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  1. Folks, totalled my m20a, on landing, now spare parts for sale. seats, no rust, and the rubber from cowl to carb box, like new. call 514-620-4900 montreal canada.
  2. Folks, about 6 months ago a member emailed me asking if I had a prop hub, I finally found it, he can have it for free if he is still around and needs it. also have the rubber part in front of the carb box (goes to cowl) for an m20a (it's new). mike at 514-620-4900 mtl
  3. Folks, I installed a 2nd radio in my old m20a, it's a king ky97a I have no manuals with it, searched internet and bendix king web site , no luck, I am unable to get channel 122.775 I can get only 122.77, I tried to pull the little knob out but cannot get the '5' is this radio too old, also how do I adjust the squelch. thanks for ány' answers. Mike.
  4. Folks, got an old C and on a budget, my com 2 is an old garmin gps with com(no map), I want to remove it and put in my handhelp 296. I bought the adapter for $100.00 , I think I can just cut the wires from it to the unit that switches radios/speakers, use the power wire and bolt in the adapter. has anyone installed this type of modification? is it harder to read/use the small gps in the middle? I have a good icom handhelp as my backup radio, no ifr flying, and no problem with my AME, in Canada we get away with murder on our planes. Thanks Mike.
  5. attached pics at home, too far to drive for a car/plane pic..but enjoy, all 3 rebuilt, tooo may toys now..
  6. Folks, the insurance has paid me for my m20a, now it's up for salvage bids, the engine has a total time of 535 hours from 1986, if I won bid what can I expect to sell engine for?, I will have the logs with it, tips were bent about 3 inches in, the front wheel saved most of the prop. is thereany market for a prop strike engine? Thanks Mike.
  7. sold to Ron, a few days ago. Mike.
  8. Hi, I would take $100.00 plus shipping if u want the rigging tools. Mike.
  9. I have them both, make on offer to autoalain@yahoo.ca
  10. Folks, after total loss of mooney I am putting stuff on ebay, cannot finds any add's for the tool to adjust the landing gear, how much are these 2 tools worth, is it a waste of time to put on ebay?
  11. Hi, I have a perfect on for sale $130.00 Mike autoalain@yahooo.ca 514-620-4900
  12. Thanks for comments, what really pisses me off is the error in winds forecast, at 7am when I checked the weather was 6 klms from the SW, forecast for the next 6 hours was 8 klm again from the SW. well coming in on final i was surprised to have 25 klms from the north, direct x wind, should I have gone somewhere else, yes, pilot error, yes. wind shear yes, ashamed, yes. after 500 hours on her I still made some bad decisions. Mike.
  13. Insurance guys, say total loss, adjuster suggested I make a bid, it's back in my hanger, I wonder if a $1.00 would be too high. AHHH. engine has 510 hours on it.
  14. Hello  i am looking for I am looking for nose landing gear.parts  for a 75 m20c..  kinked it in a tow... at some time...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. edwin
    3. edwin


      Ok  so in the centre of the red circle is where the damage is  i need that assembly.   if you have a used one it must be perfect.condition. no rust....absoulutely no kinks in the tube..  thks Ed from manitoba   canada..

    4. Alan Fox

      Alan Fox

      Will get pics today..

  15. Well, my c-frlv just went to plane heaven, winds picked up badly on way home, weather man said 6 knots sw, well came in to land and they were 20 knots from north west, I knew it ws a little much to try and land but onroute I heard a different noise that sounded like an exhaust leak and was worried about fire, so wanted on the ground soon, about 200 feet from touchdown the wind shifted about 40 degrees, so hard that my passenger hit his head on the roof, the plane sank very fast, tried to pull back but landing gear collasped r/h side, I had a new partner with me and he was watching my speed like I was, I was at 85 200 feet from the number, but landed, or touched down I should say 100 feet from the numbers, it sank like a lead ballon, rear tank was empty, I do not know why it dropped so dam fast, well we walked away, after about a 500 foot slide, solid plane (was). now just trying to get the sick felling out of my gut. pics to come. Mike.
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