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Just because you believe in God and Jesus Christ does not make you a bad person


However when you attempt to modify national politics, especially ones that should be handled by experts and technocrats to fit your worldview based on a literal interpretation of a 4000 year set of books, it makes you an ignorant person. Whether or not "global warming" is real or not, threat or not, the head of house committee on science should not say, and let me paraphrase "we should not worry about this, God would never let anything happen to this planet". God has no place in this debate.


I happened to agree the climate is changing, I also happened to understand that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Those two facts are irrefutable. Ask any gardener in the first or better yet, weed grower, on the later. I don't know what is to be done about, whether anything can be done or whether it is even not a net positive. However, good Lord does not belong in that debate.


And so I will fight that element of society. 

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Say it with me Andy-"Just because you believe in God and Jesus Christ does not make you a bad person"

Just the opposite in my experience. For the record I would have no problem with a gay priest. Just stay away from minors...

A straight young priest around my daughter...Now THAT might be more of a problem. (back in the day)

Just kidding...

I have problems with gay priests. A gay priest is almost always closeted and it's the closeted and self-hating ones who are pedophiles. Happy, well-adjusted gay dudes don't get their rocks off by going after kids.
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Because obviously there are million's that continue to believe in the Catholic church. My In-Laws have been active in their local parish for decades. Priests come and go. It is the local families that support the community at a local level that FAR outweigh the evil perpetrated by some priests. I hate pedophiles. Just one bullit as far as I am concerned...I don't condemn the Catholic Church and all of its followers for those acts. Still way more in the plus column.

I am more concerned with the loss of freedom in the name of national security...If THAT is what you mean by "Darker Times" then I agree. How this is a "GOP" thing and not a BIG GOVERNMENT thing is where we differ. I want McCain and Reid OUT. I want term limits. Time for Grassley to retire too...NOT just "those in other states"...


Fear is what drives the turning to darker times and bigger government. Half of our freedom was lost because of nonexistent "crack" babies. This is how prisons are full, police roll around in tanks and 4th amendment is a joke and people wake up to no knock warrants and flash grenades. Some don't get to wake up.


Now we are losing more because of "terrorists". Self feeding machine. Maybe it's time to tone down the war beat against "them". Remember it's always "them" that forces a new federal government department to be created and an old one to be expanded. It just so happens that "them" are often of a darker complexion. You often misunderstand and think I think everyone is a "racist". I don't think an average person is a racist at all, but in group think of "us" vs "them" when it comes to pandering fears, guess which side ends up being the bad guys.


To this day I will stand by saying that drugs did not destroy the black community. War on drugs did, because it was a war on blacks. Every time we stepped it up, everybody lost, everybody but bigger federal and state agencies for whom there was a buck to be made.

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frcabot, on 05 Feb 2015 - 2:31 PM, said:snapback.png

I have problems with gay priests. A gay priest is almost always closeted and it's the closeted and self-hating ones who are pedophiles. Happy, well-adjusted gay dudes don't get their rocks off by going after kids.



Did it ever occur to you that a gay priest may love God, more than his own sexuality? Is this even comprehensible to you?

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frcabot, on 05 Feb 2015 - 2:31 PM, said:snapback.png



Did it ever occur to you that a gay priest may love God, more than his own sexuality?




I have a better idea, I have a problem celibacy forced onto priesthood. You do know why it was introduced as a requirement? Was not always that way. Guess, anyone, anyone?

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I have a better idea, I have a problem celibacy forced onto priesthood. You do know why it was introduced as a requirement? Was not always that way. Guess, anyone, anyone?



Cheap shot and beneath you. Maybe something the Romans should have adopted....you know, your preoccupation with world history to prop you up when all other arguments fail?

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Truth always tends to be label as cheap shot. It was adapted almost a 1000 years into churches existence in order to consolidate power and land holdings. No completion for inheritance from wives and kids. Incorrect? How?


You cannot understand the present without first understanding the past. History majors tend to make great CEOs. Church used to concert itself with a lot more than the salvation of the souls and given a chance, would love the opportunity again. Men are men. Bishops and cardinals are politicians. You don't get to become a bishop without some major backstabbing. I know, we used to have in the family, till he croaked of AIDS (I'm sorry, cancer, that only happens to manifest itself with AIDS, nobody in the family ever said AIDS) ;-) Married my parents...Miss the queen, he could drink anyone under the table. He probably lived by one martini, two at most, three I'm under the table, four I'm under the host.


He reminded me of Scott Thompson, so not our Scott, this Scott:


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Truth always tends to be label as cheap shot. It was adapted almost a 1000 years into churches existence in order to consolidate power and land holdings. No completion for inheritance from wives and kids. Incorrect? How?


You cannot understand the present without first understanding the past. History majors tend to make great CEOs. Church used to concert itself with a lot more than the salvation of the souls and given a chance, would love the opportunity again. Men are men. Bishops and cardinals are politicians. You don't get to become a bishop without some major backstabbing. I know, we used to have in the family, till he croaked of AIDS (I'm sorry, cancer, that only happens to manifest itself with AIDS, nobody in the family ever said AIDS) ;-) Married my parents...Miss the queen, he could drink anyone under the table.


