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Pre-Negotiation/Viewing Question Bank

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In my search for a Mooney (which will most likely be a pre-J) I've spent most of my time learning about the brand via the internet and picking my buddy's brain who has a 67F.  From these experiences I've compiled the following question bank that I intend to use when I'm trying to determine if a candidate aircraft is one that I want to continue to pursue and possible go view in person.

I'd like to solicit input on it so I can refine and improve it further.

Thanks, Jeff


Documentation and History:
1. How long have you owned aircraft?  Why are you selling it?
2. Do you have complete and original logs for the airframe, motor and prop with no gaps?
3. How many owners has it had?
4. Where has it been located?
5. What is it's hangar history (i.e. how has it been stored)?
6. Does it have any damage history?
7. Is this the aircraft's original "N" number?  If not, what prior "N" numbers has it had?
8. What is the aircraft's serial number?

Motor and Prop:
1. How long ago (calendar date and flight hours) was the motor overhaul done?
2. Who did the overhaul on the motor?
3. Does the aircraft still have the original motor?
4. Does it have GAMI injectors?
5. How long ago (calendar date and flight hours) was the prop overhaul done?
6. Is the prop original?
7. Has the prop governor been overhauled?  If so, when?
8. Is the aircraft still subject to the recurring Hartzel AD?

1. Can you list the mods done to the aircraft?
2. Have the fuel tanks been resealed or converted to bladders?
3. Are there any fuel leak issues?
4. When was the last weight and balance done?
5. What is it's current useful load?
6. What kind of corrosion protection has been done? 
7. Have the wings fogged, Corrosion X'ed etc.
8. When was it last painted?
9. Who did the paint job?
10. Was the old paint taken down to metal prior to painting or was it just sprayed over?
11. What type of paint was used?
12. What type of tires are on the airplane?

1. Have all AD'S complied with?
2. Have the been properly documented in the logbooks?
3. Are there any recurring AD'S (e.g. prop hub eddy current inspection, etc.)

Routine Maintenance:
1. When was the last annual?
2. Who performed the annual and do you mind if I speak with the mechanic?
3. What was needed at the last annual?  Anything not addressed?
4. Is it IFR Certified? When was it done?
5. How frequently were oil changes done?
6. Who performed the maintenance on the airplane?
7. Are there any open squawks?

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I also asked questions about the owner when I was getting mine, such as:

What type of flying do you usually do? (long cross countries, around the pattern, etc. All hours are not created equal)

Why are you selling? (trying to avoid "its a basketcase and I can't afford to fix everything)

How much did your last few annuals run you? (this one is interesting, because the owner assumes you want an airplane that's inexpensive to maintain. Nope. I want an airplane that you spent enough money on to actually keep up. 5 years of $800 annuals? Pass!)

Are you SURE you're ready to sell? (I had a guy back out during pre-buy, not because they found ANY squawks, but because at the end of the day he wasn't emotionally ready to deal with losing his medical yet. I felt for him, but I was also mad he'd wasted my time)

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Really good questions.  Things you need to know.  Can I recommend the following:

Reading the log books yourself will answer most of these questions.  Many people selling airplanes today don't mind emailing a zipped file of logs. 

45 years of log entries are hard to memorize so asking an owner many of these questions, might not get the type of response you are looking for.  Asking these questions to a person that sells planes for a living might get you mis-information.  They have several other planes that have logs they have just reviewed.

My thoughts....


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Quote: F18Lumpy

From these experiences I've compiled the following question bank that I intend to use when I'm trying to determine if a candidate aircraft is one that I want to continue to pursue and possible go view in person.

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Guest Anonymous

Get a knowledgeable, acitve mechanic that knows and loves Mooneys.  Pay the bucks for his help, and you will be better served than by a list of questions of any length.  Guys like this can be found all over the country and all of these guys talk.  The chance is pretty good that one of them on the 'good ol boys' network knows something about any airplane that you would want to buy, and probably a lot about the ones to avoid, as well.

I am always amazed by the number of guys that have worked for LASAR, SWTA, Byerly, Reliant or any of the other service centers, and now operate elsewhere with a very large base of Mooney business.  I have found them in very out of the way places even (Try Prineville, OR or Fallon, Nevada).  Ask any of them if they work on Mooneys, and they will launch immediately into Mooney stories if its the guy you want.  Don't forget to ask them about each other too!  That will quickly sort out the few that may have a bad reputation.


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