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  1. Alan, I would be interested in seeing a picture and doing a transaction. Let me know the next steps. Probably better to reach me at my email address or phone number: briscokevini@yahoo.com (901) 652-0028
  2. I would be interested in a heated pitot tube.
  3. I have need for a number of parts for my 65 E model, namely: heated pitot tube, magnetic compass (suspended from windshield center bar), and rotating beacon.
  4. Do you have any servicable magnetic compasses. The one suspended from the bar at the center of windshield?

  5. I would be very appreciative of a source for this part.
  6. I may have what you need. Do you have a picture of the part you art seeking?
  7. Thanks for the input guys. For more background, the ammeter never worked in the 3 yrs I've owned her. It just stayed stuck on 20 amps and never moved no matter how much load I put on it. So, at last annual I had the AP look at it. He repaired it and it worked for for a few months, then this. By the way, in the pic the master is on. Also by the way, I was a finance major, so only the most basic technical talk is comprehended by yours truly. I thank you all.
  8. Here's a picture of it. Anyone have advice on how to fix it? Maybe a schematic or manual exert that a novice could understand? Thanks in advance for your inputs MS. By the way, if this is not something a novice should tackle please tell me that too.
  9. I need the MS brain trust on this one. Audio panel decided to quit sending or receiving through com1 phone, everything else seems to work including speakers and handheld mic on com1. Since I am not ready for a comprehensive upgrade I was told that these old things are easy to find. Just plug the new to you one in and go flying. Problem is, it seems I can find the part number ending in 03 everywhere, but my existing p/n ends in 09. My question is are they interchangeable? Also, if anyone knows, what does the last two digits of the p/n signify since they are stamped on rather than printed like the rest of the part #?
  10. I just hope that this announcement, no matter how long ago it was made, means I'll be able to buy landing gear pucks for considerably less than $425 each?
  11. Simple question, but I can't find the answer in my limited information POH from 1965.
  12. Wow! Thanks guys. You have given me a wealth of information and some logical directions to pursue. Thanks a million! By the way, is it possible to love an inanimate object?
  13. Proud new to me owner of speedy "65" E Model (pictured below) seeks your advice. Should I replace "old school" unheated pitot (pictured) that works fine with a modern heated pitot? If so, is the cost and availability of the parts and installation reasonable (approximate AMU's)? I like the safety aspect of a heated pitot. Second question, anyone know where I can find a replacement footwell plastic moulding (pictured). I discovered how brittle and frail mine was while replacing the carpet. Thanks in advance for your consideration. Mooneydrmr
  14. Guys, Thanks for the feedback, leads and guidance. For background I am a PP with just over 200 hours, all single engine land in a C-172; former 172 owner over 20 years ago. Was away from flying for many years just restarted fly about 4 years ago but have not logged many hours because I am too frugal to pay for some else's plane (rentals). I am eager to get back to my love of flying in a Mooney and justify it for business purposes. I'm in the medical equipment distribution business. Salute.
  15. Private Pilot new to Mooney needs to learn how to fly/operate it. I am based in Nashville TN.
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