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Jan Maxwell

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Everything posted by Jan Maxwell

  1. 2019 MooneyMAX Conference - June 6-9 Update on sponsors and supporters: Mooney International Tippin Aviation Services, Tennessee AeroSmith Paint All American Aircraft Concorde Battery Corp. Electro Air Houston Tank Kelly Aerospace Mooney Caravan Mooney Girls Premier Aircraft Sales Midwest Mooney Sales Zeftronics Lightspeed Aviation Whelen WAT Aircraft Specialties CamGuard Paint Schemers Power Flow Systems, Inc. Sky Ox King Schools Tippin Aviation Services, TN Don Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc. Aaron Tippin and Stonehaus Winery Mooney Girls - Right Seat Ready!© All speakers and presenters slot are full - 8:00 to 6:00 Thursday and Friday and at the airport all day Saturday Registration is filling fast. Don't miss it! Boost
  2. 2019 MooneyMAX Conference Maintenance and Education June 6-9, 2019 $295.00 per person for complete package* *Early registration $250.00 thru April 30th Registration package includes: All seminars and presentations Maintenance Clinic Right Seat Ready© - non-pilot companion Safety Seminar Mooney Zoom Speed Trials Saturday afternoon Homemade Ice Cream Feast on site Mooney Mixer Cocktail Party Lunches: Thursday, Friday and Saturday Saturday Evening Banquet East Texas Regional Airport (KGGG) and Hilton Garden Inn and Event Center 905 East Hawkins Parkway - Longview, TX 75605 Events: · MooneyMAX Maintenance Seminar (Friday & Saturday) - Don and Paul Maxwell and our staff · Right Seat Ready© (Friday & Saturday) - Jan Maxwell and Jolie Lucas · 2 days of seminars with top aviation professionals at the Hilton Garden Inn with lunch provided · Mooney Zoom Speed Trial Competition - categories for all models · Saturday - Continuation of Maintenance and hands on instruction · Saturday - Continuation of Right Seat Ready© with tour of Control Tower and flight simulators · Saturday - Airport Day - Lunch and Special Homemade Ice Cream Feast · Mooney Zoom Speed Trials with lunch and special afternoon ice cream treat · Transportation provided and rental cars available · Saturday evening Gala Banquet at Hilton Garden Inn Hotel Reservations: · Room rates: $119.00 (includes two cooked to order breakfast for two) · As a result of the MooneyMAX Round-up Conference and Workshops last October, we are happy to announce the 2019 MooneyMAX Conference and Workshops scheduled for June 6-9, 2019. This event is an educational event for the enthusiastic Mooney community and dedicated to enhancing safety, flight precision, quality maintenance and love of flying. The newly built Hilton Garden Hotel and Conference Center will be the host of the 2019 MooneyMAX Conference and Workshop with over 8,000 sq. ft. of flexible meeting and pre-function space. Exhibitors will be in the large 1,500 sq. ft. pre-function area, immediately outside all meeting rooms, and will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday, June 6th and 7th (Wednesday afternoon will be open to set-up for all exhibitors.) If you have questions or comments, please call 903-643-9902 or e-mail Jan Maxwell, jmaxwell@donmaxwell.com, or Patty Hasbell, phasbell@donmaxwell.com HOST HOTEL Hilton Garden Inn and Event Center 905 East Hawkins Parkway - Longview, TX 75605 Room Rate: $119.00 (includes cooked to order breakfast for two guests each day) For Online Reservations: Hilton Garden Inn - Online Reservations Group Name: MOONEY MAX CONFERENCE - JUNE 2019 For additional information related to the Hilton Garden Inn in Longview, TX 903-212-3000 Line-up of special presenters: Mike Busch Specialties: High-profile aviation writer, speaker and teacher since 1970. Operation and maintenance of piston-powered general aviation airplanes. Well-known in aviation circles as founder of AVweb, and as a respected aviation writer and teacher for nearly 40 years. For the past 20 years, the primary focus of his writing and teaching has been aircraft maintenance. BA in mathematics from Dartmouth College, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa. At Dartmouth, did pioneering work in computer software development. Graduate studies in mathematics at Princeton, and graduate studies in business administration at Columbia. After retiring from a long and successful career as a software entrepreneur, co-founded AVweb (pioneering Internet aviation magazine and news service with 130,000 