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Everything posted by dmc

  1. Quote: scottfromiowa Why is that J being sold as salvage? Certainly the damage would NOT result in it being totaled...Unless the owner ran it out and than had a "gear up oops" and walked away with a check... If you could buy this for $25k it's a good deal otherwise...$28k for engine...$10k for prop...$15k for belly, gear doors, antennas, muffler etc....why bother?
  2. Quote: JimR I wouldn't eliminate this 201 or any other Mooney from consideration just because of the gear up. I just wanted you to know where to look for unrepaired or incorrectly repaired damage. Get a 201 if you can swing it. Jim
  3. Quote: JimR For pictures of the damage that it incurred in the most recent gear up, see below: http://www.aigaviation.com/aviationsalvage/salvagedetail.aspx?SalvageId=1066
  4. Quote: rbridges something I've learned is that the 201 windshields and some other mods are hard/impossible to do now. If you're wanting them, you'll need to get a plane that already has it.
  5. Quote: triple8s I did know of a J model for sale that needed a PSI and a prop. Had old radios, old GPS, but GS and DME. Think it could be had for upper 30's to mid 40's but that was several months ago, the airframe looked really good. I can check and see if it is still available this weekend, will give me an excuse to fly someplace. If the FWF has been replaced or had PSI and prop I am sure the price will have gone up but who knows till you ask.
  6. I was original hopeing I could get something in the 40k to 50k range. I'm worried that if I go 60k or more it won't leave me much for the unexpected. I'm really not sure how much I want to spend at this time, some depends on how my investments do in the next few months. Also I'm not sure how my state, MO, is going to cost me. I know they will probably hit me for personal property tax, not sure about sales tax.
  7. I've just recently started looking at planes and I hear its a buyers market. Now I'm not trying to time anything, Id buy something tommorow if I liked it, even though I don't have my ppl yet and plan to finish in the rental 172. But I plan to continue and get my IFR rating and would like to do it in my own plane. So how is everyones crystal ball's working? Is the price of vintage planes, I'm thinking F model, going up, down, or sideways for the next year or so. Do prices go up in the Spring when the weather is better, or does it matter. I'm a complete newbie to this so give me your thoughts. Thanks.
  8. Thanks for your opinions. I figure I would take either, just trying to touch base and see if it was a big deal. Still looking and learning at this point.
  9. 9-27 is 2000', 18-36 is 3800'. I guess I could always wait for the wind to blow North or South. As far as obstacles the short runway is not to bad, nothing on one end, but parked planes and a power lines a few hundred ft to clear on the other. As far as buying, I originally was hoping to be able to spend less than 50k also. I'm not sure if that's doable, but we will just have to see. I have just started watching and there are quite a few for under 60k, and they still seam to be listed for quite some time. Ive got some wiggle room, but I'm not sure just how much I want to spend.
  10. I'm a little concerned as I'm thinking of buying a Mooney after I get my PPL. One of the runways at my home field is 75'X2000'. It's not a problem in the 172 with 40 degree flaps, but even with that I have on occation used quite a bit of runway. I'm getting better though.
  11. I'm also thinking about a F model and seeing the same thing. But I just assume it means I need to spend a little more for one that I like. I talked to a guy that had one for 39k, but it needed paint and interior, and the avionics were old. I would be better off paying 60K for one nicer. The 39k might be fine if you wern't concerned about the paint and interior, but I am. But I'm optimistic and I'm not in a hurry, and I'm starting to sell a few stocks and bonds so I have the cash in hand if a good one pop's up. Also after reading some of the post on how short a runway you can land has me worried. My home base has the 9/27 at 75'x2000. No problem with the 172 and 40 degree flaps, but I'm wondering if a novice will have trouble with a Mooney there.
  12. OK, Im really starting to look for a F model and wondering about the Johnson Bar. I figure I'll take either one, do those who have tried them both have a preference? I'm thinking the Johnson Bar is a simpler mechanisim and probably weighs less. But the electric is just a flip of a switch and may be easier for my wife, if I can get her to take lessons. At least as a pinch hitter. So, if you were looking, witch would you prefer.
  13. Thanks guys, I'm still in the looking stage, but pretty much have decieded that if I buy a Mooney it will be a F model. Anyone know of a good one for sale?
  14. Thanks again, I've just started working on my PPL and I'm trying to figure out what plane to buy. At first I was thinking 172 as that is what I'm training in, but after some research I'd rather buy my second plane first. I went to the airport today and went through the Confederate Air Force museum they have there. While the guy there was showing me the planes they have in the hanger, I noticed a few other planes there in the back. One of them was a G model Mooney. He said a member owned it, but wasn't there today. I did get a good look at it though. Hopefully I'll get a chance to talk to him some. So there are at least 2 Mooney owners at my fairly small airport. I'm thinking that I really only need a 2 place plane 90% of the time, but from what I can tell the F and G models arn't that much more expensive. Maybe I'm wrong as it is hard to compare planes that are 40 years old. I assume they pretty much fly the same.
  15. Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. I was thinking the F or G model was the way to go, we will need room for 4 from time to time. I was just hopeing that a C or E might also work as there seems to be more of them for sale. I'm 6' and my wife is around 5-9 or 10. My son and his wife are also fairly tall.
  16. Ive sat in a E model, but really didn't pay that much attention to the rear seat. I had my wife sit back there, but she was sitting behind the empty co-pilot seat and I'm not sure if that seat was all the way forward or not. How does the rear seat room compare to a 172 or a Cheerokee? There are plenty of those around to look at.
