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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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This works well for the "global relativism" crowd and states only the obvious. When we wake up in the morning, we all know what our chances are. But we also know one terrorist attack can stun air travel, ground your airplane, shut down our financial markets, ruin political aspirations, entangle us in war and instill fear in our masses. This kind of really dumb shit works for people who like to explain away failures in public policy and international weakness.  Blasé' liberals and libertarians alike, who don't argue on merit, but instead, deflect and seek moral and statistical equivalency.

And if these predictions you spout as certainty do not come true, are you going to publically admit you sounded like a fool?

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This works well for the "global relativism" crowd and states only the obvious. When we wake up in the morning, we all know what our chances are. But we also know one terrorist attack can stun air travel, ground your airplane, shut down our financial markets, ruin political aspirations, entangle us in war and instill fear in our masses. This kind of really dumb shit works for people who like to explain away failures in public policy and international weakness.  Blasé' liberals and libertarians who don't argue on merit, but instead, deflect and seek moral and statistical equivalency.


We have no moral high ground here. We installed Saddam and propped up the House of Saud and supported countless dictators in the the Middle East. Chickens coming home to roost, that's all.


Because we have no moral high ground, and I have no desire to pretend that we do, I would level the entire middle east if I was in charge and not apologize to anyone. But, alas, I am not.

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I have NEVER called you an idiot. Libtard, Yes. I believe you are well ahead on personal attacks upon me and your descriptions of "who and what I am"...


Correct and I need to quit that shit. My apologies. They are in good nature and never come off right in writing. Need to remember we're not sitting around a campfire and you can't see my goofy smile..

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This from the guy that called out the freshman rep former seal...




Other than oil, what good has come out of there for last 100 years? Admit it, you would like that too…Except you'd wrap it in American Exceptionalism and I'll wrap be in "well, we got the bomb, we might as well use it". But that's why we have sane people in charge…And I will never run for office. Hope to be lucky enough in the long run to rent a senator or two.

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We have no moral high ground here. We installed Saddam and propped up the House of Saud and supported countless dictators in the the Middle East. Chickens coming home to roost, that's all.


Because we have no moral high ground, and I have no desire to pretend that we do, I would level the entire middle east if I was in charge and not apologize to anyone. But, alas, I am not.

I read a piece today summarizing and quoting the Egyptian leader talking about how "The world is against us"...because of our religon. The fact that we want to "kill" those that do not believe as we do. He reached out to Religious Leaders and talked about refrmation of the religion. Pretty powerful.

I am optomistic. There were a lot of "good Germans" and "good Japanese". I am glad that we helped them rebuild and take a leadership position in the world.

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And if these predictions you spout as certainty do not come true, are you going to publically admit you sounded like a fool?


They aren't predictions, they are fact, not unlike the dumb chart. Again...deflect and urge me to admit foolishness. The frustration of a liberal feeling political power, slowly ooze away. 

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The Blaze



I just looked and looked but couldn't find any. I know I'm going out on a limb here, but could you perhaps cut and past a link?


All I found when on The Blaze was something about new evidence that the ancient land of Atlantis was found:



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That is how Russian's think?


Good portion of American high command too. Dr Stranglove was only partially fiction if you read all the declassified memos from that time. There were a lot of generals who really though we could win a nuclear war. As if there is such a thing as "winning a nuclear war"...

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They aren't predictions, they are fact, not unlike the dumb chart. Again...deflect and urge me to admit foolishness. The frustration of a liberal feeling political power, slowly ooze away. 


Really, last time I checked Boehner was still in charge so I don't think anyones power has slipped, the Republicrats still rule so status quo remains with house, senate and white house in the hands of center-right. Until you realize that top two candidates in any presidential election are essentially interchangeable by the time they become electable, you have a long way to go in understanding American politics, grasshopper. Anyway, leaving for a while, got some light switches to hook up in my upstairs project...

