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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2012 in all areas

  1. Ly Con charges 250 per head for porting so 1000 plus tax if your in California. They will port any worthy jug new or used.
    1 point
  2. I'm in San Francisco right now, but my flight on a Mooney fell though...still haven't been on one! I'm looking to head out of California the week of December 16. I'm trying to go to SoCal, Arizona and New Mexico but I will go anywhere I can! Check out the latest story on NBC's Today.com: http://todaytravel.today.com/_news/2012/11/06/14946755-hitching-around-america-one-free-flight-at-a-time?lite If anyone is flying out, let me know!
    1 point
  3. Jose and Arron, you guys are completely correct right up the the point where you execute the missed approach. At that point how you execute a missed approach in a 201 is not the same as you would in a M20C. The real challenge with a manual gear Mooney is that when flying the glide slope at 90kts you're already 20 mph faster than what is ideal for manual gear retraction. When you go missed and power up, you'll have to bring the nose up ( as Stevesm20b mentioned) and let speed bleed off to 80-90 mph before you raise the gear and the push the nose back down to complete the clean up and fess up.
    1 point
  4. Nice data gentlemen. As the price of fuel climbs, we'll be happier to have Mooneys than anything else... Best regards, -a-
    1 point
  5. This Stc is just allowing us Hot Rodders or us Mooney owners to go faster. The Stc is a gift from God. How many of you truing out at 160 k have said in the back of your mind "Would be nice to go just a bit faster." This Stc is meant to squeeze 5 more k out of your A3B6 at altitude never mind more power on take off and climb.. There is no mp restriction on take off. I wanted it for my E though it is a A1A and wouldnt work because of the lack of a counter weighted crank. People run these pistons all the time in the experimental world and besides lycoming in there io360 helicopter engine. I doubt lycoming would install them in one of their helicopter engines if they felt they were an issue. I mean if they run flawless in their io360 helicopter engine then it might make sense that they should be able to work on a their fixed wing version. Im purchasing the Stc for my J and will post the performance increase once established. The new firewall forward went out of there way to offer us io360 owners who want it, more power and the option if we so choose. We all know the options us certified aircraft owners have.
    1 point
  6. Aero-In-Stock has them for $51. There are several $20 NAPA (not MAPA) belts in use around my airport.
    1 point
  7. I'm cheap. At $200/inspection/year, I can go a long ways without this modification. Thanks.
    1 point
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