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  • Birthday August 28

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  1. I'm getting close to 2 years with my '78 J, and as I expected am going to move up over the next year or so. George "the bonanza man" is right up the street - and the 36 could make sense in many ways but I've come to love the Mooney. Mission - I live in NC and 75% of my flight time is solo xc work travel - have 20 offices from PA to south Florida - 600NM is longest trip (KINT - KFXE) with several 150-250NM trips. I also travel north to MI to visit family, or short trips say 100-150NM beach, mountains, family etc. Very seldom do I carry more than 2 passengers - why get a 6 place machine - there is one two hangars over I could probably swap time with? Issue with the J - "slow & low" - faster is always great, but also ability to get above weather in the southeast has become somewhat of a challenge - getting up in the flight levels would get over or enable "around" a good deal more weather. Also icing is an issue trying to travel year round so TKS ability is a big plus. Flights to Michigan & particularly south florida (5 hrs @ 150 KTS true and a head wind) are tough on the bladder and patience... My budget limits - so probably a 90s era or may early 2000s is all I can afford. Thinking the "Bravo" is the best fit, newer than 252 and don't want to mess with a 231. Acclaim is out of my budget. I've thought about ovation as it can go up to 18 - maybe high enough? couple question for the group - knowing I have an m20J that has had some good attention over the past couple of years, best to trade or try to sell then buy? Who to deal with on the buy side? Premier aircraft in Fort Lauderdale and All American in TX seem to be the biggest? And if you're in the market - a little about my J '78m 3700 tt airframe, 600 hrs since factory new engine and hartzell "top prop" install. prop OH in 2015 by Sensenich in GA KFC 200 AP with flight director GNS 650/430 stack Garmin 350 audio panel, 4-place intercom, music jack in rear for passengers, music jack up front for all4, bose ports up front GTX 33 es transponder with ADS-B out 106-A nav 2 glideslope/indicator HSI JPI EDM 900 primary instrumentation 2015 tempest finewire plugs 2015 new interior - tan leather, new carpet, painted plastic, removed fiberglass insulation for closed cell soundproofing I've recently posted about paint - paint is in her future, though not a desperate need. I've posted several pics from the interior upgrade as well. Thanks to all for input/advice.
  2. Marking 1 year of Mooney ownership with a "owner assisted" annual at local field, and am pleased to be thinking about paint given the outcome (not many squawks). Thanks DMax for the prebuy/annual a year ago - testament to his work. Approx 200 hrs, interior & panel upgrades/restorations completed, and the plane dubbed "the ugly duck" may be read to become a swan about a year ahead of schedule. Questions & concerns as I get ready to embark on paint for the '78 J. I'm confident the answer to all of these are "it's your toy and your money - do what you want" - looking for insight/ideas from the experience of the group - thanks in advance. 1 - color/scheme - I loved the engine & straight airframe, hated the "beige & baby sh!t brown" paint scheme that is original '78 - I ditched the avocado refrigerator and shag carpet years ago - want to go more standard/current - any reason not to? 2 - 1-piece belly - it's worth something having just gone through annual, but how much if anything really? Are there good sources of salvage that are of value? If ever to do it, now is it. 3 - wing tips - I think they look cool, and would "upgrade" to LED lights & strobes as well. Doesn't look like a performance reason just aesthetics? 4 - "glass" - need new windscreen, meaningful crazing. side windows are in good shape. Thicker plastic worth it? The cost for material isn't that great - worth it to just to all windows "while she is stripped down?" I've seen some "repair" methods but in many ways feel like 37 years is good service? 5 - Types of paint, color schemes etc - I really know nothing about this. 6 - The big question - WHERE? Does Mooney experience/expertise matter? How far to travel before it just doesn't make sense, how to "vet" a shop etc.?? Recommendations? 7 - Change N number? Not that I have a problem I think the ..201.. is pretty classic/iconic. Why would/woldn't? Also - going bigger numbers makes sense or no? 8 - What are the things you did, heard others did, or wish you did when doing similar project? This really is a big opportunity to take the plane offline for 2-3 months and get it right, trying to minimize "wish I woulda..." lack of experience and penny wise pound foolish decisions. Thanks in advance for your feedback
  3. There is a plastic repair kit on spruce that chemically "welds" cracks and works well - patience is as important as "skill" SEM paint works great - there are photos of recent plastic paint/repairs I did in 2014 in gallery.
  4. I replaced tires on my J shortly after purchase last year - as part of general "fixing and updating" - one of the mains was worn and flat spotted. Spoke with 3 mechanics for advice- all recommended Goodyear or Michelin - and told tales of "retreads hanging up in the wells" for various reasons - all 3rd hand / OWT stories not 1st hand experience. I went with Desser retreads - if you read the info the standards are high, and flight schools & commercial outfits use them all the time. I agree with other posters - dry rot not tread wear will be the cause for any future tire placement on my 200hr/year lifestyle even with monthly pattern sessions with 10-12 landings... I did not change tubes... they were butyl type and in good condition - knock on wood... Proper inflation is important to health of both tube and tire.
  5. This is interesting. last time my AI went out I did some research on Aspen vs. steam gauges and one of the appeals was the ability to eliminate the vacuum system in my J. I would feel much more comfortable spending the $$ on this unit rather than $2-3k every 3-4 years swapping out aging/rebuilt gyro driven equipment. One concern from the Aspen was being told that I had to have a backup AI panel mounted - if this was a true primary replacement, could be a true upgrade opportunity for the aging 6-pack - particularly in our older plans that simply cannot justify putting in something like a G500... Hope anyone at Oshkosh will post updates/info as you learn more detail
  6. I can add to squelch and other. Noise issues when charging on the cigarette plug. I have a dual USB plug typically charging stratus and iPad or iPhone. Issues go away when unplug fron cig lighter. Otherwise gun 650 has been solid.
  7. Short notice - bit I will be flying in the morning Saturday and Sunday out of kint - smith Reynolds about 8am each day if you have time love for you to join.
  8. I'm inwinston Salem, plane at smith Reynolds - 336.399.8806.
  9. I used sailcloth white from SEM, you can see pics on other posts. They sell a plastic prep aerosol, but I found clean cloth/rubbing alcohol to be adequate. Work is recent but coverage and adherence is excellent. I did every piece of interior plastic on 5 cans.
  10. +1 for alpha aviation seat belts. New belts and shoulder harnesses for my 78 j that did not have shoulder harnesses. See pics on other threads. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Av8


    I'm a big fan of Mike Busch. http://blog.aopa.org/opinionleaders/tag/tires/ Good article on the topic. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I have 25 ft from airtex I did not use in recent interior project. Pm me - make you a good deal on it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Just finishing a project - used Airtex for carpet, leather. Happy to share experience. Lots of work to get the metal clean, prepped. Installing "seat covers"/Foam took patience more than skill My plane did not have headrests - they sent soft parts, instructions to fab headrest frames - used gromet tool to put "finishing touch" on holes in leather, turned out great. Carpet required minor trimming but overall very well templated out Owner & Staff at Airtex very helpful Link to more photos & vidoe than you probably want to see: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i6xydhgmm21ovd2/AAD3bSyZmzGTpJnPN5cDxkkWa?dl=0
  14. Av8


    Photos of M20J interior restoration in December 2014/January 2015. New Carpet New insulation Recover seating surfaces Repair & Paint plastic parts
  15. Your plane was the "Model" for my project just finished. 2nd the vote of confidence for Airtex - they sent me materials and I did work myself, very pleased with the price/quality.
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