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Everything posted by flyingvee201

  1. Hi team, I'm planning on taking my father 83 yrs old for a flight to get my brother and bring him back to my house for a party for my da. My father wants to go on this 2 1/2 hr trip one way. I think he can make it fine...just worried of the altitude. My dad was in the Korean War and boasts about jumping out of airplanes all the time with a parachute!! LOL So,....any gentle suggestions to help my father enjoy the flight there and back. :-)
  2. I've had good experiences with Lance and Dakota at Cherry Hill Aviation at Seymour, IN (KSER).
  3. I did too. Had the stec alt and a/p disconnect as well as the PTT
  4. As far as some woodworking skills, my first thought is the WACO guys. They restore the vintage ones with wood spars ilke they were originally. At least its a start. They may have the proper skillset or at least know someone that does. I wish I had the money to bring this back to flying condition with a touch of modern flair. :-)
  5. I was told they bake it for only a few minutes from 285 to 325 depending on the part. And yes the oven is only used for power coating since they need to put some hooks on the top the the oven the hang the parts. They preheat the oven and quickly put the parts in and immediately can see the powder start to melt down. Like I said its only a couple minutes they say.
  6. Price will vary depending on labor to remove all the wiring and how long it takes to remove old paint/prep. I dont have my bill yet (still in annual), but he quoted me $100 for both. Again...your quote may vary. Can go gloss, or satin, or wrinkle finish and many many colors to choose from.
  7. Hey guys, and ladies. Just a quick shout out to Cherry Hill Aviation at Seymour, IN (KSER). They did a GREAT job in prepping and power coating both of my yokes on my F. They can powder coat in any color or texture you want. From high gloss, to satin, to wrinkled finish. We have the high gloss on the main yoke and wrinkled finish on the top plates where the PTT switches are to avoid any sun glare. www.cherryhillaviatoin.com Price was very reasonable (to me). Price may vary dependent on how much wiring they have to deal with for removal and reinstall. I will say..it was A FRACTION of going to leather.
  8. Isnt that where the shootings were?
  9. When I first got my M20F, I had the same issue. It turned out I made a rookie mistake. My ignition switch SAYS to PUSH in and TURN the ignition key to START. I still make this mistake once in a while "thinking" im pushing the key in when I guess its not enough. nothing happens....prop wont turn...nothing. Try that. next time....as you are turning the key....make SURE you are pushing it in as well. :-)
  10. I tried to order the 338 flourosilicone o-rings...out of stock!! LOL Anyone have four 338 flourosilicone o-rings for sale?
  11. Ok..I got this...I can do this.......SQUIRREL!!
  12. You are right - average age is nearing 60....but....I guess my guy is bucking the average. I think he's 30 or 35 and his partner is maybe 28. He went to Purdue University and Emery-Riddle. He's a good guy from an aviation family. This is his full time job, but also has a banner complany and is a corporate pilot. He uses an AGCAT for flying his banners! He father owns a private grass strip nearby too. Yes, I agree that GA is stressing right now, and I also try to look for the best deal too. I work hard for my money like everyone else here, and I dont have a lot to throw around. When I drop off my plane and I know its staying a week or two, I come back during the week to see how they are doing. I always insist on taking the guys out for lunch and talk about their families or anything else but work stuff.
  13. Yeah, it might work that way. I have to get a yardstick and see if I have clear line-of-sight from the filter out to the upper edge of the cowling lip. Thanks again! AWESOME pics and instructions! :-)
  14. $50hr at Seymour, IN (KSER) Cherryhill aviation. Not MSC but he knows Mooneys.
  15. This gives me ideas, Maybe shorten the length fish it to the bottom of the cowling if I can find some room. Add the elbow and stick an empty oil quart on the elbow.... hmmmm...
  16. This is GREAT but with the J cowling, I really dont want to remove the bottom half. I may need to try the cut out quart of oil method. Thanks EVERYONE for the GREAT ideas!!
  17. I would love to see this technical marvel of piping!!
  18. Oh....and I forgot to add..... My oil pan/container had a hairline crack in it. "Somebody" decided to stand and jump their little feet on it and didnt tell anyone! I thought these plastic containers were sturdy but al lit takes is a little bit a deformity and it creaks a little crack. Another oily puddle on the hangar floor. LOL
  19. Ok....this is the first time changing the oil in a Mooney. Im used to swimming inside the cowling of a Cherokee Six...LOTS of room and I never spilled a drop....EVER! This is the first time I had the opportunity (other times we just had done at annual) to change the oil on this bird. I have a quick drain, but it turns out that the nipple was 3/8" instead of the Cherokee's 1/2"....sooooo, I had to go back out to the auto shop and buy a new drain hose...no big deal. Then I studied the oil filter removal situation. It seems easy enough to get from the top, but how can I capture the oil after unscrewing the filter? I couldnt figure a way to place a pan or channel it to a bucket without removing the lower cowling. My F model has the full J cowling with the oil cooler behind the rear jug. So I crammed (or so I thought) a bunch of towels under the filter and proceeded to remove the filter. So far so good, saw that the towels had oil and I thought I was good. I put the new filter in, plugged up the quick drain and then...... UGH!! The nose wheel COVERED in dirty oil!! The towels didnt catch everything! I wish I could put an empty quart of oil under the fitler, cut out to fit, but the bad thing is, Im not sure I can remove it without making a mess. So much easier in the Cherokee with that big fat O-540!! LOL -Vic
  20. Yeah, I agree on the KLN94. Need to upgrade the GPS. We've been looking at a new 430w (still can be bought new w ith warranty) or even the newer touchscreen version. I thikn we need to focus first on the paint, but my partners want the GPS first. Paint chipping away and the red is very faded. Have corrosion around the inspecton panel screws and some on the wing tips. I would love to get that all touched up at least. I cant seem to find someone to do it around here though.
  21. Well, I got the card updated using the Sandisk image mate card reader. I used my neighbor's XP desktop that his daughter had. I tolerated her Justin Beiber screen saver but I got done. It was quick and painless. The card reader pulled up in 30 seconds, downloaded the gps loader,then this cycle's database and BAM! I was DONE! I might have to buy that old PC from him or just go on eBay and find an old laptop with XP on it. -Vic
  22. Yeah, I think the easiest thing to do is get the converter cable. Is your laptop using Win 7?
  23. So, we have the KLN94b in our plane and need to update the datacard. It was done by another partner, but he no longer has is old PC to do it. Im using a Dell laptop with Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and using the USB port. I have the right Immagemate card reader as well. For some reason, the Honeywell gpsloader cant seem to see the datacard. It does take a good 20 minutes before Windows see the E: drive and shows the imagemate Sandisk drive but thats as far as I get. I've even rebooted with the cardreader plugged into the USB port, but No Joy! Even tried letting it sit for an hour....still nothing! I have a call out to Honeywell (Wingman Services) today, but I figured I'd ask the group here. Thanks Vic
  24. What size hose for the quick drain? I need to change my oil too. My Piper Cherokee Six o-540 was 3/4 inch if im not mistaken, but not sure on the io-360.
  25. Lts get crazy and show O'Hare! KORD - $9.17! HOLY! Gas cap Batman!!
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