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Hello everyone,

This post will serve as a list of the features that will be added to this site as well as what is being worked on and ETAs, etc.  Please comment in this topic to make suggestions or even just to prod me back to work Yell

  • Member Image Galleries (under development: ETA 10/25/08)  - This will be a nice album organized system allowing you to create albums, add photos to those albums, etc.  A nice widget will be used that will allow you to upload dozens of photos at one time and easily add your descriptions.

  • Resources Area / Articles (ETA 11/5/08) - This is where we will start adding articles to the system.  Each article will be assigned a category and the Mooney model(s) it applies to will also be linked in the system.  This will provide the user to search for articles that apply to their particular model (many articles will be set to apply to all models of course).

  • Usefull Homepage (ETA 11/15/08) - This will basically take the home page and make it a summary of the recent and popular content on the site.  We can show the recent additions to the photo gallery, recent forum activity, recent articles as well as popular content - where "popular" is determined by either times being read, ratings, or both.

  • THE HANGAR (ETA 12/15/08) - This will be a major feature but probably one of the cooler parts of MooneySpace and where I hope it will become something like "MySpace for Mooniacs" - here you will get to add airplanes to your hangar, add photos for each plane as well as well organized details like upgrades, avionics installed, year, model, etc.  In this area will be a basic blog as well where you can easily publish your mad ramblings.  Then I hope to give everyone an easy URL for your hangar like http://www.mooneyspace.com/mooniac58/ so you can easily share your hangar with others.

  • Classifieds (ETA 12/31/08) - As the name implies - free, searchable classified ads for Mooney owners.  To make life easy - any plane already setup in your "hangar" can be listed for sale in a snap by just checking "for sale" on your airplane and adding the price.  This will automatically make it appear in the classifieds section.

This is all I have for now.  I am gleefully open to suggestions on these items or for new items.  If you have seen something cool on another website (aviation related or otherwise) that you think would be a nice addition here let me know!

Thanks everyone for visiting Cool


Just a few suggests I have seen on other Forums.

-a button that will bring up all "new posts" since that last time you were on.

-first new post in a thread

I like the idea of classifieds or a "for sale" section....I'm sure at this point you are probably overwhelmed, and all your commitments outside of MooneySpace...so I'll give you a day or two to make all this happen. WinkTongue out


Add a button at the bottom of a thread page that takes you back to the forums select page.








Hi Craig, I am unable to stop the email notifications of new posts. The only two places I see to control this is my profile and subscriptions at the top of the forum pages. I'm getting bombarded with emails. Any ideas?

Thanks, Terry

Always notify me of new posts:

You may choose to be notified via email of any new posts to discussion you participate in. If no, you can subscribe to threads on an individual basis

Yes    No


Quote: Terry

Hi Craig, I am unable to stop the email notifications of new posts. The only two places I see to control this is my profile and subscriptions at the top of the forum pages. I'm getting bombarded with emails. Any ideas?

Thanks, Terry

Always notify me of new posts:

You may choose to be notified via email of any new posts to discussion you participate in. If no, you can subscribe to threads on an individual basis

Yes    No

 It should work when you delete the subscriptions in the "subscriptions" menu item above.  It will list them and you can check and delete them.  Let me know if you see topics in that list.


Hello all,

In the next day or two I am going to get up:

1) Jump to unread posts in topics

2) Remember Me login feature

3) Nav links at bottom of topics

I have been working with my mechanic to install the new interior, what a MAJOR pain!

Thanks for visiting!


Quote: mooniac58

1) Jump to unread posts in topics

2) Remember Me login feature

3) Nav links at bottom of topics

Ok, all of these are complete!  Please test and let me know how it works. 


Well I used the remeber me feature on login....I'll let you know how it works in the coming days.

I used the jump to unread posts to get down to here!!! YAY! CoolLaughing


Thanks for all your hard work Craig...Smile


Thanks for the changes!!

I'm still mising a link on top next to   subscriptons/members/... that says: show unread topics, clickig on that gives you a list of all topics with all new messages, the function you implementen 'jump to unread posts' is noramlly used when you click on the topic.




Quote: M20BE

Thanks for the changes!!

I'm still mising a link on top next to   subscriptons/members/... that says: show unread topics, clickig on that gives you a list of all topics with all new messages, the function you implementen 'jump to unread posts' is noramlly used when you click on the topic.



 Ok, I will get this done sometime this week too Wink


One remark : at the main page you say : 


Currently, there is a total of 10 users online: 5 registered, 0 hidden and 5 guests (based on activity within the last 30 minutes


That is not really the way it goes on forums, the maximum should be last 5 minutes.. :-)

it gives a wrong idea otherwise, i'll guess it's wise to reset the counter ...