subscribers) in 1995. Served as its editor-in-chief and one of its most prolific writers for seven years until AVweb acquired by Belvoir Publications in 2002. Since 1970, published hundreds of articles in Air Facts, American Bonanza Society Magazine, AVweb, Cessna Pilots Association Magazine, Cirrus Pilot, EAA Sport Aviation, IFR, Light Plane Maintenance, and The Aviation Consumer. Co-founder of Aeromedix.com LLC, responsible almost single-handedly for the introduction of pulse oximeters and digital carbon monoxide detectors into GA cockpits. Since 2004 has taught 1000+ aircraft owners how to manage maintenance of their airplanes. More than 45 years in virtually all aspects of aircraft piston engine design, development, certification, installation and flight-testing. Bob Minnis A pilot since 1964, 7,500+ hours as PIC in piston GA airplanes. Commercial pilot with instrument, single- and multi-engine land, single-engine sea, and glider ratings; CFI for airplanes, instruments and multi-engine; and A&P mechanic with Inspection Authorization. FAA DERT - Engine and Powerplant Engineering – 1993 to present FAA DARF- Manufacturing – 1999 to present ODA Unit Member – 3S Engineering, Hartzell Propeller & Bombardier Minnis Aviation LLC - Owner, consulting engineering services firm providing technical, DER & DAR support. AvPower LLC - Principal Owner/Partner. Engineering services firm providing technical, DER & DAR Support and products to general aviation. PowerLite LLC - Principal Owner/Partner, Engineering Company dedicated to the development of STC’s. Aerospace Components LLC - Principal Owner/Partner, Engineering Company dedicated to the development of PMA’s. Teledyne Continental Motors - Mobile, Alabama Director of Installations, Director of engineering technical and customer support group for aircraft products. Vice President of Quality Control / Military Vice President and General Manager of Teledyne Abbeville General Manager of Teledyne Fixed Base Operation, Project Engineer, Supervisor of Mechanical Design, Associate Project Engineer, Senior Designer Lucky Louque Air Salvage of Dallas A part of General Aviation since 1967 and has been with Air Salvage of Dallas since 1974 Engine and accessory overhaul Major airframe repairs and alterations Engine test cell runs Accident Investigations and reconstruction Annual, 100 hr. and conformity inspections Credentials: Pilot single & multi engine land A&P Mechanic, IA (Inspection Authorization) DME (Designated Mechanic Examiner) DAR (Designated Airworthiness Representative) Amateur Built Original Issuance & Reassurance Airworthiness Certificates Import and Export (Complete aircraft, engine, props & components) Safety Counselor, Remedial Training Instructor IA Refresher Course Instructor FAAST Team Member Bob Kromer Forty-year career in General Aviation in Engineering Flight Test as well as serving in various management/leadership positions, including the Mooney factory. From 1983 – 1986, served as Mooney’s factory engineering test pilot performing development and certification work on M20J and M20K improvements. Served as the Flight test Pilot on the experimental, six-place, pressurized Mooney 301. From 1998-2001 served as MAPA’s Executive Director. Flown Mooneys for a total of 1500 hours – 1000 hours of factory flight testing plus 500 hours using Mooneys for personal transportation. Flown and evaluated all production Mooney models except for the single-place Mite, the M22 Mustang and the original wood-wing M20. Served as the primary Test Pilot for the complete Model M20K 252 FAA development and certification program. From 1986-1991 served as the Mooney factory Executive Vice President and General Manager, the top leadership position in Kerrville, Texas. Currently serving as Senior VP Engineering and Flight Test at Blackhawk Modifications in Waco, Texas, performing development and FAA certification flight testing on more powerful Pratt & Whitney turboprop engines installed in various models of King Airs and Cessna Caravan. Captain Mike Jesch Captain Mike Jesch has been flying for over 40 years and a Flight Instructor and airline pilot for over 30 years. Currently a senior Boeing 737 Captain for a major US airline, and owns and flies a Cessna 182 based in Southern California. Two-time Master CFI Two-time LGB District FAASTeam Rep Of the Year. Since the first airplane he ever got to maneuver as a young teenager was an M20J, he's had a special affinity for the Mooney