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About drb930

  • Birthday 04/02/1964

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    Los Angeles
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  • Model
    Machen A36

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  1. Thanks so much! Happy New Year and enjoy your trip.
  2. Would you happen to have access to S-Tec Drawings - S-Tec Installation Bulletin 684 Master Drawing List 92783 and 92784 Installation Bulletin ST-584 Installation Bulletin 187 Master Drawing List 9282 Installation Manual ST-084 Thanks, Dave
  3. I wish that was the case here, those problems would be an easy fix!
  4. What difference would it make anyway? It was installed back in 2015. This is a recent intermittent problem.
  5. Andy, I'm posting your email here as I want others to see how I'm being treated by Aspen over their reliability issues. Andy, I hope you can understand and empathize with me of the frustration that I have had with Aspen for about 330 hours of flight. I've had to replace my PFD-1000 and now the EA-100 is problematic. Now you want me to spend $1000's more than I already have over this issue to have a DEALER tell me what I already know? Where is Aspen's responsibility in all this? How about arranging through a dealer or some other means a replacement EA-100 for a test loaner or warranty or something? Is it not obvious to me and many others that there are intermittent problems that Aspen should be learning from failed units like this in 300 hours? I bought this system as it was supposed to be more reliable than my old KI-256/KI-525. Now it seems that I have to rebuy the system again in repairs? Also after it is repaired how long will it last then? On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 10:39 AM Andy Smith <andy.smith@aspenavionics.com> wrote:
  6. Jake, Thanks for your input here and your help in the past over on BT. This is what I am leaning to as well. Just to test my EA-100 Aspen charges $500. plus the dealer labor which equals out to 1/4 of the total cost of the EA-100 which is robbery in my opinion. Also Aspen does not have repair capability, so does that mean the equipment is being manufactured overseas? Problem is that Aspen does not have any loaner units that I have found which seems ridiculous considering Aspen's reliability issues which are well spoken on these forums. So having said that it gets pretty expensive to replace boxes on my dime. I've been fortunate so far as I have a friend with an uninstalled Pro-1000 and have been able to borrow some of his equipment, but he isn't using an EA-100.
  7. Sent Andy an email, Thanks!
  8. Picture of panel for info. A/p = KFC-200 On the ground or during flight the AHRS Light Fail will come on and drop the autopilot intermittently. This is what it is supposed to do per the STC. Few minutes/seconds later AHRS light will extinguish and A/P can be re-engaged. I have tried - EA-100 was sent to Aspen for 24-Hour shake/bake/freeze and tested good. 2 different Aspen 1000 PFD's 3 different ACU's Replaced Ethernet cable Checked wiring. Any help from the Aspen/Avionics Guru's out there is greatly appreciated!
  9. Do you have any pictures of how you mounted the Ram mount to the yoke.
  10. Hi All, WE all as fellow aviators need to help save all the airports that we can. Please share this with others if you can. I don't know if the signature needs to be from a CA resident or not. https://www.change.org/p/los-angeles-city-council-save-historic-whiteman-airport Thanks, Dave
  11. Does this model Mooney require some flaps on takeoff? Wouldn't they have burned off most of their fuel getting there? Has anyone done a W&B with what would have been the remaining fuel?
  12. I would. Price?
  13. This is good information. Do you think Omega could make one for the Bravo? Its a higher pressure, I think 50psi. I had a custom probe made by Omega and they were also great to work with.
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