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Really, last time I checked Boehner was still in charge so I don't think anyones power has slipped, the Republicrats still rule so status quo remains with house, senate and white house in the hands of center-right. Until you realize that top two candidates in any presidential election are essentially interchangeable by the time they become electable, you have a long way to go in understanding American politics, grasshopper. Anyway, leaving for a while, got some light switches to hook up in my upstairs project...


I have a higher view of our political process. I think it works. There are just wild oscillations and waves that we have to live through. Brother-man is all alone and will be on the record with his veto pen. People ain't buying free community college for everyone. They know we're broke. The Treasury spigot is also about to be turned off (just in time for 2016). This is a mess that will take decades to fleece. Hillary can't rally liberal splinter groups and social media is now an almost even playing field.

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I have a higher view of our political process. I think it works. There are just wild oscillations and waves that we have to live through. Brother-man is all alone and will be on the record with his veto pen. People ain't buying free community college for everyone. They know we're broke. The Treasury spigot is also about to be turned off (just in time for 2016). This is a mess that will take decades to fleece. Hillary can't rally liberal splinter groups and social media is now an almost even playing field.


Wanna bet that beer and round trip avgas to an equidistance airport that next president is a from the Democratic side of the Republicrat party. I'm in if you are...

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Right, you had nothing a second ago, suggested I admit I am fool and then dismiss yourself. I don't get it. You and I are famous. I'd love to call you every name in the book, but I don't. Argue political thought on merit or quit crying.

I asked if these predictions you made don't come true, if you will admit you sounded like a fool. If I were like others here I would simply say "you are a fool,". It's a distinct difference.

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Wanna bet that beer and round trip avgas to an equidistance airport that next president is a from the Democratic side of the Republicrat party. I'm in if you are...


I don't know.. There was a great piece in WSJ recently that suggested we may never see a moral majority type leader ever again. It is the Rand Paul kind of Republican that scares me. Great dude, smart guy, but liberal when it suits he and his Dad. If Jeb Bush don't count, I'll take that bet, yer gonna regret.......


Now, I could never call you "Ass", so what is your name and where are you based?

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I asked if these predictions you made don't come true, if you will admit you sounded like a fool. If I were like others here I would simply say "you are a fool,". It's a distinct difference.


They aren't predictions, they are mere fact...they happened. Are we smarter? Better? Are we so full of ourselves that we think we can post statistical charts comparing terrorism to having a heart attack? C'mon man.

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I don't know.. There was a great piece in WSJ recently that suggested we may never see a moral majority type leader ever again. It the Rand Paul kind of Republican that scares me. Great dude, smart guy, but liberal when it suits he and his Dad. If Jeb Bush don't count, I'll take that bet, yer gonna regret.......


Now, I could never call you "Ass", so what is your name and where are you based?


Actually, my user name used to be my first initial and last name, but I changed it in honor of Scott calling me that. I'll change it back soon. Name is Andy and based in Iowa, so I guess we'd have to meet somewhere Ohio, but quite frankly Kentucky is a whole lot more fun..

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I don't know.. There was a great piece in WSJ recently that suggested we may never see a moral majority type leader ever again. It is the Rand Paul kind of Republican that scares me. Great dude, smart guy, but liberal when it suits he and his Dad. If Jeb Bush don't count, I'll take that bet, yer gonna regret.......


Now, I could never call you "Ass", so what is your name and where are you based?


Why does Rand Paul scare you? He is more of libertarian than Republicrat. Deep down inside I agree with almost everything that man says, I just know we can't build a society based on that. Too many dumb people. I consider food stamps to be quite an inexpensive way of keeping them quiet...


It does not matter anyway, Rand Paul stands no chance of making in past the primaries...

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Ya know....the isolationism, the complete legalization of narcotics, political pandering to the NAACP, comfy with Obamacare....attributes that don't float my boat. I think he is brave, shrewd and smart. I am glad we have so many doctors involved in politics. He'll move the needle. Huff Post and other liberal rags love him and tout him, until is is game time. Then there'll be no love.

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