series, and has flown many of them over the years, from the M18 Mite up to the M20R Ovation. Jimmy Garrison All American Aircraft Sales Integrity Aero All American Aircraft Sales is well known company in the Mooney world, specializing in the acquisition, sales and brokerage of all models of Mooney Aircraft since 1991. Currently, All American averages just under one Mooney sale per week. Jimmy Garrison is one of the top Mooney appraisers in the country and specializes in knowing exactly what your Mooney is worth and how to main it's value. In the 23 plus years since joining All American, Jimmy has over 750 Mooney sales. Integrity Aero, - over 100 additional sales of aircraft ranging from Cirrus, Twin Cessna’s, Bonanzas and Turboprops including Meridians, TBMs, PC-12's and King Air 200's (Integrity specialized in Ram Upgraded 414's and King Air 200's). A 4000 hour pilot, Jimmy routinely flies about 150 hour per year, more than half as a part of All American and the balance as pleasure. He has about 3000 hours in Mooneys of all models. The rest of his time is comprised of single engine turboprop time (700+ Hours), 200 hours in twins and the rest is a smattering of trainers and off-model inventory that All American has taken on trade. Chuck "Cowboy" Crinnian Mooney Caravan, President · CEO/CMO/Chief pilot at Frontier Aerospace Medicine · FAA Senior Aviation Medical Examiner · Hospital Based Neurology · Clinical and organizational skills Aerospace/Aviation Medicine · FAA Designated Aviation Medical Examiner Flight Physiology, Human Factors · Flight Safety Red Star Pilots Association · Flight Medicine/Flight Physiology Manager · FAA FAAST Team Representative ATP, CFI-AIM, Phoenix, Arizona Area MooneyMAX Maintenance Clinic Don Maxwell Co-Owner and President Don Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc. Don Maxwell has 51 Years of Mooney flight experience. He began flying October 1966. 1972-73 Spartan School of Aeronautics, A&P License training, and A&P-IA, Commercial Pilot Single & Multi-engine Land, Single Engine Sea, Instrument. 10,000+ hours. Don has flown every certified Mooney Model from M10, M18, M20A, M20B, M20C, M20D, M20E, M20F, M20G, M20K, M20J, M20L, M20M, M20R, M20S, M20TN, M20V and M22 Mustang. MAPA Contributing editor A member of the United States Precision Flight Team competing in the World Precision Flight Competition, Denmark, 1989, and Argentine, 1990. April 1968 Started work at Houston Mooney, Houston Texas Mooney Distributor and Bellanca Dealer as a salesman Mooney Caravan pilot and sponsor Don Paul Maxwell, II Co-Owner, Vice President and General Manager, Don Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc. Paul Maxwell began his life in aviation at the age of 6 weeks while flying with his mother and father, Don and Jan Maxwell. Growing up in-and-around Mooneys his life, Paul was flying left-seat at age of 10 and soloed at 16. During his first 4 years in the U.S. Army, he was away from aviation and in the Signal Corp, but the following 4 years he returned to aviation as a UAV Pilot, 15th Military Intelligence, Sierra Vista, Ft. Huachuca, AZ, and Killeen, Texas, Ft. Hood. In 2008 after his service time in the Army, Paul was hired by Northrop Grumman as pilot, test pilot, instructor, and site leader for the Northrop Grumman Hunter UAV for 8 years. After 16 years away from the United States and General Aviation, Paul returned home to the family business, Don Maxwell Aviation Services Inc., at the position of Vice President and General Manager. Definitely comes from a Mooney family. Right Seat Ready© Companion Safety Seminar for the non-pilot taught around the country and 2017 toured with AOPA Jolie Lucas, California Psychotherapist, educator, writer, and instrument pilot, Jolie Lucas, focuses her work on helping clients discover the six keys to exit the holding pattern to reach their goals. Jolie works 1:1 with clients either in her Central Coast of California offices, or by Facetime / Skype. She presents workshops and seminars around the country. As a practicing psychotherapist, CEO and instrument rated pilot Jolie is keenly positioned to help individuals, groups and corporations reach their goals Jolie Lucas is a Mooney Owner, Licensed Psychotherapist, Educator, Aviation Writer, and Instrument Pilot. She has taught Right Seat Ready! for a decade with her partner Jan Maxwell. Her current presentation series is Exit the Holding Pattern: Achieve your Goals. . Jan Maxwell, Texas