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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. The fishing on the lake (Ontario) is really unbeleivable. The water is no longer poluted and full of fish. If you spend more time and have passports, drive over to Toronto for half a day. Killer.
  2. Quote: GeorgePerry I think throwing money at the problem is a retorical answer....
  3. Looking for ferry help to retrieve my 201 from Weber Aircraft in Lancaster, PA. Friday 4/30, early a.m., one-way, FDK to LNS. As always, a free fill up and lunch are on me. John Pleisse 301-987-5646 john@voicejohn.com
  4. The folks in Lynchburg at Virginia Aviaition are your closest. I am happy with Weber in Lancaster, PA.
  5. Matt, During the IPC and before a major IMC trip is a blessing. Hopefullu you'll just have a blown breaker or contact or something.
  6. Quote: JimR We have to pay sales and use tax here in Florida no matter where or from whom we buy our planes as well. Good reason to buy what you want and keep it as far as I'm concerned. Jim
  7. Jimmys' a straight shooter and fair.
  8. Think I'll bone up on my LAHSO and ground ops over the weekend. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1375982/Airbus-crashes-jet-JFK-airport.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  9. If this is the west coast Florida broker, be careful....he is law suit happy and has been a proud litigant more than a few times. He has even bragged about his legal dealings publicly. There are 4000 Mooneys out there, he has 5 or 6. Run as fast as you can.
  10. Quote: KSMooniac I asked TAT about a 4-cyl Mooney kit last year at OSH and they indicated that it would be unlikely. Their price is unfortunately as unrealistic as the M20 kit anyway, so I'm not sure they'd get many takers even if they brought it to market.
  11. I gotta tell you..........LOP v. ROP seems to insidously creep it's way into every engine disussion. Do it in a Continental, save a gallon or two and do a top at 850 hrs. Fly Lycoming cylinders 150 ROP to TBO...end of discussion. Lycoming presribes no LOP Ops. M20 Turbos is the only IO360 Turbo STC currently available for purchase..... and conspicously, I hear the old lady and son have the company on the block. Think Tornado Alley might swoop them up?
  12. I think shock cooling can more easily occur practicing engine-outs in the winter time than it can normal ops out of 12k. Shock is the operative word, the rapidity of the cooling. I have flown two engines a thousand hours in my 201 and it is just not an issue. Leave a little power in and keep an eye on things. Turbo? A whole other, completely different deal.
  13. Haah!!! Aerocomfort looks better on "F" yokes than newer Acclaim yokes!! Schweeeeeeet!
  14. Hope you are able to find a Peach Randy...good luck with it.
  15. Not having personal experience. You have to figure a mean cruising speed of 185KTAS. Other than low end 231's (seems to me you aren't interested in those) you are left with the lot, all in the same price range. I mean for simplicity's sake, toss in the Ovations, Eagles, 231's, Rockets and focus the search on a Certified FIKI plane that is not a basket case. You'll be roughly $185k for 185KTAS, so focus on certified FIKI in any model where the plane is absolutely top shape. What do you think Parker? I mean I have flown R's and S's and I am certain theY could drag a little ice to 16k. You would not go wrong with this approach Randy.
  16. Quote: jax88 Speed would be my biggest concern with just upgrading my F with a turbo. What kind of performance could I really expect out of my bird with a turbo strapped to it? When I looked at just putting all this money into upgrading my current aircraft, I figured I'd have a minimum of $125k in it, and that got me thinking I could just invest that in a newer, known performance aircraft.
  17. Quote: Parker_Woodruff Why not just buy a decked out, FIKI '98 Encore? Steele has a real nice one. It's been sitting at $230k and the ad didn't boast NDH, although undetermined. Randy...how much you willing to spend, or is it more of a value thing (ie- spend what it takes if the pricing makes it a good value)?
  18. Looks like a nice, first run, clean airframe...ready for the buyer's engine and modest upgrades.
  19. Gotta tell you Randy, I just looked at your pic's...your F is real nice. You wouldn't consider upgrading the F? I always consider things that are hard to valuate...knowing what you have, the smell of new, not inheriting someone else's risk, headaches associated with buying and selling. Comments made by the nice turbo F fellow in the last thread made sense, particularly since he had experience with a Bravo. His F is real nice too. I always valuate $100 after expenses for time flown. Flying is worth something by itself. Fly an airplane 500-700 hours and to me, this also has intrisic value ($50k-70K of logged flying) that should always be considered after expense. This might be a heck of a candidate for one radio and engine and prop. NDH? Don't know. Could be had for $90k. http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/MOONEY-M20K-252TSE/1988-MOONEY-M20K-252TSE/1184567.htm?
  20. I have been staunch about the Bravo, but given the new avionics paradigm and if you have the cash (required), why not pick up a 1980 231 wholesale and runout. You could refurb it top to bottom with what you want, update the engine- LB, get an intercooler and consider all goodies. It may take 3-8 mos to market and sell your F for what it certainly is worth. I have seen early 231's first run, needing everything, NDH for as low as $59,000 some places. I have half thought of it myself. Frame- $65,000 (attainable) Engine Reman- $46k-upgrade Avionics -----$50,000 (if you are a total junkie) P&I --------$25,000 (can be done for less, maybe add a new windscreen) First Annual--$12,000 (worst case) TKS (non cert)---$23,000 You are right around $220k. This seems like a lot, but you will have a low time cherry, fresh engine, set up the way you want it aircraft, ready for 700 hours of solid service. Buy a Bravo or 252 for $178k with a cracked crankcase or add an Aspen and Garmin and you'll be in it it for the same. I'm just sayin. This would be a big job to quaterback for six onths, but could also be rewarding. Also, any interest in an M20-Turbo Mod on your F? I am tossing this around for my J.
  21. Since he is sticking to this "I wanted to land on the beach" story. Well, he was flying over 200 miles of shorline with beach everywhere. Why Rockaway? Why under the departure path of JFK? Why taunting and messing with a tower controller at America's fourth busiest airport?
  22. I have to tell you. A 201 windshield, a cowl enclosure with an updated 201 type spinner does almost the same for speed gains and looks almost completely updated.
  23. I just renewed with Falcon and got a million smooth with USAIG, $165k haul for right around $2k. I had one claim with USAIG, no hitches ($7,000 claim for hangar rash). AOPA and Avemco have always been over-the-top over priced in the market place. Like not even close to other insurers.
  24. I am pretty sure all of Modworks STC's went down with the hurricane. Insurance issues. Aercomfort yokes....lucious.
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