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Colorado House Bill HB24-1235

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We've been dealing with a fairly anti-GA sentiment around a couple airports in the past years, and it seems that some of this has gained traction lately with politicians.  I've received emails from CPA, AOPA and EAA and thought that I'd pass on the info through Mooneyspace for support.  KBJC has already had voluntary night flying curfews and changed flight patterns for noise mitigation, and is poised to be the first in the state to adopt 100UL as well as offering hangar credit for the cost of STC.  Yet instead of being more collaborative, the political environment at the capital is more adversarial towards GA.  Hopefully the state will continue to move forward in a positive way for all.

Especially if you live in Colorado or know someone who does, please ask them to reach out to their representatives in a positive way supporting GA.


EAA is supporting the efforts of the Colorado Pilots Association (CPA), Colorado Aviation Business Association (CABA), and other groups, asking members to take action to influence the outcome of Colorado House Bill HB24-1235. As introduced, the bill has sections that would negatively impact aviation in Colorado. CABA is working with legislators and encouraging the adoption of amendments offered by the sponsor.

HB24-1235, entitled Reduce Aviation Impacts on Communities, is tentatively scheduled for its first hearing on March 6 before the Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee.

As introduced, HB24-1235, among other measures, would:

  • Create an “impact remediation fee” on leaded aviation fuel purchases, up to $.50 per gallon

  • Require airports to develop plans to phase out leaded avgas while establishing a fund to support unleaded fuel infrastructure

  • Require that the Colorado Aeronautical Board be increased to nine from seven members, giving priority to individuals who are not trained pilots and who reside directly in the predominant flight path of KAPA and KBJC

  • Create requirements on airports that conflict with federal preemption

Full text of the bill can be found at: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb24-1235

Here are four important things you can do:

1. Email or call the members of the committee now, well before the hearing
2. Attend the committee hearing (in person or by Zoom)
3. Volunteer to testify for 2 minutes at the hearing (in person or by Zoom)
4. Share this call to action

EAA and CPA are supporting the Colorado Aviation Business Association (CABA) in its efforts to amend the bill. Since the bill has a good chance of passing, work continues cooperatively with the sponsors toward amended language that addresses areas that would negatively impact general aviation in the state.

CPA and CABA are asking you to contact the committee members and communicate to them that:

  • You support general aviation and the incentives in the bill to help airports and aircraft owners handle the transition to unleaded avgas.

  • Other sections of the bill, as introduced, would be disastrous for aviation and not effective at controlling noise or lead.

  • The aviation community is already working at the local and national levels toward a safe transition to unleaded fuels.

  • They should adopt the CABA-supported sponsor’s recommended amendments to the bill, which strive to resolve the problematic aspects of the bill.

Including “Please Amend HB24-1235” in the subject line is important when communicating.

CPA recommends you send your communications to the following emails of the members of the Transportation Committee:


For additional details on these committee chairs, please visit Transportation Committee

Details on attendance at the committee hearing will be sent out by CPA Monday night, March 4. If you would like to testify in person or by Zoom, please contact the Colorado Pilots Association at legislative@coloradopilots.org. They will coordinate those testifying so that the committee hears a powerful message. CPA asks all those testifying to write and practice their testimony so that it is 2 minutes, polished, and persuasive.

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