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Freight Dog

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Freight Dog last won the day on September 12 2013

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    1996 M20R // LongEZ // Formerly M20E and PA32R-300
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  1. I heard your plane on CentAmer frequency today. I was flying SWA809 and heard a Mooney checking in at 14,000. Too cool!!!
  2. Thanks for the feedback. I was... I used to fly for Ameriflight 20-odd years ago. Fun times!
  3. I'm wondering about some realistic O performance numbers, particularly at altitude. I played around on Foreflight, but just wanted to get some real world numbers. Specifically, would you fly the O in the mid-teens if you were going distances if it was advantageous due to wind, how long would it take you to get up there, and how accurate are the FF profiles with regards to fuel burn? Thanks!
  4. Derp... I didn't have Performance Plus. Just fixed it. Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  5. I've seen them and selected one. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but none of the profiles give me any cruise TAS, fuel burn per hour, climb or descent speed/fuel burn or descent rates, hence the question.
  6. I'm excited to be coming back into the Mooney community but this time with a 96 Ovation with 280HP and 2500 RPM limit. I plan on flying some long trips, and if I could I trouble the braintrust here to help me out with some planning performance numbers I need to set up various ForeFlight profiles, or share what you guys use, I'd really appreciate it.
  7. Flying a jet is really no big deal. As someone who flew boxes in singles and light twins to build flight time many moons ago and who's currently flying a B-737NG for a living, I can assure you that flying hard IFR in an under-equipped piston airplane is FAR, FAR, FAR more challenging and demanding than anything I've done so far in either airliner jets or turboprops.
  8. Congratulations!! That's a proud dad moment for sure! Just curious - when did he interview? I interviewed on 2/24 and am still waiting to hear.
  9. That's an easy one - Don Maxwell at KGGG. Don did my pre-buy inspection, addressed all the squawks found, did some fuel tank repairs, and every annual since I purchased the plane. For me, it's a 127nm trip and a very easy choice.
  10. I have an E model and keep my plane at KCXO. I fly my plane up to Maxwell's for annuals and any major work. He's not the cheapest by any means, but he knows the plane. Pre-buy? Go to Maxwell's... probably the best insurance money you can spend. I did. I also get my annuals done there. Not the cheapest, but they're done right, and if you need any other work done, you're getting it done at arguably the best shop in the country.
  11. Mine has an ILS (been out of service due to runway extension), NDB to runway 14, and that's it of the conventional approaches. 32 and 1-19 all have RNAV approaches to LPV mins. 430W will make all the difference in the world.
  12. Geez... why do you guys own Mooneys??! "I feel the need... THE NEED FOR SPEED!"
  13. When I bought my plane, it went to Don's for PPI and to address the squawks found. 8 months later, it went to Don's for an annual. I had some field maintenance done at my home field, but this summer, the plane is going back to Don's for an annual. He's maybe an hour flight away, so no compromise. I guess I'm a double moron... and I'm perfectly fine with it.
  14. I just bought a 430W and had it installed at Avionics Unlimited at KCXO along with GMA340 audio panel and GI106A... Out went the old Apollo NMC2001 GPS, MAC1700 radio and KI-208... Still overseas, but can't wait to fly it.
  15. Spins…. only done them in a glider and C-152 during primary training - PERIOD. Not doing them intentionally in the Mooney… PERIOD. If I feel like spinning something, I'll go fly a glider or join Vans Air Force. Having said that… I will always do stalls, steep turns and MCA flight as part of my proficiency training. When I bought my plane, as part of my insurance checkout, the CFI had me let the wing drop when doing stalls. He wanted to show me that Mooneys can get feisty and one needs to be prompt on the pedals and corrections. Yes, it'll definitely grab your attention when it breaks. However, the plane will talk to you long before the wing drops and that's what you really want to pay attention to.
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