Jan Maxwell has been an Instrument Pilot and Mooney owner since 1980. Precision Flight Judge appointed by Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, FAI, in Paris France, representing the U.S. at the World Precision Flight Competition in Denmark, 1988, and Poland, 1992 Member of Ninety-Nines, Inc. and National Chief Judge for National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA) in 1992. She is co-owner of the family business, Don Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc., an authorized factory Service Center, in Longview, Texas. Jan created Right Seat Ready in 2005 primarily for the Mooney community and later joined forces with Jolie Lucas to take the program across the country and all General Aviation.
  3. Andrew, it is a good idea. We are looking into it. For any suggestions from any one, send to me in private email so we don't clutter up here. jmaxwell@donmaxwell.com Maybe we should make a trip over the pond and do one. Just a thought.
  4. June 6-9, 2019 Registration package - $295.00 each person Early registration $250.00 thru April 30th Registration package includes: All seminars and presentations Maintenance Clinic Right Seat Ready© - non-pilot companion Safety Seminar Mooney Zoom Speed Trials Thursday afternoon Homemade Ice Cream on site Mooney Mixer Cocktail Party Lunches: Thursday, Friday and Saturday Saturday Evening Banquet East Texas Regional Airport (KGGG) and Hilton Garden Inn and Event Center 905 East Hawkins Parkway - Longview, TX 75605 Events: MooneyMAX Maintenance Seminar (Friday & Saturday) - Don and Paul Maxwell and our staff Right Seat Ready© (Friday & Saturday) - Jan Maxwell and Jolie Lucas 2 days of seminars with top aviation professionals at the Hilton Garden Inn with lunch provided Mooney Zoom Speed Trial Competition - categories for all models Saturday - Continuation of Maintenance and hands on instruction Saturday - Continuation of Right Seat Ready© with tour of Control Tower and flight simulators Saturday - Airport Day - Lunch and Special Homemade Ice Cream Feast Mooney Zoom Speed Trials with lunch and special afternoon ice cream treat Transportation provided and rental cars available Saturday evening Gala Banquet at Hilton Garden Inn Hotel Reservations: Room rates: $119.00 (includes two cooked to order breakfast for two) For online reservations please click: Host Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn, Longview TX Line-up of special presenters: Mike Busch Specialties: High-profile aviation writer, speaker and teacher since 1970. Operation and maintenance of piston-powered general aviation airplanes. Well-known in aviation circles as founder of AVweb, and as a respected aviation writer and teacher for nearly 40 years. For the past 20 years, the primary focus of his writing and teaching has been aircraft maintenance. BA in mathematics from Dartmouth College, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa. At Dartmouth, did pioneering work in computer software development. Graduate studies in mathematics at Princeton, and graduate studies in business administration at Columbia. After retiring from a long and successful career as a software entrepreneur, co-founded AVweb (pioneering Internet aviation magazine and news service with 130,000 subscribers) in 1995. Served as its editor-in-chief and one of its most prolific writers for seven years until AVweb acquired by Belvoir Publications in 2002. Since 1970, published hundreds of articles in Air Facts, American Bonanza Society Magazine, AVweb, Cessna Pilots Association Magazine, Cirrus Pilot, EAA Sport Aviation, IFR, Light Plane Maintenance, and The Aviation Consumer. Co-founder of Aeromedix.com LLC, responsible almost single-handedly for the introduction of pulse oximeters and digital carbon monoxide detectors into GA cockpits. Since 2004 has taught 1000+ aircraft owners how to manage maintenance of their airplanes. More than 45 years in virtually all aspects of aircraft piston engine design, development, certification, installation and flight-testing. Bob Minnis A pilot since 1964, 7,500+ hours as PIC in piston GA airplanes. Commercial pilot with instrument, single- and multi-engine land, single-engine sea, and glider ratings; CFI for airplanes, instruments and multi-engine; and A&P mechanic with Inspection Authorization. FAA DERT - Engine and Powerplant Engineering – 1993 to present FAA DARF- Manufacturing – 1999 to present ODA Unit Member – 3S Engineering, Hartzell