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    Mooney M20TN

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  1. This is what I typically fly on long cross country when I don’t want to stop for fuel . Left KCXO Conroe Texas non stop to KAVL at 15,000 feet started with 97 gals finished with 28
  2. I just replaced number 4 due to crack in cooling fin , ordered cylinder from continental and it ran another 2800 $ back in June .
  3. Thought I might add what 2 different clamps look like . The clamp with the showing on my Acclaim is the good clamp not in the recall , the spot weld clamp is the one needing replacement
  4. I have a 2009 with the wolf and no vacuum pump so it must be fed another way
  5. I hear they are very hard to come but
  6. They needed to be rebuilt at a cost of 3500 per turbo
  7. Turbos and waste gate sent to Main turbo in California and completed and returned in under two weeks . I talked with the owner and he told me he considers the turbo needs to be inspected by 1000 hrs
  8. I bought mine from Aero LED. There in my Acclaim and I have two light per wing . The inside light I bought the pulsating the 2light is my landing light and does not pulsate . I would contact the manufacturer and the pricing the not overly expensive
  9. This is my bird , I’m the second owner but I get tons of compliments
  10. You can also Oder them that automatically pulse
  11. You might be better asking Don Maxwell , but it changed the engine page with the correct levels on turbo temp , cleared up something on the weather page and I’m sure cleaned ip some bugs in the background .. I can’t prove it but I swear it’s a bit faster
  12. No but we fly night , IFR , over mountains several times during the year so I tend to try to keeps things in tip top shape.
  13. I own a 2009 Acclaim S and am the 2nd owner sine 2019… plane runs great but discover at annual today the small crack on the fin of number 4suddenly has tripled in length running down toward the plug. Continental is sending me a whole jug by Friday . So here is the question since pulling exhaust and basically pulling most of the turbo and plumbing loose this is my plan. We are going to be down about 3 weeks since also replacing O2 bottle due to life time limit , engine time 850 we talked to main turbo today and they recommend 1000 hrs for overhaul so sending them early but not cheap 3500 each ….it’s hurts but a year early and piece of mind
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