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  1. I'll discuss the inspection with my mechanic but I know he has never done it. I need to be sure he's confident of doing the work or I'll let Lasar do the job. Looks like we have another 30 hours before the AD is due but I thought we'd do it at this annual. Having second thoughts about it now. I may wait the six or so months and address the AD then. Thanks for all your input everyone.
  2. Spoke with the guys at lasar. 200 for inspection(not bad) , 2400 for rebuild (a little worse) . But I really like when my gear goes up and down when I want it to. Thx for the recommend.
  3. Remember approximate cost on lasers end?
  4. About time for AD75-23-04 on my m20 F. Looks to be model #M20-190A. Any recommendations as to where would be the best place to send the unit? I'm in North Carolina. It looks like the work could be done by a knowledgeable msc. My mechanic will remove and replace but not familiar enough to do the inspection . Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. Going to order a EDM730 this week. Until the end of April they're offering rebates of $300 on the 730, the same on the 900 series. Varies by model.
  6. +1 ipad mini. w/foreflight standard ipad blocks too much
  7. This is probably not going to help you but I'll be interested to find out the cause. I just overheated my number 4 cylinder and had to replace the rings and piston. I only have a single probe cht so wasn't aware of it till I started having a problem. My understanding is that #4 is usually one of the "cooler" running cylinders. Maybe not. We could not find a cause for my problem and with only a little over 100smoh a little troubling. I'm purchasing an engine analyzer and hopefully won't have an issue arise unexpectedly. I do have an F model so it may not be that relevant .
  8. what runway? I'm catching that Bird!
  9. I think I had a dream about one last night.
  10. That new EI unit looks similar to the JP unit Jose. I could see how the graph display would be easier to read.
  11. I'll check out some of the products you guys have mentioned. Don't think I can get too carried away as I have limited real estate in the old panel. The 930 looks awesome Bob. And I see that view of Long island every month or two as I have family out towards Islip. Time to hit the sack and have dreams of huge color displays with more information than my mind can process. I think I may be one of those people who do dream in color. Thanks for all the advice.
  12. Heh, now that I think about my plane is mid 60's technology. Mid 90's doesn't sound that bad.
  13. So I guess the big question is "how much for the up to date version" of an engine analyzer? Are we talking about an 830 model or something different.?
  14. Now that you talked me out of it you'll have to sell it to someone else but thanks for the input . It's about 400 cheaper for the EI unit but I guess theres good reason.
  15. Just put Goodyear flight specials on my F model. 119 for mains and 99 for nosewheel. Old tires were Airhawks and though they still had tread left were showing cracks from old age. Retreads are supposed to be a good deal but I wanted new tires and they were about half the price of the Goodyear 3's but still a new Goodyear tire. Only had them for a week so hard to tell you how they'll last. I hope pretty well.
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