Propeller & Bombardier Minnis Aviation LLC - Owner, consulting engineering services firm providing technical, DER & DAR support. AvPower LLC - Principal Owner/Partner. Engineering services firm providing technical, DER & DAR Support and products to general aviation. PowerLite LLC - Principal Owner/Partner, Engineering Company dedicated to the development of STC’s. Aerospace Components LLC - Principal Owner/Partner, Engineering Company dedicated to the development of PMA’s. Teledyne Continental Motors - Mobile, Alabama Director of Installations , Director of engineering technical and customer support group for aircraft products, Vice President of Quality Control / Military , Vice President and General Manager of Teledyne Abbeville, General Manager of Teledyne Fixed Base Operation, Project Engineer, Supervisor of Mechanical Design , Associate Project , Engineer, Senior Designer Alfred "Lucky" Louque A part of General Aviation since 1967 and has been with Air Salvage of Dallas since 1974 Engine and accessory overhaul -- Major airframe repairs and alterations Engine test cell runs -- Accident Investigations and reconstruction Annual, 100 hr. and conformity inspections Credentials: Pilot single & multi engine land -- A&P Mechanic, IA (Inspection Authorization) -- DME (Designated Mechanic Examiner) -- DAR (Designated Airworthiness Representative) -- Amateur Built Original Issuance & Reassurance Airworthiness Certificates -- Import and Export (Complete aircraft, engine, props & components) -- Safety Counselor, Remedial Training Instructor -- IA Refresher Course Instructor -- FAAST Team Member Bob Kromer Forty-year career in General Aviation in Engineering Flight Test as well as serving in various management/leadership positions, including the Mooney factory. From 1983 – 1986, served as Mooney’s factory engineering test pilot performing development and certification work on M20J and M20K improvements. Served as the Flight test Pilot on the experimental, six-place, pressurized Mooney 301. From 1998-2001 served as MAPA’s Executive Director. Flown Mooneys for a total of 1500 hours – 1000 hours of factory flight testing plus 500 hours using Mooneys for personal transportation. Flown and evaluated all production Mooney models except for the single-place Mite, the M22 Mustang and the original wood-wing M20. Served as the primary Test Pilot for the complete Model M20K 252 FAA development and certification program. From 1986-1991 served as the Mooney factory Executive Vice President and General Manager, the top leadership position in Kerrville, Texas. Currently serving as Senior VP Engineering and Flight Test at Blackhawk Modifications in Waco, Texas, performing development and FAA certification flight testing on more powerful Pratt & Whitney turboprop engines installed in various models of King Airs and Cessna Caravan. Captain Mike Jesch Captain Mike Jesch has been flying for over 40 years and a Flight Instructor and airline pilot for over 30. Currently a senior Boeing 737 Captain for a major US airline, and owns and flies a Cessna 182 based in Southern California. Two-time Master CFI Two-time LGB District FAASTeam Rep Of the Year. Since the first airplane he ever got to maneuver as a young teenager was an M20J, he's had a special affinity for the Mooney series, and has flown many of them over the years, from the M18 Mite up to the M20R Ovation. Jimmy Garrison All American Aircraft Sales Integrity Aero All American Aircraft Sales is well known company in the Mooney world, specializing in the acquisition, sales and brokerage of all models of Mooney Aircraft since 1991. Currently, All American averages just under one Mooney sale per week. Jimmy Garrison is one of the top Mooney appraisers in the country and specializes in knowing exactly what your Mooney is worth and how to main it's value.In the 23 plus years since joining All American, Jimmy has over 750 Mooney sales. Integrity Aero, - over 100 additional sales of aircraft ranging from Cirrus, Twin Cessnas, Bonanzas and Turboprops including Meridians, TBMs, PC-12's and King Air 200's (Integrity specialized in Ram Upgraded 414's and King Air 200's). A 4000 hour pilot, Jimmy routinely flies about 150 hour per year, more than half as a part of All American and the balance as pleasure. He has about 3000 hours in Mooneys of all models. The rest of his time is comprised of single engine turboprop time (700+ Hours), 200 hours in twins and the rest is a smattering of trainers