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flumag last won the day on April 27 2019

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  1. thank you all. I will check on C&L aero
  2. Hi my regulator (1980 K Mooney) of my Scott OX systems is due for a check. What is a good option for this check? Any recommendations? thanks Hendrik
  3. Thanks Darryl, I will reach out to you directly. Hendrik
  4. it significantly less (less than a quarter of what you mentioned) . Sure it's depending of flight time of the helicopter and potentially needed approvals.
  5. https://www.frankenpost.de/inhalt.helikopter-transportiert-flugzeug-spektakulaere-aktion-ueber-hof.be2b5b22-4e8a-4f1d-aa0d-fbef32581256.html To keep you up to date. The helicopter picked the Mooney up from the field. I know the article above is in German but that's a quick translation: Helicopter transports aircraft Spectacular action over Hof At the beginning of May, a light propeller aircraft coming from Jena had to make an emergency landing in the Frössen district of Gefell. This Wednesday it was brought to Hof for maintenance. There were short-term restrictions for motorists. Anyone who watched the sky over the city and district of Hof between 1.30 p.m. and 2 p.m. today, Wednesday, witnessed a spectacular action. A Helix Airline AS 350 helicopter transported a Mooney propeller aircraft to Hof. The pilot of the plane had to make an emergency landing in the Gefell district of Frössen (Thuringia) near the Bavarian border on May 6th. His machine had engine problems. According to Police Chief Inspector Michael Müller, the special helicopter with a payload of 1400 kilograms started in Thuringia and reached the Hofmann aircraft hangar at Hof-Plauen airfield in the afternoon. Müller is the officer responsible for such operations at the Hof Police Inspectorate. For the overflight, it was necessary to temporarily block the B173 near the Selbitz district of Wachholderbusch. There was also a so-called throttle drive on Autobahn 9. A pure safety measure that hardly lasts a minute, said Müller.
  6. Hi Anthonie, not my Mooney (gladly) but unfortunately the 231 of my friend in Germany. No airport in gliding distance. Safely on a field and beside the engine no other damage visible. The Mooney will be flown out with a helicopter next week to the closest shop (6 flying minute away). That's why I'm looking for an engine for my friend.
  7. interesting! Even if that option puts me back to the factory waiting time of 6-9 month. Thanks
  8. thanks Dustin, I will check this out.
  9. I'm looking for an replacement of an Conti TSIO-360-LB (1) T.C.E9CE. Ideally with ecaused and turbo charger. A factory rebuild is 6-9 month and I dealing with a damaged core since one of the connection rod produced a hole in the core. Does anybody know a quicker source for buying an engine? Thanks Hendrik
  10. Longshot! 

    Would you still have the strikefinder that was for sale in 2018. 

    1. flumag


      no, Sorry its gone long time and is flying again in another Mooney 

  11. Thats basically in the entire European union the same. The difficulty was more: since you dont pay tax (and dont get a documents on that) how do you proof that the airplane can freely fly in EU and can be sold. I took quite some conversations the the German and EU Customs authority. The short is you have to use the Customs form 350 that you keep also in the aircraft to documents that the aircraft is not subject to be taxed in the EU. Hendrik
  12. After being forced by CORONA to Europe I discovered that not only Mooneys getting upgraded with intercoolers. It seems to be popular at trains as well... Here the German ICE that have nearly the same top speed as my Mooney. Hendrik
  13. Hi, does anybody has real world experience to import an aircraft from outside of the EU into the EU as part of an move. The prerequisites fo that are clear. I'm more interested how this will be documented and the aircraft is not subject to tax in the future into the EU? Thanks Hendrik
  14. corrected... thanks Robert Hendrik
  15. selling my KLN-90B PN 066-04031-1122 with tray (mod1,2). I bought it as spare with my M20K. I tested it in the plane and and it worked fine. price $380 plus shipping Hendrik
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