Come on guys. No need to insult my flying skills. With a cross wind to the path of flight the AP WILL add a crab into the wind- but it leaves you uncoordinated. GPS or not, I don't like flying with the ball uncentered ( not to mention u lose a knot or 2 that way). So then I add rudder trim In MANUALLY. To center the ball. Also, my G1000 incorrectly depicts the rudder trim 1/2 of full to the left. Mechanically the rudder is fine.
I am a bit disappointed at the tone of some of the posters here. I am certainly not the best pilot here but not the worst either. I did my transition training with Corbin Halerin of Premiere and is their saftey expert. He praised my stick and rudder skills. Not to mention I passed my biannual review with a FAA examiner at Fulton county during non-stop light to moderate turbulence ( 2 hours under the hood). He could find no faults.
Would it be too much to soften the pre judgements just cause I may not be explaining this rudder trim issue to everyone's satisfaction?