Quote: M20BE

One remark : at the main page you say : 


Currently, there is a total of 10 users online: 5 registered, 0 hidden and 5 guests (based on activity within the last 30 minutes


That is not really the way it goes on forums, the maximum should be last 5 minutes.. :-)

it gives a wrong idea otherwise, i'll guess it's wise to reset the counter ...

 This whole stats area is a mess (and not designed by me) - currently they do not even reset, they just build up all day long.  I am going to scrap it all and re-do it.  However, 15 or 30 minutes is a pretty standard amount for a website to determine "who's online."  It is what I have always used in my other communities.

Using AJAX there are actually some new ways to really tell if a user is connected to your pages anymore, and that might be the better route as well.


Ok, your wish is my command.  Note the new "View New Posts" link at the top of the forums page.  It should show you all posts you have not seen since your last login.

Note that if you have not viewed a topic since before Oct 23 it will think it is new - this is because I have not been tracking when you view topics since then.  But it should work perfectly moving forward from that date.

Attached is a picture of where the new feature is located.  Enjoy! Wink




Just wanted to say what a great site you've set up here...Every mooney flyer owes you a debt of gratitude!  Wondering if you had any updates on the other sections such as the Member Image Galleries?  And is there anything us posters can do to help?

thanks again....If you're ever in Va Bch the beers are on me 


Quote: mooniac


Do I have to view all posts to clear them from the "new post" bin or is there an easy way to mark all posts as read?

Thanks for the good work!


 Currently you will need to visit each one to clear it.  I can add something here though that will let you clear them, especially if you can tell they are one that does not pertain to you and you don't need to visit.

Expect this within a few days.


Quote: GeorgePerry


Just wanted to say what a great site you've set up here...Every mooney flyer owes you a debt of gratitude!  Wondering if you had any updates on the other sections such as the Member Image Galleries?  And is there anything us posters can do to help?

thanks again....If you're ever in Va Bch the beers are on me 

 You're welcome! Cool

Member image galleries are next.  I have been fiddling with the very cool Flash based multi-file uploader which will let you select a whole pile of files from your PC and upload them at once with ease.  This is all running late since a) I had to take time to fix and improve more things with the forums than I planned and B) the interior installation on my Mooney is going slower than I planned.

I would say the new ETA on the member galleries is around 11/5 or so.  When they are ready they should be very nice though!


Quote: mooniac58

 Currently you will need to visit each one to clear it.  I can add something here though that will let you clear them, especially if you can tell they are one that does not pertain to you and you don't need to visit.

Expect this within a few days.

 Ok, this is now in there, you can check the threads to remove.  Note that this will just set it to viewed for the current date/time.  Once the topic has new posts again it will re-appear on this list.


Damn you're good, although I wonder when you find time to sleep... you seem to be on duty 9 AM east coast time... which would make it either very early or very late your time.  Good luck with the new interior install.


  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys, sorry I have been absent on the development for so long.  I did manage to get on and fix up a bug I found in the user registration process that was rare but seemed to mess up a couple of the accounts here.

I also fixed up the "whos online" portion at the main forum page.  It should now accurately show who is online and the max users ever online, etc.

  • 3 months later...

Craig- some more ideas.  They might fall into some of your other planned upgrades but I thought I'd throw them out anyway.

A location for some vendors that we have used with good results.  Some are obvious (like certain MSC's) but others for things like oil & fuel hoses, engine control cables, magneto service, instrument overhauls, etc would be nice.  I keep a notebook for stuff like that but we might as well make a clearinghouse here!  Ditto for paint shops, engine shops, interior work, whatever.

Classifieds as you have mentioned, to include accessories, parts, Mooney tools, etc in addition to just planes.

Maybe it is just me with IE6 at work, but when I open the site it *never* fits into my browser window that isn't quite maximized wtih a 20" screen.  I have to scroll to the right, and the member galleries always end up off the bottom of the page and require left-right scrolling.  I don't read/post much from home with Firefox but will try to remember to check the behavior.  Having to scroll so much to find buttons is a nuisance.

Keep up the great work!


Quote: KSMooniac

Maybe it is just me with IE6 at work, but when I open the site it *never* fits into my browser window that isn't quite maximized wtih a 20" screen.  I have to scroll to the right, and the member galleries always end up off the bottom of the page and require left-right scrolling.  I don't read/post much from home with Firefox but will try to remember to check the behavior.  Having to scroll so much to find buttons is a nuisance.

Keep up the great work!

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