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Everything posted by cb310

  1. Selling our 1978 M20J 201. 2102TT Airframe, 445 SMOH. The plane has the original paint and an interior from 2002. The aircraft is fully 2020 compliant with a Lynx NGT-9000 transponder. Other avionics: Avidyne IFD-540, Garmin SL-30, Garmin GMA-240, Shadin Miniflo, Insight G1, Century IIB. Aircraft had a gear up more than 10 years ago and later has some skin replaced on the tail due to an unfortunate encounter with a hangar door. The aircraft also has speed brakes and the wingtips are modified to match later production Mooney 201s. The annual was just completed by Phil Jimenez at PJ Aircraft in Avon Park, FL - Next Due February, 2020. Currently located at FMY and flying regularly, so times will increase. You can reach me at cmb160632@gmail.com, 678-591-7478 or here on Mooneyspace. Thanks, Chris Bradshaw
  2. We had our annual done at LPC in November, 2016. The work was ok, the rates were ok, but the pace was SLOW. It took over three weeks to get the plane out of there and we didn't have anything special done.
  3. We are selling the Garmin GNS 530 that was just removed from our 201J and freshly examined and tagged via 8130. This is a dual voltage unit in very good shape. It comes with a tray and connectors as well as the antenna that was used with it on our 201. We are offering a price of $6250 for fellow Mooney owners. Thanks! Chris
  4. Buck at Buckley Aircraft Maintenance in Chino did some great work for us. We had experience with a MSC near there that was awful, but Buck really went all out for us. Chris Bradshaw 78 201J CFII ATP Buckley Aircraft Maintenance 7000 Merrill Ave, Box 54, Hgr E49, Chino, CA 91710 909-393-4295 • fax 909-393-4296 buck@buckleyaircraft.com
  5. It's all related. The high oil temperature can be from many causes. In our case, it was from multiple things. We ended up with the vermatherm being re-seated and the service of the injectors because the plugged injectors can make the engine run hotter. As for things like the throttle cable and fuel line near the exhaust, they were easy to see to a trained eye once the cowl is removed.
  6. Obviously, there are some very strong feelings and lots of interest in this post. With my father, we bought a 78 J in July of this year. The airplane was in the LA area and had been posted as for sale here on MooneySpace. It looked and looks very nice. It is original 1978 paint. The engine was 160 SMOH and the airplane had 1820 TT. We had what we thought was a thorough pre-buy inspection done by a MSC in the LA area. After $5000 in repairs at the MSC, we had the airplane flown to another place in the LA area for a complete tank re-seal. One month into ownership, we were ready to fly our baby home to Ohio. We made it as far as Gila Bend, AZ before the oil temperature red-lined. After a quick landing in Gila Bend, we found that in 1.75 hours, 3 quarts of oil had departed the airplane. We consulted the MSC in Chandler, AZ and flew it to Chandler. In Chandler, we found that the throttle cable was improperly installed and close to failing, the fuel injectors were a mess and past scheduled service, and on and on it went. Keep in mind that this was AFTER the pre-buy at the MSC in LA. We left our plane in Chandler and flew home. Our next attempt at reaching Ohio resulted in the airplane still losing oil and a night in a Motel 6 in Pecos, TX before flying it to Don Maxwell in Longview. Don had his own take on our issues and found additional issues with the airplane like a vacuum pump way over time limit and a fuel line running very close to the exhaust. A few more thousands were spent with Don and off we went again. But, the plane was not fixed. Still losing oil, we made it to Ohio and our home mechanic. As I write this, four months after buying the plane, it is sitting in parts with the mechanic in Ohio who is going to rebuild the breather system and replace multiple seals that seem to be leaking, but were not squawked by the MSC in Chandler or the very good folks at Don Maxwell. My point on all this is that almost no airplane for sale will be in the shape you want it to be. You may find a great airplane from an upgrading owner, but most are sold because the owner isn't flying enough or can't afford to do so anymore. Our pre-buy in LA at a MSC no less was useless. There is so much more that goes into analyzing an airplane. How much time is on the magneto? The vacuum pump? How old are the flight instruments? Hours on the engine are great, but how much calender time since overhaul? What about the tires? Are all the 8130's present? PM me if you want more. I'm sure all on this board will agree that no matter what, airplane ownership is one exciting, sometimes difficult, sometimes excruciating ride! Chris Bradshaw 1978 M20 J
  7. Thanks to all for the suggestions! Hopefully, the plane will be in CAK Monday evening.
  8. I agree with the theme here and would like to add another gentle suggestion. I see a new member who in twenty-five minutes posted the same message across three different threads. I understand that he was/is anxious to get an answer, but a little patience would be appreciated. I know that I look through all sections regularly and sorting through the same information is akin to spamming or screaming for attention in my opinion. As Don suggests, let's use patience and courtesy please! Chris
  9. I'd been told that G-Force was only doing avionics. I'll check with them directly. Chris
  10. We are just about to have our new to us 201J based at CAK, Akron, Ohio. The annual will be due in January and we need to find a place for the annual. The plane has just had extensive clean up by a MSC in California, so hopefully it won't be a huge annual. But, with no MSC close to Akron, does someone know an experienced Mooney mechanic in the Akron/Cleveland area? Thanks! Chris ATP CFII
  11. To answer some of the posts..... While waiting is often a good idea, you never know what life is going to bring. A few things have happened recently that really make this clear. Therefore, we are shopping with a sooner is better point of view. We are pretty open on what we are seeking. The ideal budget is $90-$115K. Minor damage is not a problem, nor is having to upgrade avionics. A complete "project" is not what we want, but we really will consider each airplane on it's own merits. Our budget seems to fit best with 78-85 models. Thanks! Chris Bradshaw
  12. Anyone know of a good 201J not already advertised on Controller, TAP, or ASO? We've been through all the listings and what's out there ranges from rough to very rough or far overpriced. Thanks.
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