I had, was that it seemed my oil temperature was running hot. This used to be a cool running engine. I replaced the oil cooler with a new high efficiency, which helped some but still running hotter than I would like. Now my oil temp is around 215 to 230 degrees in level flight (more towards the 225 range at 8000ft). I thought about replacing the vernatherm... What concerns me the most is the condition pistons after 60 hours. Notice in the pictures there are scraps on the piston walls and one looks like it got too hot. The cylinder walls look good with no scaring. I am wondering how this could happen? and how to prevent it from happening again? I thought I would solicit thoughts from the collective group. Thanks Neal
  5. I have one of these installed on my G. If there is drag it's not enough to be noticeable. Pros: 1. Provides ADSB-IN nice backup 2. Provides a second stand-alone Pitot static data (once configured is as accurate as the panel mounted stuff.) 3. Provides AOA information 4. Decent backup if main pannel goes TU Cons: 1. The user interface leaves a lot to be desired. 2. Calibration can be a little bit of a learning curve, I found it easier to calibrate using an Android device over the IPAD, but once configured the IPad is okay. 3. No integration with any other product (Foreflight, IFLY) for Pitot static data, ADSB = yes. Not a deal breaker, but would be nice to have that data stream within FF on its EFIS view. Now the $2,000 question would I buy again. Depends on the aircraft. For Cirrus no, for a Mooney, Piper, or Cessna probably. Is it a must have = no, is it a nice to have = yes. Do I regret buying it = no.
  6. I think the real trick is to keep the door closed for a few days. I also found if the hanger is warm (like in the summer heat) the seal becomes more pliable and seems to stretch into place. I used to have that same problem were could close the door from the outside but it was a real PITA to close it from the inside. Once I started to keep my door closed in the hanger the issue went away. Now its easy to close from the inside.
  7. I might be able to help you out. I have a 68 G model. Also, Leavenworth Aviation has a M20e that you can do a checkout in as well.
  8. Question? Can you mix and match Fine and Massive? Fine on the bottom and Massive on the top? Just curious if there would be any advantages. Thanks
  9. I upgraded to the Powerflow last year in my 68G. I didn't see any noticeable increase in climb performance, however it did kind of seem that the climb was stronger and more consistent on hotter days. My CHTs and EGTs now are more equal to one another. I did see some minor increase in CHT temps, but they still run ~315 - 330 even on hot days. I also noticed an increase in MP at higher altitudes but haven't realized any fuel mileage benefit, which is probably not economizing my cruise. Airspeed wise I true out at 135knts consistently. If I had to do it over again, would I? Probably although I might try the Surefly first to see what benefits that yields. Although that is on my list of things to buy when the mags need overhaul. Neal
  10. You might try Dean Ayers at Leavenworth Aviation 913-568-6872. He has extensive experience with Mooneys.
  11. I have a small generator, like this one https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MTo1MzU2Njg5NDM3NTY2NjAzOjE2OTMxNTkwNzk6c3Bfc2VhcmNoX3RoZW1hdGljOjIwMDAzNDQ5MDY4MTk5ODo6MDo6&url=%2FPulsar-G2319N-Gas-Powered-Generator-Capability%2Fdp%2FB00YFT914I%2Fref%3Dsxin_17_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa%3Fcontent-id%3Damzn1.sym.abea0cd6-ddf4-4d67-9781-9599c1d665fc%3Aamzn1.sym.abea0cd6-ddf4-4d67-9781-9599c1d665fc%26crid%3D3N3E4DD4G690F%26cv_ct_cx%3Dsportsman%2Bgenerator%26keywords%3Dsportsman%2Bgenerator%26pd_rd_i%3DB00YFT914I%26pd_rd_r%3Df53b23d1-85f9-42c0-9ea8-13000db90aab%26pd_rd_w%3DcSnfP%26pd_rd_wg%3D8lKk6%26pf_rd_p%3Dabea0cd6-ddf4-4d67-9781-9599c1d665fc%26pf_rd_r%3DNKF8Q1P0E0JRJDQM8VES%26qid%3D1693159079%26sbo%3DRZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D%26sprefix%3Dsportsman%2Bg%2Caps%2C1301%26sr%3D1-1-0cc546a2-7bf2-4d0e-b4ad-0f0d9092fdfc-spons%26ufe%3Dapp_do%3Aamzn1.fos.ac2169a1-b668-44b9-8bd0-5ec63b24bcb5%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM%26psc%3D1 It works pretty well and its pretty lightweight. Its nice because it fits in the cargo compartment so I can travel to colder climates and be able to preheat on the ramp. The only caution is to keep the generator warm before use, or else its a PITA to start when cold soaked.
  12. I use the Icybreeze as well. I have the two tube extensions, one side for me and one for the Miss's which she really likes, and it keeps the complaint level down...
  13. I would love to get the 3d print file as well. Thanks
  14. It might be helpful to call out frequent position reports even on Final. That way if you don't make the airport environment the search radius can be reduced effectively increasing your chances of being found sooner than later. I would say any engine failure during instrument flight is all about what can be done to increase the odds of survival.
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