The previous question had been about gay priests. I thought you were taking a jab at "the brotherhood".


As for your assertion above, of course they did, it was the center piece of political power and statehood, at that time. Today, sanctioned religious organizations own land and don't get taxed for it. Not much different. Why is that?

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Was there ever a perfect organization to belong to?

I get it. The Catholic Church isn't perfect.

I get it. Mooney airplanes aren't perfect.

I get it. Politicians aren't perfect.

I get it. Imperfect people are a part of every organization on the planet.

I get it. Some of you don't like imperfect people. You find it OK to bash them here.

I also get, the Catholic Church provides strength to their community and supports communities and individuals outside their direct influence.

I also get, when you are down on your luck, and you have no one to turn to the, Catholic Church will be there for you.

Some people find what is wrong in society and set out on a plan to make it better...

Others set idly by and ignore what is happening...

Are you guys leaders in your communities?, church, or other?

What are you doing to make a change?

The world needs your help.

Best regards,




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The previous question had been about gay priests. I thought you were taking a jab at "the brotherhood".


As for your assertion above, of course they did, it was the center piece of political power and statehood, at that time. Today, sanctioned religious organizations own land and don't get taxed for it. Not much different. Why is that?


And you'd love if your beloved Catholic church had more say in the day to day governance, would you not? Miss them good old days...



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frcabot, on 04 Feb 2015 - 8:10 PM, said:snapback.png

This is so good.... I'll just keep copying it on every page of this thread. It really speaks a great deal of the exact intolerance you claim victimizes the American Gay Establishment.

You have also brought up anti-sodemy laws. Now, you don't need more historical prospective do you? Let me indulge you. Once upon a time, long ago, in a world far far away, way before HIV, young men couldn't log on to "Adam-male" and order a twelve pack of Kimono's to protect themselves and contracted all kinds of little gems that were permanently sequestered to their prostates to pass on to whomever they pleased. Hetero-men who also liked to back door their wives, were equally dangerous and considered creeps and perverse. So, you see, morality and public health (at the time) went hand and hand. Still relevant today? Well of course, visit any church or in your case, any urology office.

Your disdain for the Christian majority of Americans is quite open and I will contest you on this thread, as I have Andy, at every turn. I'll have you babbling your nonsense (noted above) in your sleep.

I thought basic logic was a highly sought after attribute of law school candidates. No?

So that answers my question. A Religious based law limiting freedoms of a group. Catholic Church says it's bad let's pass a law. From the party of small governments comes a law that directs what I can and can't do between the sheets. But it goes further than a man back dooring his wife, because I never heard of someone convicted of this in a heterosexual fashion. and I know half the male (and from observation 25% of women too) population of this country would be serving 25-life. It's banning homosexual sodomy between two consenting adults without calling it that. Just like that new law in Georgia that barely didn't pass. It said no foreign laws can be used, cited, or recognized. Except Jwsus came from present-day Jordan and half the rednecks in the interview group called him a liar. Foreign laws. Can't call it sharia. But anti-sodomy laws are Ameican Sharia.
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So that answers my question. A Religious based law limiting freedoms of a group. Catholic Church says it's bad let's pass a law. From the party of small governments comes a law that directs what I can and can't do between the sheets. But it goes further than a man back dooring his wife, because I never heard of someone convicted of this in a heterosexual fashion. and I know half the male (and from observation 25% of women too) population of this country would be serving 25-life. It's banning homosexual sodomy between two consenting adults without calling it that.



No, the rule of law, steeped in it's deep religious roots, some 50 years ago in an effort to curb a public health issue. Are these laws still relevant today? Good news is, labs and public health are now on the same page and the science is ten times better than it was even 5 years ago. Point being, stick your Johnson in the wrong place and your doctor will be the last to be notified. You'll be on a list at the county health department and a county health worker at your front door step to go over a pamphlet with you. You will also be forced into which treatment you'll get. Funny, never heard of any religious organization doing that.


This may come as a surprise to you, but not every bedroom is "porn.hub.com".

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So that answers my question. A Religious based law limiting freedoms of a group. Catholic Church says it's bad let's pass a law. From the party of small governments comes a law that directs what I can and can't do between the sheets. But it goes further than a man back dooring his wife, because I never heard of someone convicted of this in a heterosexual fashion. and I know half the male (and from observation 25% of women too) population of this country would be serving 25-life. It's banning homosexual sodomy between two consenting adults without calling it that. Just like that new law in Georgia that barely didn't pass. It said no foreign laws can be used, cited, or recognized. Except Jwsus came from present-day Jordan and half the rednecks in the interview group called him a liar. Foreign laws. Can't call it sharia. But anti-sodomy laws are Ameican Sharia.


Don't forget precious blowjobs...They fall under same roof...If you're not willing to give up your eternal salvation for good head, then I'm sorry, you never had good head before. My wife is very much aware why I make breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. I like cooking, I'm good at it, but it's quid pro quo ;-)


All major religions have that in common. The obsess about sex and imposition of impossible rules around it, knowing fully well they will be broken. Asking a teenage boy to quit leaving crusty socks all over the place is an exercise in futility. But it sure builds up guilt, so it keeps the confessional busy.