and off-model inventory that All American has taken on trade. Chuck "Cowboy" Crinnian Mooney Caravan, President CEO/CMO/Chief pilot at Frontier Aerospace Medicine FAA Senior Aviation Medical Examiner Hospital Based Neurology Clinical and organizational skills Aerospace/Aviation Medicine FAA Designated Aviation Medical Examiner Flight Physiology, Human Factors Flight Safety Red Star Pilots Association Flight Medicine/Flight Physiology Manager FAA FAAST Team Representative ATP, CFI-AIM, Phoenix, Arizona Area MooneyMAX Maintenance Clinic Don Maxwell Co-Owner and President Don Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc. Authorized Mooney Service Center Don Maxwell has 51 Years of Mooney flight experience. He began flying October 1966. 1972-73 Spartan School of Aeronautics, A&P License training A&P-IA, Commercial Pilot Single & Multi-engine Land, Single engine Sea, Instrument. 10,000+ hours. Have flown every certified Mooney Model from M10, M18, M20A, M20B, M20C, M20D, M20E, M20F, M20G, M20K, M20J, M20L, M20M, M20R, M20S, M20TN, M20V and M22 Mustang. MAPA Contributing editor A member of the United States Precision Flight Team competing in the World Precision Flight Competition, Denmark, 1989, and Argentine, 1990. April 1968 Started work at Houston Mooney, Houston Texas Mooney Distributor and Bellanca Dealer as a salesman Mooney Caravan pilot and sponsor Don "Paul" Maxwell, II Co-Owner, Vice President and General Manager Don Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc. Authorized Mooney Service Center Paul Maxwell began his life in aviation at the age of 6 weeks while flying with his mother and father. Growing up in-and-around Mooneys his life, Paul was flying left-seat at age of 10 and soloed at 16. During his first 4 years in the U.S. Army, he was away from aviation and in the Signal Corp, but the following 4 years he returned to aviation as a UAV Pilot. In 2008 after his service time in the Army, Paul was hired by Northrop Grumman as pilot, test pilot, instructor, and site leader for the Northrop Grumman Hunter UAV for 8 years. After 16 years away from General Aviation, Paul returned home to the family business, Don Maxwell Aviation Services Inc., at the position of Vice President and General Manager. Definitely comes from a Mooney family. Right Seat Ready - clinic for non-pilots - Advanced RSR - for those who have taken the seminar and want to build skills Jolie Lucas Jolie Lucas is a Mooney Owner, Licensed Psychotherapist, Educator, Aviation Writer, and Instrument Pilot. She has taught Right Seat Ready! for a decade with her partner Jan Maxwell. Her current presentation series is Exit the Holding Pattern: Achieve your Goals. Come see Jolie at Sun n Fun in Lakeland, Florida on Thursday April 3rd or Friday April 5th at 11:00 a.m at the SNF educational forums, or at the AOPA Pavilion, Saturday April 6th at 2:00 p.m. Jan Maxwell Jan Maxwell has been an Instrument Pilot and Mooney owner since 1980. Precision Flight Judge appointed by Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, FAI, representing the U.S. at the World Precision Flight Competition in Denmark, 1988, and Poland,1992. Member of Ninety-Nines, Inc. and National Chief Judge for National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA) in 1992. She is co-owner of the family business, Don Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc., an authorized factory Service Center, in Longview, Texas. Jan created Right Seat Ready in 2005 primarily for the Mooney community and later joined with Jolie Lucas to take the program across the country and all General Aircraft.
  5. The exact Speakers Schedule is still a work in progress. However, one thing we are working hard to do is not have anyone presenting at the same time. We want everyone to be able to attend each presentation. Presentation times will vary between 1-1/2 hr to 1 hour. And each person should be around the entire 3 days for one-on-one conversation and questions. As always, we are welcome to any and all suggestions to make this enjoyable for all. Full bio's of each person will be published, and of course updates as soon as they are confirmed.
  6. A fast race horse is only as good as it's jockey. Same for a Mooney. Better brush up on skills. But will be a lot of fun. Man! What bragging rights! My understanding is Jolie is flying Maggie from California to compete.
  7. Mooney Round-up, October 11th -- Longview, Texas
    Speaker and Presentation updates:

