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Everything posted by dmc

  1. When I was looking I considered the same, but also included the bonanzas. I ended up with a 225hp Debonair. I'm sure I would have been just as happy with a F model. The J's were out of my price range at the time. I just came across a debonair that met my wants in a price I could afford first. I have been very happy so far, and with mogas available here the fuel cost per hour is about the same. And truth be told it was the one the wife liked best.
  2. I don't blame you a bit, I have been on their waiting list for 3yrs now. Maybe they took me off when I sent my unit in for refurbishment. i bought mine from a guy upgrading his to a digital auto pilot that would fly an approach. I still ended up sending in two wing levelers before I got one worth repairing. I probably didn't save any money but I did get the equipment. i thought 5k sounded high, but you brought it up. But at much less I'd just as soon keep it as I would hate to have to wait years to find another one. I'm also hopeing for the part 23 re-write, but who knows when and what that will end up actually doing. good luck, I found mine locally. You just have to keep looking.
  3. I guess Gunderbear is no longer interested. Oh well, I guess I'll try and get it installed this summer.
  4. i just had my starter and starter drive adapter rebuilt and the wife is not happy. I was working on getting my instrument rating and figured it would be nice to have the accutrack installed for IFR. But the wife is a nervous flyer as is and I just don't think it is worth it for me to continue. So if these things are going for 3-5k, I figure mine should be worth the top end since I have the complete kit that was gone through from the factory and everything needed to add to a wing leveler. Every hose and connector needed is there. But I havnt heard from the OP so I may still end up installing it in the plane as it would be nice to have. My annual is in July and if I have no supprises I'll probably have it done then.
  5. I have this yellow tagged from Brittain last year, along with the installation paperwork. For 5k I'd seriously think about selling it if this is what you are looking for.
  6. I have a accutrack that I have been meaning to add to my wing leveler for about a year now. It's been sitting in the box since I had everything gone through at Brittain, and purchased everything to complete the kit. dont let my wife find out there worth much or she would sell it in a heartbeat.
  7. How much do these go for?
  8. I live in SW Florida. Shoes are optional.
  9. i bought a used powertowi for my Debonair from a Mooney owner. So I ended up with the steel tubes and adapters for a Mooney. id like $75 for both. oil not included.
  10. This is what I did. It was between a F model or Beech Debonair. I ended up with a very nice looking Debonair with old avionics and no auto-pilot. But the wife really liked the color. It would have been much cheaper to buy a plane equipped better and have the plane painted. But I of coarse bought he one the wife liked best and all is good. I had a wing leveler installed and I have a accutrak sitting in a box. And I have been lusting after a IFR GPS.
  11. I bought the STC even though it only amounted to putting some stickers next to my fuel tank saying that I was allowed. I comply with everything else to stay legal even though I may not agree on some items. Like not being able to use the same avionics as the experimentals.
  12. I use Air Nav when planning a trip. It's true that it's not everywhere, and many times it makes no sense to go very far out of the way. But it is out there. Thankfully here in Florida many don't like to use fuel with ethanol in their boats so it's not hard to find. The airport I'm based at does not have it, but the Sunoco station that is on the way does. I just fill up a few 5 gal cans and fuel the plane myself. This also saves me from having to taxi down to the self service pumps. The pure gas website list 99 stations in Texas. Not sure how many airports have it. i still use quite a bit of 100LL, most airports don't carry both. But when it's available it usually around a dollar a gallon cheaper. It works for me because it is available here, and at several airports in the mid- west where I frequent.
  13. I mix, according to the STC this is not a problem. The Debonair has three tank settings, left , right, and aux. when I'm on the aux tanks unused fuel is pumped to the left tank. So there is always going to be some mixing there. I could keep one fuel in the right tank, and have thought about keeping 100LL in that side. But since I have never had a problem, and have talked with others who primarily run mogas with no problems. I just fill up with what's available.
