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Robert C.

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Robert C. last won the day on July 4 2014

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    2006 Ovation GX

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  1. Perfect, that was the route I'm eyeing on the South. Going via Niagara falls would be the alternative. When you go via DJB do you get the FOREY arrival?
  2. Hi gang, We have a family reunion near Detroit coming up. KVLL is closest, with KDET not much further, to the location of the gathering. I'll be flying in from CT. Any tips, suggestions and local knowledge you can share about the airports, FBOs, ATC, etc? TIA, Robert
  3. My understanding is that the G1000 equipment is on the M20 type certificate. That makes it impossible to change installations of the G1000 on the basis of an STC. The type certificate needs to be amended. That in turn is something only Mooney can do, Garmin cannot. Robert
  4. Well played! That line worked for Ronald Reagan, not sure it would work for us in our insurance applications
  5. Robert, 

    I also have a 2006 Ovation - a 3 model.  Considering the MT-4 blade.  Are you happy with it so far.  Thanks in advance.

  6. When I first read the letter from Frank, or rather the attached AD, that arrived today it scared the beegeebees out of me as it sounds like all the IO550s would now be affected regardless of age and operating hours. After reading the AD 3 times I honed in on the statement that what mattered are the affected crankshaft number as reported in appendix I of MSB23-01A. http://tcmlink.com/ektron_cf_share/servicebulletins.cfm# So I went to the Continental site and downloaded the MSB and found that only 3 aircraft with an IO550 (G) are affected; but a lot of other IO550 models are mentioned so check yours! engine and crankshaft serial numbers for the IO550Gs are: I0550G Engine Model Engine Serial No. Crankshaft Serial No. 1043460 N22GA016 1043941 N22FA013 1044491 N22CA232 So I'm guessing that most Ovation owners with G model engines are in the clear. Lot's more IO360s though so check the list in the appendix carefully. Fly safe Robert
  7. Hi Fix, i had about 150hrs in Piper Archers when I bought my Ovation 3. I combined transition training with my IR using an accelerated program. Did 40hrs of IR training in 10 days and passed my check ride and felt completely comfortable in the Ovation. I did discover afterwards that there was much more to learn about Ovations and flying, but felt that by being careful/conservative it was perfectly doable to start flying an Ovation after 150 hrs in simpler planes. good luck! Robert
  8. Update: all’s well that ends well. firstly, thanks everyone for the suggestions on where to find help. Turns out available mechanics are hard to find on/after the Memorial Day weekend. There was real urgency as my aircraft was parked on a grassy strip between the runway and taxiway. Rain, in the forecast for last night and the next few days, would make the area soggy and getting my Mooney out might become a real challenge after a good rainfall. Steve @StevenL757to the rescue. He located an available tire/tube for me at his home drome (KISP) and in the afternoon braved the crazy Long Island traffic to drive to Montauk. He then changed the nose wheel tire for me while patiently teaching me the in and outs of the procedure. I got back to KDXR before the first thunderstorm hit about 2 hrs after I landed The whole experience was a great example of the camaraderie and helpfulness of the aviation community. Long may it last! Thanks everyone. Robert
  9. My wife and I had a lovely day walking the beach and having lunch in Montauk (KMTP) yesterday. Got back to the airport to find the nose wheel tire flat. There are no services at MTP but some of the locals sprang into action. Reinflated the tire, emptied in a few minutes. Tried that foam stuff, didn’t do it either. Aircraft parked on the grass between runway and taxiway. So, we need a mechanic who can go to Montauk to put a new tube and/or tire on. Anyone you recommend from one of the LI airports? My home drome (Danbury, KDXR) mechanic can come out but the logistics are obviously not simple (at least a 3 hr drive; took us over 4hrs to get home on bus and train). The mechanic will need to bring a jack of sorts to get the nose up and a compressor unless Billy is around who may be able to lend his. thanks in advance for any suggestions and advice. Robert
  10. Hi Patrick, @patrickf thanks for the updates. It’s great to have a Mooney specific performance calculator. i just downloaded the 310hp version and noticed that in the take off and landing tabs the (field/airport) altitude is not present but it still is in the original version. Is that on purpose? Robert
  11. yep, I love the VGs on my Ovation Frankly I'd even say that for 65- 70kts and would recommend an AOA system like the one I got from Alpha Systems to realize the full benefit. The combo makes it much easier/more comfortable to come over the fence at 65-70kts. With the VGs and a medium load my Vso is 51kts and Vref 65kts. Takes a little getting accustomed to and the AoA indicator makes it easier to accept that flying that slow is safe
  12. This guy has it nailed....why isn't anyone paying attention? See. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac7G7xOG2Ag Robert
  13. yep, I also get that on a regular basis.
  14. I often go there for fuel which is the cheapest in the area but can't help with transportation questions. Have you considered a rental car? There are lot's of things to do in the Hudson Valley. Have fun!
  15. SOLD (to Alan )
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