    Bob Kromer - “Getting the Most from Your Mooney”

    Thursday, October 11th
    Oakmont Room – Hilton Garden Inn
    Longview, TX

    Forty-year career in General Aviation in Engineering Flight Test as well as serving in various management/leadership positions, including the Mooney factory.  From 1983 – 1986, served as Mooney’s factory engineering test pilot performing development and certification work on M20J and M20K improvements.  Served as the primary Test Pilot for the complete Model M20K 252 FAA development and certification program.   Also served as the Flight test Pilot on the experimental, six-place, pressurized Mooney 301. 

    From 1986-1991 served as the Mooney factory Executive Vice President and General Manager, the top leadership position in Kerrville, Texas. 

    From 1998-2001 served as MAPA’s Executive Director.  Flown Mooneys for a total of 1500 hours – 1000 hours of factory flight testing plus 500 hours using Mooneys for personal transportation.  Have flown and evaluated all production Mooney models except for the single-place Mite, the M22 Mustang and the original wood-wing M20. 

    Currently serving as Senior VP Engineering and Flight Test at Blackhawk Modifications in Waco, Texas, performing development and FAA certification flight testing on more powerful Pratt & Whitney turboprop engines installed in various models of King Airs and Cessna Caravans.

     Don’t miss out on the great Mooney experts at the Round-up

    Online Registration Click Here - Mooney Round-up

  8. FAA FAASTeam Seminar: Mooney Round-up Conference and Workshop

    Below you will find the details for this seminar or webinar. You may register by clicking the "Register" link. (Print-friendly version) 
    Title:  MooneyMax Round-Up
    Topic:  Operate your Mooney Aircraft safely and efficiently.
    Date and Time:  Wednesday, October 10, 2018, starting at 08:00 Central Daylight Time Download Calendar File

    Sponsoring Division:
    Charles T. Crinnian
    Phone: (480) 451-7676

    Applies to Current phase  2 Credits for Advanced Knowledge Topic 2  -- Master WINGS
    Applies to Current phase  ½ Credit for Master Knowledge Topic 2
    Applies to Current phase  1 Credit for Master Knowledge Topic 2
    Applies to Current phase  ½ Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3  --  Advanced WINGS
    Applies to Current phase  ½ Credit for Advanced Knowledge Topic 2
    Applies to Current phase  2 Credits for Master Knowledge Topic 2
  9. FAA FAASTeam Seminar: Mooney Round-up Conference and Workshop

    Below you will find the details for this seminar or webinar. You may register by clicking the "Register" link. (Print-friendly version) 
    Title:  MooneyMax Round-Up
    Topic:  Operate your Mooney Aircraft safely and efficiently.
    Date and Time:  Wednesday, October 10, 2018, starting at 08:00 Central Daylight Time Download Calendar File

