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toto last won the day on October 22 2024

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  1. That’s a really big Bonanza
  2. I’ve certainly lost an LCD or two in my flying career while the rest of the unit continued working Having a backup LCD on the iPad is cheap insurance for an LCD failure, but obviously the plane doesn’t fall out of the sky if you lose EIS. It’s a differentiating factor for GP over other EFB options.
  3. I’m not sure that I follow. The EIS on GP is a real time feed. My engine instruments are duplicated on the iPad, and adjustments are visible immediately. As you said, EIS data is also included in the flight data logging for later review, but you don’t need the flight data log to use EIS on GP.
  4. My experience with GP is that basically nothing works without a subscription. You can get to the settings page where you enter subscription information and almost nothing else.
  5. I mean, if we want an alternative engine for an post-100LL world and it’s not a DeltaHawk, it feels like it’s not going to be a piston engine. These guys have a vaporware turbine that seems kind of awesome: https://turb.aero/how-to-buy/certificated-engines From my perspective, the announcement of the G100UL STC was a watershed for the future of piston GA. We’ll figure out some kind of ceramic coating that it won’t eat, and we’ll have a few more decades of reciprocating engines until our Jetsons cars arrive.
  6. The list on the WingX website is from 2019, so I guess it doesn’t get newer than that. WingX is compatible with Stratux devices, which really is the cheapest possible solution. You can make one yourself or get one on eBay for very little money.
  7. Pretty strange tbh. We have this same discussion with a different OP about once a month, generally just regurgitating information. But usually the OP sticks around to thank us for our time I always figure that getting new owners into Mooneys is in our collective best interest. But not if we scare them off after a single post
  8. From an article on cnn.com: https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/31/us/dc-plane-crash-victims/index.html
  9. Juan mentioned in his video that what looks like fire was actually just reflection off the low overcast clouds. Idk
  10. And if you’re going to bring a dormant airplane back to life, it might as well be a Mooney
  11. Seems unlikely to be worth the time, but post a bunch of photos when you look at it and we can try to help spend your money
  12. I think the only requirement is that you have current “supporter” status. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/44041-donations-to-mooneyspace-getting-supporter-status/
  13. There’s a wiring schematic linked from this post, not sure how close this is to what you need. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/49761-stall-warning-speaker-specspart-number-ovationeagle/#findComment-880120 ETA: Here’s the link directly to the download https://mooneyspace.com/files/file/237-m20r-service-and-maintenance-manual-pn-man161-revision-b-may-2014/
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