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Everything posted by DaV8or

  1. Don, if you're still here, I had this happen to me too and pissed me off to. After that I made a point of copying everything I typed just in case. Then I found out that all you have to do is click the back button in your browser and then click submit again. Works everytime and you don't get a double post or anything. This forum is a little goofy with a fair amount of bugs, but hey, it's active, it's about Mooneys, there's no advertising and it's free! It's a good place with good people, so I hope you try again.
  2. Who's putting on this BBQ and where do I buy tickets? Also, what day is it?
  3. Quote: jerry-N5911Q Probably looked more like a rodeo event than a landing. At least, as LASAR mock-seriously lamented, none of us contributed to the cost of the event by bending anything on arrival.
  4. Quote: Sven This was my first VMG event and I have to say I was very impressed.
  5. Quote: conom06d So I woke up this morning and noticed this was today and ran to the plane and flew my way there. It was a great event amd i learned a lot about mY aircraft. I saw DaV8oRs Mooney which was a beaute, Ill post A pic of it when i get oFf work. Mine was the Brown white and orange "B" model.
  6. Quote: 16LPilot Plane's in the shop...oh well, maybe for the 50th Anniversary.
  7. Quote: conom06d sweet, i think ill give them a call sometime early next week and set up an appointment. Is there anyone in particular I should ask for to help me? also, how much did they charge you to drain the gallon from the tank and sample it and check the filters? Yeah the FAA can definitely be a headache for us when it comes to getting STC's certified/re-certified, however, being in a "B" model like myself there really arent to many mods i want to do....let alone afford haha. I do feel the pain about the wingtips tho
  8. Quote: Geoff Try All American. They are on the same field, SAT, and are generally well respected.
  9. Quote: Skyatty I am getting tired of looking for the "right" 201J and hoping to get a little help. Mooneyland.com indicates that it will assist with a search and does not charge a fee. Anyone used them to find a plane?
  10. Quote: Geoff Try All American. They are on the same field, SAT, and are generally well respected.
  11. Quote: SagemGuy ... or if your would rather look West, Lake Aero has about six listed on his website and Paul is VERY well respected. RFB
  12. Quote: KSMooniac Hopefully that proves true and the FAA isn't too much of an impediment to the development...
  13. Not much point in getting worked up about this topic. The market will decide our fate. If the big refiners don't see a good profit in 100LL and they don't want to develop the no lead replacement eventually to be required by the government, then that will leave a small refiner to come up with a replacement and if they do, it ain't going to cheap. Probably much more than current AVGAS. That will leave us with Jet A with expensive hardware conversions, Special no lead AVGAS at a high cost per hour and possibly for some low flying, low performing airplanes MOGAS with expensive conversions. In all likelyhood, GA as we have known it will shrink to what it is in other countries. A large number of us will quit because it will just cost way to much to continue. GA will get even smaller in other countries. The light at the end of a very long tunnel will be electric airplanes. The world demands a better electrical storage device for other purposes than airplanes. It will happen eventually. When it does, electric airplanes will be practical and they will be much, much better than what we have now. At this time, I believe that GA will have a rebirth and expansion again. I hope I live long enough to convert my Mooney to electric!
  14. Quote: conom06d great news on the fuel tanks! So you went to top gun? Is that the one in stockton? I called Lasar and they directed me up to the companies in oregon but i'd like to get it checked like you did prior to getting this taken care of and i'd probably go to Top Gun.
  15. Quote: Mitch I will land at Lakeport [LASAR 35th] with the speedbrakes deployed and see what reaction I get on the ramp!
  16. Quote: Piloto Did you know that before WWII all aircraft engines ran on MOGAS (including the Wright brothers flying machines), there was no AVGAS!! If Lindbergh in 1927 crossed the Atlantic succesfully on MOGAS it is good enough for me to go to the Bahamas. José
  17. Quote: Mitch Tail bushings/bolts for the trim pivot are not a show stopper at all. Easy to do and/or have done. Probably 1 hour of labor from the shop. Happy, happy Mooney flying from now on!!!
  18. Quote: Immelman Can you elaborate on the tail bushing issue? Was this detected by lifting up on the bottom of the empennage below the vertical stab to check for play in the pitch trim mechanism (others have referred to this pivot lovingly as the Jesus bolt.... if it goes, you're dead). I make lifting the empennage to check for play part of my preflight inspection. However, if you have some other kind of play going on I am curious to know where it is so I can monitor the area in my airplane.
  19. Sectionals are exactly the kind of thing I hope to be one day soon using on an iPad or similar device! Flipping and folding a sectional is, was and always will be a pain in the arse! This goes for approach plates too! No more flipping through a huge binder with flimsy little pages that tear. I will be checking out this sort of tech at Oshkosh.
  20. I'm keeping an eye on this thread too. Speed brakes are on the list of potential mods in the future and I'd like to see what your real world experience with them is. I rode in a Mooney with speed brakes once, older units with mechanical cable operation and I thought it was the cat's meow!
  21. Quote: Piloto I agree that there some issues to be resolved but they can all be resolved with new engine design. There are millions of cars that conmute daily to Quito 10,000 feet elevation and la Paz Bolivia 12,000 feet with no problems in countries were fuel quality is not the best. The alternative of MOGAS is really atractive when facing no GAS at all. An old M20C flying on MOGAS would have a higher value than a grounded Acclaim due to no AVGAS. I consider this challenge the best motivation for the GA industry to introduce new products that would benefit us all. A MOGAS engine would have a more appealing market than any glass cockpit new product. If I was the CEO of Lycoming or Continental my focus would be on a MOGAS engine before Toyota or Honda come up with it. If AVGAS is gone so is Lycoming and Continental. José
  22. I love the Delta Hawk and Rolls Royce alternative engine solutions, I really do, but the huge hurdle any alternative engine faces in the market is price and reliability. The huge amount of R & D as well as the certification process, combined with the STC process means that until volume sales can be achieved, the early adoptors are going to be looking at a very steep price. In many of our cases, the cost would be equal to the value of our planes. Not many of us will have that kind of money to gamble with. It is a gamble, a huge gamble, because I don't think there has ever been a aircraft engine developed that didn't have problems. So, you and a thousand or so other brave souls pay your $70,000 to install your Delta Hawk engine and you're happily motoring along. Then it turns out that in real world flying, several of them have failures of the camshaft bearings and the FAA sends out an AD. Kind of a bummer, but you think to yourself, "Well, at least it's covered by the warranty!" Delta Hawk, a tiny start up company who still hasn't really made a profit yet, is now looking at engine swaps on a thousand planes, all on their dime. They don't have the money, so bankruptcy is the only way out. Now you're stuck with a plane you can't fly, an engine with no more factory support and in some people's cases, payments to make on a loan. I hope that all the early adopters opt to keep all the original parts to go back to gasoline.
  23. Quote: carusoam People, please help me with my math....?
  24. I'm planning on coming. My new bird checked out OK at Top Gun today, so I'll be there weather permitting. I'm super excited about my first fly in with my new plane!!
  25. If you have your heart set on the wing tip mod, don't get a Mooney with the "twisted" or "bent" wing. It is found on the '67-68 F ('66 in my case!) and '68 G I believe. They experimented with improving the stall charateristics by turning the tips down a little bit. To the untrained eye, you can't really tell. I guess it really didn't do anything and it was more expensive to build, so by '69 they quit and went back to the original. Small number of planes built = no sexy wing tips.
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