  17. Also are there any years more favored than others? Or any years to possibly stay away from? Any must haves?
  18. I have no problem with getting my hands dirty. While I have never worked on an airplane I have done quite a bit of work on a few old cars I have had in the past. I have a hard time understanding the prices being paid for some of the work being done. The engines don't look that much different than the flat 6 in some of the old Porsches I use to own. And I usnderstand that these planes are old and even with a good pre buy there are no guarantees. I just want to make sure I'm realistic with my target price. Ive seen C,E,F, and G's listed from $20K to $80K and some saying they have put over $100K into the plane. I don't want to be one of the guys putting $100,000 in a $60,000 plane. I'm figuring $2000 a year for insurance, $2400 for hanger, and $2500 for annual's. And I can swing An extra $10,000 or so from time to time, but not every year. I'm 54 and retired. I live off my savings and investments and as we all know the market and economy hasn't exacly been great the last few years. I'm just trying to figure out what to expect.
  19. Thanks guys, I guess the real question I have is, can I buy a decent F for $50k or less and hopefully go 500 hrs or more without having to put 10k-20k more into it to be a safe flyier. $40k to $50k seams to be at the low end and I was wondering if at that range most expect to be putting some additional money into the plane. And I'm trying not to get into to big of a hurry.
  20. As Ive posted before, I'm starting to look for my first plane and really like the Mooneys. I have sat in a E model and tho it was nice, I would really like a little more room for the back seat. So that puts me to the F and G models. I'm not hard and fast on a price point yet, but $50k is probably the balpark price that I'll be able to afford. I know that at that price point its not going to have the latest avionics or look like new, but what do you think I should be able to swing with $50k in hand. And I havn't written off the C or E yet, just would prefer the extra room. Thanks.
  21. I'm currently a student pilot and hope to have my PPL by April/May. I'm looking at Mooneys for the same reason as most. While on vacation my wife and I went to the Mooney Mart and talked with Coy. We were able to sit in a E model to get a idea of the size. 90% of the time it will probably only be the wife and I, but we do want the ability to haul 4. So a C, or E will work, but a F would be nice. I have been reading many of the post here and it looks like some of the things to watch for is: Corrosion Leaking wing tanks Engine hours, cracks, time since OH, how often flown, ect Speed Mods, cowl, w/s, ect. I really don't want to spend more than 50k, and less would be better. Id really be upset if I spent 50K and then ended up spending another 20K in the first year. I of coarse will get a pre buy inspection, and I know there are no guarantee's. Ive also budgeted for a hanger, insurance, ect. Hopefully there will be no $100 gov user fees, that would be tough. So can I realistically spend around 40k for a C, E, or F and expect to go 500 hours plus without a major expense, like a $25k overhaul? Or would it be better to buy a higher time engine and just go ahead and plan to have it rebuilt? I'm thinking that it would be easier to finish my PPL in the 172 and then get a Mooney. Is this correct, or does it matter? I know I will have to have complex time in the Mooney, anything else? If the right deal came along I guess it would be a big insentive to get my PPL done.
  22. Another question. Is it really that hard to transition to a complex? Is lowereing and raising the gear really that difficult? How about the prop? Or is the Mooney just more difficult to fly?
  23. Thanks everyone, there is a short bodied Mooney tied down at the FBO where I'm taking my lessons. Hopefully I can get a good look at it and talk to the owner some. I'm sure there are others hid away in the hangers. And there are several other airports nearby. We probably won't be hauling 4 very often, but the wife is big on having a 4 seater. The only thing I have been in is a 172, so I have nothing to compare with. I looked at the Pipers today, but didn't get in one to see how much room there is in the back. We are going to Florida for a few weeks in January and maybe I can get her to go look at a few planes when we are down there, to get an idea on size. And I can look at our finances to determine how much I really want to spend.
  24. Thanks, the longer trips will just be the wife and I. With the need to stop every 2 hours or so for the wifes bathroom breaks, we could always choose to stop if the longer trips wear to much on us. As to the 4 persons, it would be my son and his wife along for the shorter trips, 200 miles or so. All of us together would weigh around 700lbs. I'm not locked into the 40k price, just looking at what that will buy at this time. I would rather spend more now and get what I want instead of settling for something and then having to trade latter. I hate dealing with selling cars and I guess I generally sell cheap as I don't want to fool with it. I recently sold some old Porsches that I had. Sold them all in a day, guess I had them priced right.
  25. Ive just started looking at a Mooneys but still have some questions. I'm looking at adds for planes for sale for less than 50k. I'm a student pilot so I'm really just looking at this point. But it seams that every plane has had a gear up accedent at some point. Is this mainly pilot error or is there something else going on? I think that for the price I'm looking at the M20C is the realistic choice. Can 4 people actually fit in one for a couple of hours? What is a average useful load. I'm trying to decied between the Cessna 172, Cherokee 180, or the Mooney. This will be my first plane and I would rather get something that I will keep for a while. But like everyone I also want to get value for my dollar. The Mooney will cost me more in insurance, and I imagine the annuals will also run more. But it is faster, and from what Ive read well built. But they all have the same brand of engine. I'll be using the plane mostly to visit family, most live within 300 miles, and a few trips a year in the 1000 to 1500 mile range. At least this is what I hope to do. My wife and I are both retired so we have the time. I'm training in the Cessna, and it wont be any trouble getting some hours in a Cherokee. Ive seen a few Mooneys around and hopefully I'll be able to go up in one also. I wont be buying anything soon and I wont be buying anything without some time in one. I'm just trying to narrow down my search. Should I hold out for a E or F? Are they a big step up? I'd really rather spend closer to 40K in case something comes up. Is there someone that I could hire when the time comes to help look for a Mooney if I decied thats what I want. Someone who is familer with the brand and what to look for so I don't buy someone else's problem. What would this cost?
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