    Sponsoring Division:
    Charles T. Crinnian
    Phone: (480) 451-7676

    Applies to Current phase  2 Credits for Advanced Knowledge Topic 2  -- Master WINGS
    Applies to Current phase  ½ Credit for Master Knowledge Topic 2
    Applies to Current phase  1 Credit for Master Knowledge Topic 2
    Applies to Current phase  ½ Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3  --  Advanced WINGS
    Applies to Current phase  ½ Credit for Advanced Knowledge Topic 2
    Applies to Current phase  2 Credits for Master Knowledge Topic 2
  10. AmSafe - SOARS - State of the Art Airbag Restraint System Airbag seat belt technology just opened wide for retrofit installation on older Mooneys. The FAA granted AmSafe’s State of the Art Restraint System (SOARS) supplemental type certificate approval July 12 with an approved model list of 541 models. SOARS is available in two- and three-point harnesses for Part 23 aircraft (excluding Part 23.562 aircraft). AmSafe will be at the MooneyMAX Mooney Educational Conference and Workshops, October 10-14, 2018 AND Reasonably priced for everyone!
  11. MooneyMAX Round-up Educational Conference & Workshops Daily Schedule October 10-14, 2018 Hilton Garden Inn - 905 East Hawkins Parkway - Longview, Texas Wednesday, Oct. 10 12:00 - 6:00 Arrival and check-in 6:00 - 7:30 Welcome Reception - hors d'oeuvre, beer, wine, soft drinks Thursday, Oct 11 8:00 - 6:00 Presenters/Exhibitors – Hilton Garden Inn, Longview, Texas (lunch provided) Dinner - On your own Friday, October 12 – ALL WORKSHOPS 8:00 - 5:00 MooneyMAX Maintenance – ET Regional Airport, KGGG – DMA (lunch provided) 8:00 - 5:00 Right Seat Ready© - Hilton Garden Inn – Longview, Texas (lunch provided) 9:00 - 5:00 Mooney Caravan (lunch provided) 8:00 - 5:00 Exhibitors open at Hilton Garden Inn, Longview TX (lunch provided) Dinner - On your own Saturday, Oct 13 9:00 – 10:00 Transportation departs hotel to Mt. Pleasant, museum tour and lunch 10:00 - 3:00 Mid America Flight Museum is based in Mt. Pleasant Texas (KOSA). This museum differentiates itself from many other museums in that the great majority of the airplanes in the museum fly on a regular bases, and that ongoing projects are being restored to fly! http://www.historicalairtours.com 3:00 - 4:00 Depart and return to hotel 5:45 – 6:15 Transportation departing hotel for Cherokee Club - Reception and Banquet 6:15 - 7:00 Reception - Cocktails 7:00 - 7:45 Dinner 7:45 - 9:00 Key Note Speaker: Ken Bowersox U.S. Naval Aviator (Ret.), Former NASA Astronaut and Shuttle Pilot; Mooney Rocket owner 9:30 - Transportation to hotel Sunday, Oct. 14 7:00 – 1:00 Transportation to airport for Departure
  12. UPDATE: Confirmed Presenters and Exhibitors October 10-14, 2018 – Longview, Texas (KGGG) Online Registration: Mooney Round-UP Conference Registration (click link) SPEAKERS/PRESENTATIONS: Mooney International Corporation, Management and Sales will be opening Conference, addressing what’s new on the horizon for Mooney International, with emphasis on support to owners of all Mooneys flying (NEWEST PRESENTATION 9/10/18) ForeFlight – Speakers still be determined Zeftronics, Femi Ibitayo, - Aerospace/Defense, Manufacturing, Design and Service of Aircraft Parts – Voltage Regulators for Mooneys (What’s new on the horizon) Premier Aircraft Sales (Southeast Region), Lee Drumheller, Sales Manager (Pending) AmSafe introducing their new program SOARS which was approved and certified at AirVenture (not sure at this time which one will be presenting) Dr. Charles Crinnian, CEO/CMO/Chief Pilot at Frontier Aerospace Medicine, FAA Sr. Aviation Medical Examiner; and, new President of Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh Safety and Educational Foundation Jolie Lucas, AOPA writer, Vice President of California Pilots Association, co-creator of Mooney Girls and Right Seat Ready! © . Jolie is an aviation educator and writer (AOPA). Bob Kromer, Sr. VP, Sales/Marketing/Customer Support, Blackhawk Modifications, Inc.; VP Marketing, SimCom Training Centers; VP Sales/Marketing, Piper Aircraft; Chief Engineering Flight Test Pi8ulot and Flight Test Engineer for Mooney Aircraft Company, Cessna Aircraft Company, and Sino-Swearingen Aircraft Company. Kurt White, Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP), SkyWest Airlines, First Officer and FTD/CTP Instructor; and Mooney owner Andrew Stagg is the EFB Program Manager and a First Officer flying the Embraer 145 at Envoy Air, a wholly owned subsidiary of American Airlines. Prior to joining the airline, Andrew was in the software industry for 10 years and his employers included Google, Amazon and FlightAware. Andrew has been a Mooney owner for over 8 years. Mike Miles, Chief Pilot and Mooney Test Pilot, Mooney International Corp. Kelly Aerospace, will have a plane here and introducing their new a/c retrofit for air conditioning Kenneth Bowersox, U.S. Naval Aviator (Ret.), Former NASA Astronaut and Shuttle Pilot, and General Aviation Mooney Rocket owner. Bowersox served as the Interim Chair of the NASA Advisory Council from June 2016 to January 2017. He is a retired U.S. Naval Aviator, with over 19 years of experience at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Workshops (Friday): o MooneyMAX Maintenance Workshop, presented by Don and Paul Maxwell, and staff, Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc., factory authorized Mooney Service Center o Right Seat Ready©: Presented by Jolie Lucas and Jan Maxwell, founders. (Aviation Safety Education for non-pilots); o Mooney Caravan o Foreflight EXHIBITORS: AeroSmith Aircraft Paint, AmSafe Continental Falcon Insurance ForeFlight Houston Tank Service Kelly Aerospace Lake Aero Styling and Repair, California, MSC Loewen’s Mooney Salvage Mooney Girls/Right Seat Ready© Mooney International NuLite Old Republic Insurance Premier Aircraft Sales Smooth Power, LLC – ElectroAir, Electronic Ignition system Zeftronics, Aerospace/Defense, Manufacturing, Design and Service of Aircraft Parts
  13. We will have driving transportation for all wanting to go to the flight museum, plus if weather works for us, a lot of folks may fly up. I understanding they are really excited about having us. By land it is hour travel time. We plan to have everyone back in plenty of time for the Prime-Rib dinner and our exciting speaker, Ken Bowersox, U.S. Naval Aviator (Ret.), former NASA Astronaut and Shuttle Pilot, and of course owner and pilot of his Mooney Rocket! One thing about this Round-up, no one will go home hungry!
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