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mooneyflyfast last won the day on October 19 2020

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  1. Removing mine turned out to be too much of a job—they seemed to be set in some sort of sealant. Mineral spirits from a small syringe seemed to free them up pretty well.
  2. My J SN 1057 built in 1980 is an 81 Model
  3. I just freed mine up. Kroil and a little heat from a heat gun. No longer have to stuff tissue paper in them to keep from freezing. You have to hold the eyeball while turning the knurled part.
  4. You might want to read Carol Ann Garratt’s book “upon Silver Wings”. She has flown her M20J around the world……twice. She might even be willing to give you some advice about your trip. I’ve met her and she is very pleasant to talk to.
  5. A loose connection. I had this on my J
  6. My 81 J model has the original paint. If I have it painted could I expect any noticeable increase in speed? Looking for first hand knowledge rather than theoretical discussion. Did you notice any speed improvement after your Mooney was painted?
  7. I guess I should have said If you want to consistently make good and safe landings, hold it off until it’s ready to land. I didn’t mean to start a big theoretical discussion as to the maximum speed at which you could land a Mooney. I don’t think this serves an inexperienced pilot transitioning to a Mooney well. Flying it on to the runway at 90kts.? Or even 70? How do you think the infamous Mooney bounces that result in so many bent props and engine teardowns start? In my J 70 is your over the fence speed and then you try to keep it from landing until it settles on. Our insurance would be cheaper if everyone followed my advice.
  8. This happened to my J once after I had to use the manual system after a total electrical failure. My mechanic had to drive a bolt out. After replacing the bolt, all was well. Not a big deal.
  9. The statement was that you could land your “Mooney as fast as 90 kts on the runway” 90 kts on approach is a lot different from “on the runway” at 90 kts.” You can fly you approach at any speed as long as you have enough runway. And it is a lot easier to get the nose up with no flaps.
  10. My previous comment was tongue in cheek. I’m waiting for information as to how to land my Mooney at 90 kts.
  11. Someone will correct you here if you make dumb uneducated general statements like I did. But it’s all in fun and we don’t take offense.
  12. I’m curious how you land a Mooney at 90 knots? can you elaborate? What is a formation landing? The factory specs for my Ercoupe call for adjusting the tail height to 75” so as to achieve a level pitch attitude on the ground. It also states that the airplane can be “landed at any speed” which I think is true. You can argue the exceptions and theoretical aspects of this. I was only trying to provide some general information that can be put to practical use. I’ll rephrase my statement: You will make better landings and avoid potentially damaging bounces if you hold it off until it is ready to land.
  13. Here’s my J Model in a level attitude. You can see that the nose wheel is firmly on the ground while the mains are 4-5 inches in the air. If you contact the ground in this attitude you are guaranteed to go bouncing and you will be in this attitude unless the airplane is slow enough to get the nose up. You can’t shorten or hurry uo the landing by “planting” it on the ground like you might do in a Cessna or something.
  14. 1966 bucks. in 1966 I was renting Cessna 140s for $8.00 an hour. Dual was$11.00.
  15. I have a Mooney Ranger owners manual and Embrey Riddle checklist and procedures description. If you want it let me know and you will need to mail me a postpaid envelope. It is 6 x 9 and 5 oz. p.m. for mailing address.
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