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Everything posted by SkyPilot

  1. Thanks for all the comments. Actually, I keep current on an Amphib Caravan, but I miss flying the old PZL Otters mostly because fo the nice round engine and the smoke. I love that smell in the morning. I'm considering a share in a T-28 and having 2 airplanes just won't work for me. The other thing is my Mooney was bought to travel back and forth between contract flying jobs and I've been putting so much time overseas that I am not home enough to worry about doing much contract flying. But I did put some "free" radios in for the next guy and also got rid of all the "bugs" it had when I bought it in Feb of 2011.
  2. Well Folks, I had a phone call yesterday morning, and the fella on the other end of the line offered my money for my unused M20F. I took it. "Time Machine" has gone to a commercial operator up in the Yukon.. Last year I only flew 30 hours on the bird. I did the company books up and found average cost per hour for maintenance, hanger, fuel & insurance was $320. That doesn't include long term stuff like engine overhaul. The bird was owned by my company and hard to justify. I was not using it for the intended purpose... Basically, it was a bird without a mission. I really enjoyed the 3 years of Mooney Flying but I am going to take a year off airplane ownership. Good Luck and Fly Safe, Paul K
  3. Thanks for all the pointers guys. Until I get it figured out, I will likely take Yvesg's advice and wire it up and get a step for my wife and dog.
  4. Nice. I was thinking of attaching my Hero 3+ there. Now I will.
  5. Here's a video of the non-retracting step. I tried posting it directly on here but to no avail..
  6. Wow! There's the "right stuff" for sure.
  7. The factory ones that I have seen are streamlined but the retractable ones like mine are square tubing. I think mine is not retracting all the way too. I was just watching a 3 year old video my wife made of the run-up we did when I purchased the plane. The step is not retracted all the way even at 1700 rpm. I figure it should be up at that point. Any thoughts on that?
  8. I just use the comments column in the Aircraft Journey Log for oil. I don't worry about fuel I figure out the GPH once in awhile to be sure nothing is going wrong. For flight time, I have an old-fashioned hard cover pilot logbook but I have not updated it now for 3 years. Every year I do my transport pilot medical, I just say I flew 200 hours and have 7000 hours. They have never complained that the number does not go up
  9. Thanks I will. I presently have my airplane up for sale because i have no "real" use for it. If this job turns out, I'll need it to commute. It would be nice to be able to justify the expenses and cut down travel time.
  10. When I bought my F is had a KX-155 and an old 360 channel radio. I chucked the old tube unit in the trash. It wasn't even good enough looking to grace the "man cave"
  11. Yeah I bought my airplane just over 3 years ago. It's previous owner had passed away. The airplane had been well maintained until then, and just before his death, he told his wife to put on a new prop and sell it. It took her 3 years to sell. I paid too much but she financed at zero percent. Since then, I've put over $10,000 worth of radios and minor mech upgrades into it. I have more then $70,000 into it not including annuals, hanger, etc. At the time I bought it, the US dollar was at par, and prices were better. Now, the US dollar is climbing, and my Canadian airplane's buyers market is shrinking badly. I just dropped my price another $5000 so I'll see what happens. I am considering donating it to a museum for a tax receipt.
  12. He's probably correct. It's just that the annual will cost $75,000
  13. This thing has been sitting for 30 years. $12 K is high. At least it is hangered. We have a 1950 V-tail bonanza on the field here, that hasn't moved in 10 years, and isn't tied down. The tires are flat, and the last time it moved was about 4' in a windstorm last fall. If you do buy it let me know what spares are for sale. The woodgrain panels are in nice shape I might be interested. Or you can buy my F. It's on controller. I was going to list it for sale here but there is no way to compete with the US aircraft for avionics and low pricing. Wow. I just dropped my price to $55K CDN (with $70K) into it now. I'm possibly getting out of flying. Fuel keeps going up, and avgas is on its way out. I'll just fly somebody else's bird and get paid to get my kicks PK
  14. Didn't see the "dent" post. Mounting a GoPro on an inspection panel of unused antenae mount should not cause any trouble though. My bird was made in 1967 and has numerous little nearly unoticable dents all over. Like when my doctors wife got in the plane with high heels on before I noticed. I didn't say anything as he signs out my medical
  15. I change it myself sometimes. It's a good way to get familiar with the "under hood" items. After the first fiasco, I bought one of those oil filter clamps that punctures the filter and allows it to be drained before removal. I also have a quick drain. Make sure you lock wire it properly. I bought one of those oil filter cutters from Aircraft Spruce and used it to open the old filter afterwards to check for metal particles. I heard there is an oil filter adaptor for the Mooney that orients the filter vertically and makes life easier. I have not yet been able to find it. PK
  16. Thanks for all the ideas folks. Hey Oscar, when you say the mounts are strong enough, are you talking the adhesive mounts? Or do you rivet them on to your inspection panels? I see the one looks like it it attached somewhere between your VOR antennae. I've been thinking of doing that on the bracket where my ADF antennae used to attach. I just got a GoPro 3+ and am experimenting with it in Indonesia. When I get back I'd like to run through the rockies from Calgary to Victoria with the little guy recording. I've got the extra battery pack and as long as you don't slave it to bluetooth it seems to have some good time. The Hero 4 is coming out in June and it is good for 120fps. And about 2/3 the size. Nice...
  17. I did an edit and it removed my post. But yeah a co-owner is an option but I'm moving soon, so maybe at the new location.
  18. Ok after reading that, anyone want to trade some nice ranch land for my 1967 M20F? Seriously...
  19. My F is for sale with 3700 TT & 1075 SMOH. It's running nicely but I would like a faster machine. It seems to true out at 145kts now that I've checked it properly
  20. Sounds good. Hopefully there are some openings. Have you got any contact numbers? Paul K
  21. Yes, unheated but out of the weather
  22. While my buddies airplane was down for 4 months getting new skins and paint after a hail storm, I was happily flying around in my "hanger queen"
  23. They'd be metric up here. Same as SAE RPM
  24. My M20F is also for sale which is looking better with the stronger US Dollar. I'll even deliver it
  25. Sounds like oil country. So your rent doubled that sucks. What is it now if you don't mind me asking? I'm paying $450 month for an enclosed heated hanger up here at CYLL.
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