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Oldguy last won the day on March 7

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About Oldguy

  • Birthday May 14

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    Lakeland, Florida
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    Was N5767Z
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  1. Hi John,

    Just saw your post and where you are located. Congrats on your move to the free state of FL. 

    I never saw a post on your completed interior. How did it go, any pics?



    1. Oldguy



      Thanks for the note. The interior upgrade went so well I sold it!

      In reality, my essential tremor is getting worse, and on an approach down close to minimums, I had one which almost caused a LOC event. I love flying, but not enough to put myself or my passengers (usually my wife) in danger. So I had Jimmy Garrison list it, and he sold it in about 1 week to a Navy Commander up in northern Vermont! If you search Flightaware for N5767Z, you will see his recent travels.

      I still go up with a friend in his Commander 114, but I am never the sole pilot. Somewhat bittersweet, but I can still get my flying fix. And another friend, who now has my job at my previpous company, has an F model he lets me drive with him every once in a while.

      Lakeland is a blast! This first year we have traveled a bit spending a couple weeks in central Europe on a Viking river cruise, and I am traveling back and forth to Texas to handly my mother's affairs as she is 96 and lives in her house since she refuses to leave it. Because of her health, she requires help about 14 hours a day, so I stay busy. My wife has been trekking to the beach every other month with a friend she has known since grade school, and they are currently planning a two week trip to France, England, and Germany next month. Her friend still works and has to go to those spots on business, so Laura is accompanying her as her "assistant".

      What adventures have you had lately? Give me a shout if you make it to Sun-n-Fun. Would love to catch up F2F.


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