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Completed my bi-anneal flight review today. My first post 50 review. Had a great time with the instructor who introduced me to complex aircraft. The highlight was a simulated engine out at runway end on downwind. Put gear down as I knew I had runway made and still had memory of my gear-up while under review ten years ago...still high I used a slip...first time in a long time I had full rudder input...plane responded great and landing had my audio saying stall, stall in the flare. Dave made some excellent suggestions, like keeping it at 2500 feet over Cedar Rapids...altitude is your friend...and not powering up until lined up for departure...use the whole runway...and validation that at least on this day you are competent and the master of the machine...looking forward to more solid flying weather and enjoying my bird...


Yeah, I think he tried to split the middle between the two terms! But glad to know the first post-50 review was a success. I won't have mine for another couple of years.


I took one to get back into flying after 20+ years away, @ age 69. It only took a few hours of flying to get adequately up to speed. Doing the IFR recurrency took more. (I don't think BFR is the label any more even though it is biennial as to frequency.)

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