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Everything posted by 201er

  1. Ok. Anyone disagree or know a reason not to?
  2. I've been wondering if it's ok to leave the cowl flaps closed to experdite engine/oil warm up while idling on the ground on cold days. Someone told me not to do that because closed cowl flaps lead to uneven cooling of the engine. What do you guys think? Any tips for improving warm up when it's cold and you actually need the heat?
  3. Quote: GeorgePerry If you can find a bone stock J that'll do 159 KTAS on 8.8 GPH, then somehow it's defying the laws of physics. I don't have any "cruise" numbers collected on a data card handy, but my 700+ hours in Mooney's tells me your model’s underlying assumptions must be inaccurate. No M20J is that fast on that little gas. A more realistic number, and what I’ve seen, is 67% power would yield 156-162 KTAS at 10.2-10.8 GPH ROP. With EGT set 30 deg LOP that should yield about 147-152 KTAS at 8.6-8.9. And those performance figures assume, proper control rigging, a fresh wax job, and no bugs on the leading edges.
  4. Stall?
  5. The time change is a bigger problem for me than the destination change because I have to leave no later than 1PM to get somewhere. The extra distance doesn't help either. Would it be alright to keep it at 11:30 to start? I expect to be getting there around 11AM anyway. And I'm confirming for 2 people, no fuel.
  6. Peter said he'll be in KGED Sunday by coincidence on personal business. To me it doesn't make a whole lot of difference as look as I'm sure it will be a worthwhile fly in. Once I'm going xcountry, 10 minutes here and there doesn't make a heck of a difference.
  7. So is everyone still going? I'm planning to come (2 people, 1 mooney).
  8. I like to have my mechanic change the oil not only to get it relaced but also because it gives me a chance to have my engine looked over by an expert. I pay for the oil to be changed but I get a virtually free look over of the state of the engine while I'm at it. Besides, I usually have a list of minor squawks to take care of by the time 50 hours comes around. Same on the car. I'll change the oil myself only every other time, that way the mechanic can top off the fluids and take care of the stuff I'm not supplied on.
  9. Instrument cross country flight on Saturday with instructor, destination to be determined. KGED for Midatlantic Mooney Fly in on Sunday.
  10. Quote: Shadrach 1) Your premise is flawed. There is no statistical data to show that LOP ops will have any affect on TBO. Even the most staunch proponents of LOP ops will tell you that. Sure, presuming TBO is TBO is 2000... if you fly slower while turning the prop at the same speed, you'll bring your engine closer to the TBO time in order to cover the same distance. 2) Even if you could quantify the difference is a plane with an engine that has gone 300,000nm in 2000hrs going to be worth less than a plane that has gone 300,000nm in 1900hrs? Well, we know how engine time plays a role in appraising an airplane. Since the buyer can't accurately assess the inners of the engine, they have to look at the hours. 3) The number of air miles logged per engine is affected by so many variables (wind, routing, holds, restricted areas) as to make the 4 to 6kts you lose by "properly" running LOP (those of you running still 50LOP at 8500 take note) a rounding error. Additionally, for shorter VFR flights below 3500ft speed difference LOP vs ROP is very, very small, however savings in FF can approach 40%. Are all of your flights purely travel based? Is a 1hr joy ride anymore satisfying at ~160kts vs ~155kts? Is that same joy ride more satisfying at ~16.5GPH vs ~10.5GPH? Wow. I am simply amazed to what lengths people are willing to bend the numbers in order to justify their point of view. 16.5GPH??? Really? Where did you get that from? Both you and I are flying IO-360s. Even for 75% cruise at 100ROP (not 50 or 25), it burns 12.5gph at sea level in the most inefficient configuration possible! 75% power LOP on the other hand would burn 10gph. That's only 20% savings. Once you factor an efficient ROP cruise at 10.5GPH 25ROP vs 9-10GPH 70-75% power, the difference isn't particularly big at all. While I appreciate the lower temperatures and gas savings, I don't think it's necessary to pretend like it makes THAT big of a difference in fuel savings on our 200HP engines.
  11. Quote: Jeff_S Mike, I hereby nominate you as the winner of "Most Inquisitive" on the Forum. I am amazed at the things you think of. I don't say this to be condescending or rude, and I sense that you are really enjoying getting to know your Mooney and all the idiosyncracies of airplane operation. I just hope that somewhere in all this you get out and just fly your airplane and enjoy the amazement of cruising along with the birds. At some point all the technical mumbo jumbo goes away and you just start to appreciate the sheer joy of flying, without analyzing. No offense meant, so please don't take any. Tailwinds!
  12. On one hand LOP saves gas, but has anyone considered the impact on value of the plane (specifically engine)? If LOP is better for the engine and helps it make it to or past normal TBO, that's great if you're keeping it. However, if LOP results in a net speed loss, that means you're taking more time to get there and therefore putting more hours on the engine. You saved on gas, took more time, but also put a little more time on the engine. Just like the gas savings, this time adds up in the long run. So does the gas saving still outweigh the deduction in engine time for resale value? Has anyone considered this?
  13. Wow, a 150kt wind in the Mooney would put you at a dead stand still! Funny how you just shrug it off in what you're flying. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Tie Down Ropes - $10 Quarterly Waxing - $300 Airplane Cover - $500 Yearly Tie Downs - $1200 Having your plane nearby and enough time/money left to actually fly it - PRICELESS
  15. Quote: rob I use "climbing" or "descending" instead of "leaving" or "out of." It's how I was taught and I figure a little extra description can't hurt. The difference between an M20T and M20P as far as ATC is concerned is 500fpm climb, 200fpm descent, and a different LAHSO category. See this link: http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/acdesig.html
  16. Yeah, this happens all the time. Just refresh a few times and eventually it comes out right. This has got to be the buggiest forum I have ever encountered. And the username swaps are simply unacceptable.
  17. 436N?
  18. How do you avoid saying "to" though? I find myself saying "Departed one november seven going to three six november." That to is bordering on two....
  19. I heard a bonanaza asking for "six zero thousand" the other day. I guess you can fly VFR again at that altitude but you get flight following from Houston Space Center.
  20. Do they really care if you're slant whatever if you're strictly VFR?
  21. When ATC asks me to say type (during VFR), should I say M20J or M20P? For IFR, apparently I'm supposed to file M20P (which is all non-turbo Mooneys). Also should I say it as "em twenty jay" or "mike two zero juliet?"
  22. Are you talking about the 5 seat Mooney M22 Mustang?
  23. What runway length and/or weight configuration is the cross over point from when you use takeoff flaps to not use them? I've found myself using takeoff flaps at all but the longest runways because I'm mainly used to flying from short fields where they are necessary. So I use them most of the time and don't realize when I could have went without them.
  24. Quote: jetdriven
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