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  1. I just bought a Porsche Panamera S4… I will continue for the time being, to be a major smut producer. Varoom!
  2. I wasn’t going to weigh in on this, but fyi, when someone walks without swinging their arms… that’s a typical earmark of Parkinson’s. That would explain a lot of the other incapacities. Don’t get me wrong, they have me looking at electric cars! Problem is, endurance or distance. Besides, I still like that soot producing diesel ram in the stable. Save the whales, shoot the seal’s.
  3. It’s the guts they can’t get. Same problem with auto manufacturing. They can build the cars but no chips. I think folks here are ramping up, but who knows when they can produce. I’ll wager the auto sector is hot after a way to be self reliant.
  4. Landscaper, one thing we probably both agree on… I like your airplane.
  5. One of the businesses I own is a Mercury Marine facility. We see typically 1500 boats per year for repower, service and repair. This supply chain issue probably started with Covid and while it took awhile to build up to where we find ourselves now, we are in a bind now. If I order a new engine today, we won’t see it til mid to late summer. We keep 250,000 to 300,000 dollars in parts inventory every day of the year. There’s always something else to order, the price inflation is so intense, we pay more to replace the parts than we sold them for. I have instructed the counter to look up each part for the current price and hopefully we can get it restocked before it goes up again. We lost $40,000 last year before I could catch it. The inflation problems lay squarely on the current green new deal bunch. The first day in office was an attack on the fossil fuel sector that is still ongoing. You may have noticed the current gas price. Oh, my groceries have all but doubled. If you got it, a truck brought it. Diesel went from $2.40 to over $5.00 during the last 13 months. Undeniable fact. Where it goes from here, who knows? Ask the laughing Hyena vp. I don’t want to be political, I just wish the working stiffs didn’t have to suffer and the folks not on welfare didn’t have to pay these inflated prices to get by. End rant. As for the autopilot, I hope I live to see it. The first time I heard it was almost approved was Oshkosh 2018. Then again in 19… I’m all in if it gets approved.
  6. Do what? I love all politicians. Especially the old ones that can barely walk. But that doesn’t change the facts. The supply chain is broken. China recently locked down its tech sector. So electric stuff may get even harder to come by. Hopefully they can ramp up and make stuff here in the USA. Maybe lay off watching the view and pay attention.
  7. Not sure if it matters. The electronic components are near impossible to get right now. Try to purchase a gtx 345 transponder for instance. Can’t be done as of a couple weeks ago when my friend was asking garmin for a new one. They had none. He had to pay the new retail asking price for a used one on fleebay. The moral to the story is simple. Unless and until they fix the supply chain, even if they get approved, it could be some time before the Al’s are in stock.
  8. There’s a lot of legacy Mooneys out there. Still a lot with old radios. I’m simply not going to spend 25k for an autopilot from G.
  9. Almost makes me cry… we would have had this autopilot by now, probably two years ago. We practicality flogged this guy. He called me and said the Mooney group was too much for him. I begged him to move forward, but he bugged out. Wish he’d come back. Trio would fix all this.
  10. I dunno, but everyone needs to take it down a notch befor you run these folks off too. Is it late? Yeah… but refrain from talking them down. Like what good will it do.
  11. We should probably not bad mouth BK so bad or they might blow us off like the guy from California that came on the forum… he was attacked fiercely and probably by some that don’t have an autopilot on their radar.
  12. Here’s to y’all! Cheers! maybe we’ll get an announcement at the aero show.
  13. I’m glad to see these brawny Mooney pilots are finally getting in touch with their inner feelings. Now if we could get certain Bravo drivers to soften up and show us that tender side. sure hope no Bo pilots see this post.
  14. My first 10 hrs was in a C150... that the larger version of the C130
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