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wombat last won the day on November 18 2024

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Carlton, WA
  • Interests
    Experimental aircraft: Currently building a Velocity
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    M20k Rocket
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  1. I am planning on being there! I love this conference, it always has such interesting stuff and good information. Unfortunately I won't be flying to it this year, but that's OK.
  2. I'm strongly considering doing basically this same thing myself. Go to a school, get the cert.
  3. Thanks for the feedback!! Yeah, the audio has a major problem at the moment. For the map, what would you think of instead of a video of the map, if I used my Flightaware track on CloudAhoy or something? That's probably a lot easier to get in perfect focus. One 'flight' channel I like is https://www.youtube.com/@MissionaryBushPilot/videos I tend to like his format. Equal focus on flying the plane with its procedures and then the outside scenery and location awareness.
  4. I've decided to try taking some videos of my flying again. Please don't mind the horrible editing, it's because I'm a horrible editor. In retrospect I think I would have been way better off not taking a time lapse of the outside, but taking a full video, then I could have synced up the inside and outside parts. Looking for tips here... What would be a better way to keep the video from being super-duper long (It's already way too long) yet still kind of show the whole flight? Maybe post a 'full flight in real time' video, and then a short video with just the highlights and have links to where the highlights are in the full video? Ugh. Don't know.
  5. Thanks for the info, everyone! I really appreciate the info and pointers!!
  6. Since I fly out of a 2700' runway, I also hold the brakes while I increase throttle. I increase to 29" and do my engine scan. Then I release the brakes and advance the throttle the rest of the way.
  7. You are all making this WAY WAY WAY too complicated. Slowly advance the throttle over 2-5 seconds and when you get to full throttle, glance down at the engine instruments and see if there is anything different from normal. And have done some transition training so you know that 'normal' is actually about correct. If yes, keep going. If not, abort.
  8. Going to repaint my plane this year. I'm currently planning on using artcraft paint, but thought I'd solicit other ideas in the meantime. I've considered going down to Puerto Rico since they can use a lot of chemicals we can't use in the US but have decided it's too far. Generally I am going to shy away from "I know this guy that does paint out of his personal hangar" recommendations. I'm aware of what strip & paint jobs cost and am willing to pay for quality. Planning on keeping basically the same paint scheme and colors as original, but swapping out the "Mooney 321 Special Edition" logo for "Mooney 305 Rocket Special Edition" and probably adding brown stripes on the top of each wing from the fuel fillers back to mitigate any potential G100UL staining that I might encounter.
  9. Very few people fly enough to make it 'worth' owning two planes. With one partner per plane this cuts your costs in half, but with just one other partner per plane the actual availability of each plane for your flights will probably not change at all.
  10. Mostly from a long XC on the 13th (KFFL to 2S0) but the last picture of an undercast was on the 15th taking off from 2S0 to KTTD for annual. If you look closely at the fuel planning on the 750 in the cockpit picture you'll notice I only have a 20 minute reserve at my destination. Also, I'm at 8,000'. So you should expect me to be IFR. Well, the short version is that I ended up changing my destination to stop and get fuel earlier. As it turns out though, I didn't need to, because as I went further West the headwinds got lighter so I would have had plenty at KBYG, as was calculated by ForeFlight to begin with. But sitting there for an hour looking at the fuel remaining being that low got the better of me and amended my flight plan. Then I was too proud to go and change it back. hahah. The two 'dark' pictures are at night, it was the full moon then and with the snow and full moon, it was plenty bright to see everything!
  11. I am upgrading my GAD43 to the GAD43e. Anyone have one for sale? New: $4,900 Ebay: $2,900 Mooneyspace: ???
  12. I had a shop find several airworthiness issues with repair estimates that I disagreed with. In some cases it was their assessment that the condition was an issue at all (1) and in others it was their estimated cost to fix it. (2) I paid them for their time so far including the inspection and took my plane back. I then got a ferry permit and had a mobile A&P certify that it was safe for the flight to my preferred A&P. I then flew it there and he completed work as necessary to resolve each discrepancy. 1: An example is that the plane had been flipped in a windstorm in the early 60's and the left wing skin had been damaged. The wing was repaired and the logbook entry and 337 said something along the lines of "Left wing repaired in accordance with Cessna maintenance manual and acceptable practices according to part 43". The annual inspection note said something like "Left wing repair documentation is insufficient." and they recommended pulling the skin off the wing so they could see exactly what was done and document that. They estimated $10k for this. My A&P's note in the logbook was "Found logbook entry documenting left wing repair in logbook and 337 dated (whatever the date was)" #2: They found that the jackscrews for the elevator trim were bent and offered to buy me a new pair from Cessna at a total cost of $47k. The plane was only worth about $35k to begin with. I found new replacements from McFarlane for $1,500 for the pair.
  13. @Jetpilot86 I'm slumming it with my G500. How did the process work? Did you have to actually do any wiring changes or was it basically plug and play?
  14. Hey @Aerodon or @Jungle Pilot did either of you ever get this done?
  15. No they cannot. Any more than some A&P wandering around the airport can just randomly 'ground' planes they see as they are walking down the line.
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