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You have no idea where anti-sodomy laws come from and they aren't from the past 50 years. They were imported from Britain because of the influence of the Anglican church. It had nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with public health.


This is the LBGT's popular stance. They are obsessed with criminalization issues and often point to history. Health was an issue and is an issue and you know it. Since you are informed, please enumerate the health benefits. I've got all day.

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This is the LBGT's popular stance. They are obsessed with criminalization issues and often point to history. Health was an issue and is an issue and you know it. Since you are informed, please enumerate the health benefits. I've got all day.

Lol why do there need to be health benefits? Let people live their lives. Jesus fucking Christ.

What are the health benefits of driving? Of alcohol? Of oral sex? Of cunnilingus? Great way to pass on HPV and cervical cancer Btw.

If you don't want to have gay sex, then don't. No one is forcing you. Except maybe Catholic priests.

You want to criminalize every behavior that doesn't have a direct health benefit? My god, man, get a life.

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Lol why do there need to be health benefits? Let people live their lives. Jesus fucking Christ.

What are the health benefits of driving? Of alcohol? Of oral sex? Of cunnilingus? Great way to pass on HPV and cervical cancer Btw.

If you don't want to have gay sex, then don't. No one is forcing you. Except maybe Catholic priests.

You want to criminalize every behavior that doesn't have a direct health benefit? My god, man, get a life.


OK, I'll take that rant as a criminalization versus public health answer.

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How's this? Tons of gay kids commit suicide because of bullies like you. Does a suicide crisis count as public health?


Sorry, I am not bullying, so go sell that somewhere else. Suicide? Yes, the CDC is obsessed with it and for good reason. But again, you haven't answered my question and likely won't. I have many gay friends who have point blank told me I don't know what I am missing, so the benefit must be deeply psychological and not medicinal. Again, you introduced this to the thread....enlighten me.

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Sorry, I am not bullying, so go sell that somewhere else. Suicide? Yes, the CDC is obsessed with it and for good reason. But again, you haven't answered my question and likely won't. I have many gay friends who have point blank told me I don't know what I am missing, so the benefit must be deeply psychological and not medicinal.

Lol. If you're not gay you're not missing anything. It's an innate attraction. No one is trying to force anyone to have gay sex or get gay married. On the other hand, tons of Christians and Mormons are obsessed with turning gays straight. So it's more like the other way around. Just leave them alone, live and let live.

I swear, some Christians and Mormons spend more time obsessing about gay sex than gays themselves do.

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Ahhhhhh, still no answer and deflect.........


Lol. If you're not gay you're not missing anything.


Whew.......I was worried for a second...................


It's an innate attraction. No one is trying to force anyone to have gay sex or get gay married.


Correct, sexuality is indeed, not "learned". ( You'll recall how rednecky and cruel it used to be to even suggest that someone was "born" that way). Glad nouveau psychology finally got on board


On the other hand, tons of Christians and Mormons are obsessed with turning gays straight.


No, mostly southern fundamentalists who live by what they preach and have harsh realities for those who stray. That's beside the point, what is truly disheartening is the gay mafia's drive by shooting tactics on great Christian organizations that run hospitals, soup kitchens, great universities, etc. It is the very lack of tolerance by the gay establishment that is a labyrinth of their own doing.


So it's more like the other way around.


Well, no it's not. It is strong anti-christian sentiment, overtly targeted at changing doctrine, not living in a tolerant society.


Just leave them alone, live and let live.


I do. Every dollar that comes in my home, feeds my family and puts my kids in great schools is the direct result of one of the best gay men I know.

I swear, some Christians and Mormons spend more time obsessing about gay sex than gays themselves do.


I am sorry, that's twice and quite contrived. Mormons are Christians and frankly they are great Christians. I spent a healthy tenure as a full time employee for Bonneville International and I can assure you they a great people. Your employer......do they offer a 10% pay bump per quarter for public outreach? Bonneville does. If you politically disagree with the Mormon faith over sexuality and church doctrine, well you are an intolerant ideologue. It was you who just said this, right?


"Just leave them alone, live and let live".


I don't have a problem with gay people. I have a problem with gay public policy and the angry, intolerant who advance it.




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Lol. If you're not gay you're not missing anything. It's an innate attraction. No one is trying to force anyone to have gay sex or get gay married. On the other hand, tons of Christians and Mormons are obsessed with turning gays straight. So it's more like the other way around. Just leave them alone, live and let live.

I swear, some Christians and Mormons spend more time obsessing about gay sex than gays themselves do.


I wanna hang with the gay mafia...What special benefits will you offer if I turn?

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What is your problem with gay “public policy“? That gays want the same rights that everyone else enjoys? Also, I never said that Christians or Mormons were bad people and I was careful to qualify that SOME are obsessed, not all. I have plenty of Christian and Mormon friends who are very progressive and don't buy into all the anti-gay BS spewed by others.

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