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    SF Bay Area
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    Forming a Mooney group in NorCal for Fly-ins and camaraderie
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  • Model
    M20K 1982 with 2012 engine

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  1. Hi folks, I have an M20K 231 and installed the AV-20 in place of the clock. I’m finding it interesting and useful but still trying to find the ideal pitch to set for the AOA. So far I am on +9 for stall warning and 3° for level flight. Very interested to see what anyone else has used with a similar aircraft. Thanks.
  2. Folks, I'm also having this problem. I switched to LED position/strobe lights several years ago and annunciator worked fine (gear down light would dim when panel lights were on and be plenty bright for full daylight, when panel lights would be off). In the last year or so, some of the annunciator lights (gear in partucular) started being intermittent. After resesraching, I sent the annuciator to Avionics International for overhaul, as suggested by my shop. They did their normnal overhaul and sent back, and the gear light was permanently dim, with panel lights on or off. I talked extenmsively Avionics International (both Ken Snowden and Ken Pethe, CEO) who were super diligent, and earnestly tried many things and lots of bench tests. Sadly when the sent the unit back to me again, the gear light remains permanently dim. I'm trying again as I head into this years' annual. Keen to hear of any other ewxperiences on this issue. Thanks. JP
  3. Highly recommend Exec autopilot in Sacramento. They have solved issues only King-200 by phone when MOONEY shop couldn't solve with airplane in hanger for a week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hi, Is this unit still available? Thanks. John Phelps N1164G 408 799 4288
  5. Or to ask the more important question ... Will a 900 fit in an 830 slot? Oddly, the JPI website doesn't show dimensions. Thanks.
  6. How do the screen sizes of the 830 and 900 compare?
  7. I put an external antenna on the belly just aft of the left wing root. This allowed moving the GDL 39 under the glare shield, which works great. Reception has been flawless thus far.
  8. Folks, Very interested in this upgrade as well. My 830 is in portrait mode and I'd like to have more parameters visible. Does this update allow that? I've downloaded the update from JPI and spoke with them today, but they indicate this is a minor update and will have it run more efficiently ... no mention of display change. JP
  9. 1982 M20K ... Looking to upgrade avionics

  10. Folks, I've researched this topic a fair bit and come to the conclusion that the most economically way to go for is panel mount (certified) ADSB IN and portable for ADSB OUT. This gets you 2020 compliant (stick) AND gives you access to ADSB OUT Weather and Traffic (carrots). Here's a summary of the capabilities, which is surprisingly hard to find: ADS-B OUT ADS-B IN Location Unit 1090MHz ES UAT 978MHz TIS-A 1090 TIS-B UAT978 TIS-B FIS-B Wx >18K' <18K' Portable GDL 39 No No No Yes Yes Yes Panel GTX 330 ES Yes Yes Yes No No No Panel GDL 88 No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
  11. HI, I'm interested. Please advise possible price and timing. Thanks for organizing. John
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