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About fire11

  • Birthday 05/06/1967

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    Houston, TX

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  1. That’s awesome, gotta love a Mooney! How many hours of flying was it including all the sightseeing down there?
  2. Wow, that's a bummer, I'd much rather to have looked at it at my home field on a pretty day than to have more pix! It still looks like a nice plane and a good value so I hope you'll upload them if you get a chance. There's a bunch of us here who'd like to have her.
  3. Where did you take these pictures? Kind of looks like my home field, KIWS. I'd sure love to see it if you ever make it to Houston!
  4. Thank you, looks nice! What are the times, total, SMOH and STOH? Do you have all the paperwork for the STCs? What about the log books? I'd love to see more pics as well.
  5. Sounds great, can't wait to see it! An E would work perfectly for us and as an OU alum, wouldn't mind a trip back to Oklahoma.
  6. I have to admit I tuned you out when I thought it was in Australia…Oklahoma? That's a different story! Can you share any more details or do you have other pictures?
  7. I see it now, thank you!
  8. I'd like to see details but the PDF file is not attached. Can you please post them so we can all see them?
  9. Fantastic, thanks for the insight and recommendations! The wealth of knowledge found here is invaluable. I really want to join "the club" but just have to make sure the money's right given the high cost of entry.
  10. I'm hearing Maxwell loud and clear and they were my first thought as well. As I've not heard back from them since the weekend, I'm wondering if anyone knows how much their inspections typically run and how long they typically take? I want a good pre-buy for an F with a "recent annual" so I can know whether I want anything to do with it. I know there's some damage in its history and want to make sure I know its health. Any thoughts? I don't want to cut corners but just haven't done this before and want to know what I'm in for.
  11. I wish Peoria were a suburb of Houston, I'd love one exactly like her. You're a lucky man!
  12. I've got my eye on an M20F and wonder where you guys would recommend doing a pre-buy inspection? What should I expect to pay and how long do they typically take? How do you typically work this out with the seller? I wouldn't buy a 50-year old plane without one and want to be sure I'm getting a fair deal and not something someone needs to unload. Any advice or recommendations for who to use or who to avoid? I've already contacted Maxwell but wonder if there are others I should contact also.
  13. Beech makes a fine ship and he's obviously got cash for the dinosaur juice so I'm sure he'll be ok. I just can't imagine parting with such a fine bird, though...
  14. I'd love to see details as well, good ones are hard to find!
  15. Sure would be nice to see some pix!
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