  14. The IO 470J in my debonair has a compression ratio of 7-7.5, not sure the exact number. It was designed to use the old 80 octain aviation fuel. I can burn 87 ethanol free gas, but 90-91 is generally all that is available. I burn around 11.5 to 12 gph to get 150 knots. 160 knots is all I can get around 4500' and ROP. When I was looking at planes to buy the F & J money's were defiantly on my list. I just found a nice Debonair first, and being able to burn mogas helped get the fuel cost down some. And as I said, I can tell no difference in what fuel I'm using. I have been told that mogas is not good to let sit in the tank for long periods of time. But I try to fly regularly. And there is always some 100LL in there due to availability.
  15. It was around $400 for the STC and the IA to send in the paperwork. There are no restrictions.
  16. For what it's worth I run mogas frequently in my 225hp Debonair. But I do have a STC for it, all it amounted to was adding some stickers next to my fuel tanks. I have not noticed any smell, or any other difference, except cost. I can buy Rec 90 fuel here in Florida that is ethonal free, and buy mogas at airports when available. It usually saves me about a dollar a gallon.
  17. I used this calculator today to check what my Debonair was getting. http://www.csgnetwork.com/tasgpscalc.html My airspeed indicator was actually very close to the results I got from the calculator. I was showing 158 to 160 mph at 7500 which calculated out to be about 155knt true. The calculator came out with 156knts true for the three GPS readings.
  18. Quote: Parker_Woodruff 15 hours dual actually isn't much, given your qualifications and most umbrella policies will not cover your aviation liability exposure. Your first year will always be more expensive. I can't imagine not getting at least liability coverage something that moves through the air at 170 mph with up to 4 people inside of it.
  19. Thanks, I definatly plan to shop around. I just wanted to get an idea on what it would cost and what would be required. The M20C was local and I really wanted it to work out, but I don't think its the one for me. I need something with a little more room in the back, so it's M20F or G.
  20. I plan to finish my PPL in the 172 as I hopefully don't have that much longer and don't want to change now. Ive started my Cross country's and hopefully can finish up in a month or so. I just didn't like the age restriction, I guess as I'm 54, 65 doesn't seam that old anymore. The 15hrs also seems like a lot, but hopefully that will change when I get my PPL, if not I guess we can get a few more IFR hours in. I assume I can take passengers up before I have 50hrs in make/type, they just wont be insured. That wont keep me from taking the wife up. She can always sue me if need be. I wonder if insurance is worth it. If I wreck the plane the wife probably isnt going to ride with me anyway. If its really bad I wont be flying anymore.
  21. I plan to finish my PPL in the 172 as I hopefully don't have that much longer and don't want to change now. Ive started my Cross country's and hopefully can finish up in a month or so. I just didn't like the age restriction, I guess as I'm 54, 65 doesn't seam that old anymore. The 15hrs also seems like a lot, but hopefully that will change when I get my PPL, if not I guess we can get a few more IFR hours in. I assume I can take passengers up before I have 50hrs in make/type, they just wont be insured. That wont keep me from taking the wife up. She can always sue me if need be. I wonder if insurance is worth it. I have health insurance, I can get some additional liability insurance.
  22. I called AOPA to get a insurance quote for a M20C I was looking at and to get an idea on what would be required since I only have about 30hrs so far. The requirements were 15 hours of dual, prior to solo, with a CFI that met their requirements. One of the requirements for the CFI was to be between the ages of 25 to 65. I sure hope I'm reading this wrong and I am waiting for a response from them. My CFI is 76 and I think is doing a fine job, why would I want to change. If he is a qualified CFI, why would the insurance company care? I also would have to have 50 hours in make/model before I can take passengers. Cost is $2345 with $30,000 hull value. Does this seam correct?
  23. http://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=143823 NTSB preliminary report available. Thanks for all your good wishes again.
  24. Quote: gregwatts Find the plane you want and make your offer. I don't see prices going up.......and if you buy right, and they do go down a little.....you still won't be in a bad spot. If you are going after an F model, I would find a 76 model........if you can swing a J model, I think you will be much more satisfied. If you buy more plane than you can manage or afford, it will take the enjoyment out of your flying. You can find a "vintage" plane that has been severely upgraded.......and that is to your benefit. The reason you find so many Mooneys out there with gear-ups is because in most cases the plane was traveling faster than the pilot. I am from the camp that prefers the NDH endorsement. I spent many months looking for the plane that I have. If you find a plane that you want....negotiate.....it IS a buyers market. My opinion only!
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