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Everything posted by seaero

  1. Actually, this company still manufactures the WX500 if you want to pay $15000 for a system - - https://extantaerospace.com/commercial.php They acquired the Stormscope and Skywatch products from L3 a few years ago.
  2. PN 011-02256-00 is a standard, original GTN-650 (non TXi), however you should have no issues getting it certified and updated by Garmin. They have a flat rate repair List Price of $1000 on the GTN-650. Dealers get a discount from List so might be worthwhile to handle it through a dealer.
  3. Here is a link for the authorized Repair Partners for BendixKing: https://www.bendixking.com/en/pages/repair-partners
  4. The KI-300 stand alone instrument is available now. Bendix King part number 89000004-100-00. Consider this version comparable to a standard Garmin G5. We have sold a handful of them and the customers seem to be happy with it. The KI-256 replacement version/system (i.e. KA-310) is not available yet. We were told hopefully end of Q3 2019.
  5. Yes thank you. They are on eBay right now trying to sell both units. We contacted eBay and hopefully they stopped the auction in time.
  6. A Garmin GPS-400W SN 23120537 and G5 SN 4JQ020770 were fraudulently obtained via online credit card fraud by an individual in Montreal Quebec. The person appears to be auctioning them on eBay. Ask for serial numbers before you buy either of these units. They will be reported to Garmin and entered into their database. A police report has been filed as well.
  7. We haven't heard any rumors but it's valid concern with the release and increasing popularity of the GTN 650. I am betting at least 2-3 more years of total support unless displays become a problem.
  8. Hi LANCECASPER, Please find attached a picture of the mounting holes. Thank you.
  9. If the GNS-530 you are referring to is PN 011-00550-00, then it is an original production unit and not supported by Garmin. Here is the bulletin from Garmin from 2010 addressing Discontinued Repair. Mid-Continent Inst makes a new step-up converter called the TC230 which will give you enough to install a 28V box into a 14V aircraft. Garmin Discontinued Repair of GNS 430 GNS 530.pdf
  10. In my experience, Garmin will repair about anything for the flat-rate as long as it is not obvious that the unit was dropped, incident related, mistreated, etc. That includes broken knobs and scratched lenses. When shopping for a used 430W/530W, also check the SN against any of the theft databases. Garmin checks this and will confiscate the unit if it comes up that way for them. There's a lot of questionable units out there. Might be better to just go through a regular avionics vendor or a trusted shop who has already done all this vetting for you. Sometimes it's not best to look for the bottom dollar because you can create other problems for yourself.
  11. You can probably find an outdated KX-155 manual on EBay. However, you might just want to take it to a BK shop who should only charge you 1 hour to adjust it correctly. You might end up making it worse doing it yourself.
  12. Sadly the price issue all comes down to liability. When/if something goes wrong, someone's always to blame. That's the way society thinks. Avionics are expensive because of the TSO process, FAA paperwork, warranty, liabilty, intricacies, and so on. Contrary to what someone mentioned previsouly, avionics manufacturers do not make a killing on the sale of TSOd products. The shops that install them make even less. Most people would be surprised if they realized that the profit margins are sometimes below 20% after all is said and done.
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